Normies are asking me if I have a drivers license and can drive again

>Normies are asking me if I have a drivers license and can drive again



I heard it's much harder to get driver license in the west than it's here. Almost everyone has one.


Almost everyone has one here too

But you don't? It amazes me how people in first world are so lucky with being born there yet fail their lifes so miserably that thirld worlders like me feel superiority over them. It's like being born in billionaires family in the city of homeless people and become become homeless inside your parents' castle.

It amazes me how 3rd worlders come to the conclusion that just because you were born in a successful country, you must also be a successful person.

I know user... it makes me feel bad knowing that even a McDonald's employee in Canada lives better than most of the world. Feels like a shame wasting such a life of potential being healthy in a first world country while children born in Siberia have to perform in child porn or commit crimes to have even a chance at life.

Not really. My buddy has dual American & Polish citizenship and did his license here. You literally show up, register for a test, show up the next day in your car, drive around the DMV building, park front-first, back-first and parallel parking and you passed, please return tomorrow for your square piece of plastic with your picture.

He also paid somewhere around 80 USD for it whereas in Poland the exam itself is around 40 USD but the course will run you anywhere from 250 to 300 USD.

Because you receive like 3-5 times more money as unemployed person for doing nothing than average employed russian.

Bitch you're given every single opportunity to succeed at life yet some of your people fail.
At least us 3rd worlders when we're failures at life we have a fucking excuse, you just don't.

Why don't you have a licence?

No he's right. There's really no excuse to be a loser when you live in such a prosperous country.

It makes me feel bad that I'm not using my opportunities.

Stop spamming, nigga.

there. As in New Jersey I think.

A driver's license in Germany will cost you 1,500 to 2,000 Euro
>be born in Germany
>your parents are divorced and your father unemployed
>while everyone gets 2,000 Euro at 16 to get their license you receive 0
>you're now a failure at life by Russian standards because your parents are poor
Fuck you. I hope you die on a forced krokodile injection a day before you planned to give some money to either your first child or parents

Actually a lot of people get jobs in highschool to pay for that, at least here

So? I can still be unsuccessful, even when being well off by your standards.

You don't necessarily need excuses to be a failure.

>2000 euro
It's like 1 average month salary in Germany

Yeah but hes saying that a conscious choice that you're making to be unsuccessful I think

You could be living in any Schengen country and you choose to live in Poland. You have no excuses.

Ofc you can. Anyone can win a lottery and flush the ticket in a toilet.

Poland is first world.

>It's like 1 average month salary in Germany
That's not true. Minimum wage is about 1,100 Euro after taxes if you work 160 hours a month.
About 2,000 Euro a month after taxes is for university graduates in technical fields.

Rent for a small flat is 400-500 Euro.
Mandatory health insurance is another 90 Euro.
Then you need food.
To get a drivers license you basically have to work full time for 6 months minimum wage to save enough money for a fucking drivers license, and that's just if you don't spend money on anything else.
If you still live with your parents you will need 2 months of working full time without expenditures to save enough money.

That being said, personally I saved enough money but I prefer the security to have enough savings to pay rent for a few months over being broke but having a driver's license.

It takes 65 hours of working at McDonald's to make enough for everything you need to get your drivers license in Canada ($160 for license fees and $580 for MTO certified lessons both in class and in car)

Is this more or less than in your countries?

Much less. Getting a driver's license is one of the biggest scams in Germany and they implemented rules to close all loopholes such as getting a license from another EU country.

Wow why are your salaries so little? In my province minimum wage is $1800 CAD/mth (1200 euro) if assuming 40 hours per week of work

Let's take the most prosperous russian regin-Moscow. Minimal wage 300$, rent for 1 room apartment starts at 450$. It think here we can stop comparison.

1,100 and 1,200 doesn't sound like a difference that justifies a "wow why are your salaries so little?" and that's not accounting for cost of living. I suspect rent and food are more expensive in Canada.

How much is a driver's license?

Lol I skipped over your minimum wage part, only compared to 2000 for graduates which is absolutely nothing here but I didn't consider currency conversions

In Arizona it's $7 to get your permit then $25 gets you three attempts at the license test.

If we include mandatory study in special auto school it costs 1000$

Isn't it cheaper to travel to a third world county to get driver's licence then?
I paid like 30-40 USD for mine, you just pay, show an ID, make a 10 question exam that even dumb chicanos who speak no Spanish can pass, drive in a parking lot with a stop sign, train tracks and a traffic light, then parallel park in max 5 movements and they give you your license right there

15 years ago it was possible, now you need to prove that you have been living in the country you got your license in for at least 6 months prior to getting the license issued

People used to get their license in Poland or the Czech Republic for example if they had the opportunity. Now that has become pointless because you will still not be allowed to drive in Germany because of course no one will register in another country and pay rent for 6 months on top of the license fees themselves just to get the license.
I'm not sure about licenses from non-EU countries but in case of the USA you are allowed to drive but will still have to pay for and take part in a German driving test.

How do people pay for it? Since you said almost everyone has a license.

With help of parents or work for half of a year and save money

I'm going to get my drivers license. That does it

>With help of parents
case closed
you're the privileged one here

It's not like they have any choice. Their parents usually don't make more than 1000$ in a month so it's usually their savings.

Here are some German people begging for free food because they couldn't afford food by themselves. Do you think some of them have children? How much support do you think these German children will receive at getting a driver's license?

They have money for food and rent because your government pays huge benefits for unemployed peoole. They choose such life.

How much support do you think their children will receive at getting a driver's license?