What's Sup Forums think of Tim Heidecker?

What's Sup Forums think of Tim Heidecker?

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seems like a cuck that like black cock in his wife's ass (and his own)

>sam hyde thread

easily threatened by bigger guys

I am a alt right
8 more years bitch :)
stop being a shill you dumb CTR, haha :)
8 more years
check my epic cartoon frog picture (not pictured)
meme magic is real, praise the kek haha
meme magic is cool and real :)
praise the kek because kek wills it, you shill

Funny man.

I don't care about people's political opinions.

Tom goes to the mayor was funny, awesome show had some great bits, decker was funny for a couple Eps
Tbh I feel like he needs to work with Eric a lot more but Eric seems to have moved on to greener pastures

Funny guy

By "working class" he means he doesn't have enough money to retire outright so he still has a job of making unfunny tv shows

redditor is mad mad??

You people art making the site unbrowseable, I don't even post on Sup Forums holy fuck

>Bedtime Stories

Made Sam Hyde look like a cuck by making him shout:


Don't know much else

Why is this place full of whiny leftists now? Some sort of ironic (You) farming? ,

NOT EVERYONE WHOS HERE THAT HAS A SLIGHTLY CONSERVITIVE OUTLOOK IS FROM POL YOU FUCKING PARANOID ASSHOLE. After Trump won you libs have gotten so flustered it's gotten to the point where it's annoying. Stop.

>Eric is making better stuff with Quentin Dupieux now, meanwhile Tim is trying to carry on by himself using the same tired jokes and bits.

He's alright.

Eric's solo stuff is just weird without being particularly funny. Tim is mostly still funny.



Not bad.

Tom Goes to the Mayor was alright, but the rest of his and Eric's shows sucked.

Accept no imitations

Why does Sup Forums keep making this thread?

Actually it's the opposite.

Reddit spammer deleted his post



This isn't funny. It's Eric's particular brand of weirdness that isn't found in Tim solo.

the kids love his memes

>So mad that he has to ban evade

Stop posting this fag already. He was in like 3 shows and they were all bad. Hes literally who.

>mass replying

You're more cancerous than anyone you are responding to

Tim is an expert on stabing people in the back. He's gotnthe scarsvto prove it.

When you link to almost the entire thread, it loses it's meaning. I'm gonna guess your between 12-15 yrs old.