So, when were you waiting to tell me about this film Sup Forums?
So, when were you waiting to tell me about this film Sup Forums?
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what ?
Nice tummies
Nobody cares about you. Nobody online, nobody in real life. You have no friends. You have nobody. You'd be better off dead.
I had the biggest crush on Selena Gomez.
What happened?
Also: smirkfu a cute there.
korine wife might not be ht eprettiest but she has the best bod
We literally talk about this insignificant movie from 3 years ago all the time. What else do you want, to show up at your house and knock on your down and tell you to watch it?
This is the sort of film that will be talked about in decades to come, when people of that time want to understand current american post-teen culture.
Why is it our fault you're new you freakin butthole
Ashley Benson has an unbelievable body and face.
We talk about this every week. People argue if it was kino, call Vanessa Hudgens " Vanessa Pudgens", and talk about Harmony's potato faced wife's tits.
Second from the left is the only hot one.
yes, she does
that benson bitch has ok tits but her ass is sad and she already has cellulite (see the pixels BTS photos)
Nice projection. But, assuming you were right, I'd be in perfect condition to head to a spring break amirite?
Shit m8. Sounds like a well fleshed out Sup Forums topic. Im trying to go on Sup Forums less and less, which may explain my ignorance. One more surely wouldnt hurt, though? #3 is best body btw
tbqh (to be quite honest)
>that soundtrack
not enough pubes, desu
One of the greatest of the 2010s so far. Loved every minute of it.
We've told you many times.
this is the only memorable thing from the movie
this gif
If you weren't on Sup Forums when Spring Breakers came out, you're a newfag and need to leave.
"I rarely write reviews it's been ages since the last one but am writing this to vent out some frustration. To think this film currently has a 6.3 rating and generally favourable reviews elsewhere is really strange. There is booze, sex and drugs but you need something of substance to make even a half decent film, this doesn't even come close.
Acting is poor, girls are largely annoying and there is nothing happening whatsoever, it makes no sense, it just dwells on the over importance of spring break, there is no character development and it's a total waste of time, I was bored. It plods along pointlessly for an hour gets decent for 10 minutes and finishes off with a meaningless ending.
I haven't seen After Earth and yes it may be disappointing but it will never be this bad, it's a shame a film like that would get such bad reviews, I mean at least they have tried something, Spring Breakers doesn't even do that, the plot has more holes than a string vest.
If I was to think about a top 10 worst films list this would most likely be on it, it is definitely one of the worst I have seen in years I would have gave it a 1 but it does have a catchy soundtrack for the younger crowd, some scenes are well shot and James Franco does pretty well for his part which does however start becoming repetitive like everything else due to the poor script. Very overrated not everyone will agree but I'm sure some will, especially if they have seen or watch after this review. "
what did he mean by this?
she got fat
and thicc
>I haven't seen After Earth and yes it may be disappointing but it will never be this bad
Yeah, no.
So 3 attractive ladies and Hammoney Korin's wife?
Jesus is that some pubic hair rising about the bottom of Benson's bikini? Why is that more erotic than low riding bikinis to show off no hair?
One of those women is not like the others.
>always thought that uggo was in this because casting couch and she's the producers niece or something
>it's the directors wife
Why do directors hamfist their ugly wife into everything.
Why is pudgens so sexual?
I'll never understand how people can find Biebers brown cumrag attractive
Dont see what bieber has to do wirh it faggot.
Do you always pictures girls exes?
We talk about this movie almost every week! Where the fuck have you been?
>this is the only memorable thing from the movie
>Implying pic related isn't the greatest scene of all time
That's not the main point.
The main point is that she is UGLY.
Why is there a ruler with those three women?
What thefuck happened to her?
Sure it is nero.
Women are ugly and the dicks theyve had are important.
Just skip the women and do what you want no ones judging.
Benson's face is enough to get me hard.
You have to feel kinda sorry for Korine's wife. It's obvious she exercised her ass off to get into great shape so she could compete with the others and go the extra mile by getting her tits out, but even after all that she's still the least sexy one of the bunch.
selenium head so small looks glued on with photoshop
peak degeneracy desu
cant believe these scumbag hollywood execs influenced my upbringing with this type of nihilism.
We don't tell nobody nuthin'! This little secret is too good to share!
But since you've found out and now that you're here..............
>It's obvious she exercised her ass off to get into great shape so she could compete with the others
That's not true. Infact, Emma Roberts was supposed to play Brit but was fired because she refused to gain weight for Korine.
its trash hamfisted poorly directed satire, look at these whore just shit actresses enjoy
Literal 10/10 masterpiece
this is the worst fucking film ever what is there to talk about?
Eroticism is based more on what is not seen than what is seen.
That's why lingerie is more erotic than plain nudity.
>Do you always pictures girls exes?
You should. It's their semen on their lips.
Y chromosomes have been found in women's brains.
for you
>implying spring breakers isn't an attempt to turn girls gone wild into a film with something more to say about yolo-ism and the degeneracy of youth
>implying it'sn't a failed attempt
People at nudist resorts get bored pretty quick. It's called habituation. Familiarity breeds contempt. It gets boring.
>faith goes home and doesn't end up murdering people
you think spring breakers has nothing to say about the degeneracy of spring break?
not for anything but the most generous definition of 'something'
This was the most average movie I've ever seen. It wasn't good and it wasn't a waste of time. It just sits like a lump in my memory, occasionally getting me annoyed at women.
are there any other movies with this "neon" aestehtic?
Drive and it's sequels
Proving this board is full of psuedo patricians with a low film IQ....this flick is pretty bad
Enter the Void? Refn movies?
I hope The Trap is ends up being better
I just watched this after heavy Spring Breakers posting over the last few days. I've had it downloaded for years.
thanks, will try neon demon
He keeps straying away from his original style. Notice how he's slowly trying to become more mainstream with each film he makes.
A few minutes ago. Then I told ya.
You mean that study that was conducted about chimerisation in flies that has no bearing on humans?
fucking delicious t obe frank
You won't care, you'll just look at your phone the whole time you watch it
quality of this improves exponentially per day spent since last fap
You are literally worthless. You take from society and give nothing back. You're a piss stain.
We've been having threads about it for years.
It's a pleb filter.