My Country is a Joke


>amerifats will defend this

Serious business, BRAH!

>Evolving Pickachu to Raichu
>Not evolving Eevee to Jolteon
He's not only a liar, but also fucking stupid.

So has been every president. You've just been played.

Don't you worry. This turboautist will save you in 2020.

Drew Carey could have been a fun presidente, at least he's not a full time turbo-cunt

wtf i hate drumpf now

he's also the potus

>Not Dwayne "The Motherfucking Rock" Johnson

you're acting like nobody has ever changed their mind about evolving a Pokemon before. You've done it, I've done it, he's done it. Don't tell me you've never had a 'mon on your team and thought "damn that thing is cute as fuck, I'm going to make it hold an Everstone forever", and then reconsidered once you're faced with the Elite Four.

What a big fucking nothingburger. Fucking shills.

>leftists always tell conservatives to stop living in the past
>republicans elect someone who's MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL
>leftists cry

>it is bad that a celebrity became our president
>as revenge we will elect a new celebrity who has never had political aspirations

>fighting fire with even more fire, instead of water

oh boy here we go again
fuck it, Kanye for president!

Just try and stop us


wasn't reagan a celebrity too?

Yes but Reagan did become governor of California at least
He was also pretty charismatic, unlike Trump

Exactly. If the world is going to shit, we might as well get a couple of laughs while were at it. Which one is going to give us more laughs. Egoistical rapper who thinks they're the greatest shit on earth, or an wrestler turned actor who thinks they're greatest shit on earth

And yet we're the best the world has to offer and it's best shot at not being complete shit.

yea and gerald ford was an underwear model

swartinegger is more comparable to reagan, trump has never held or attempted to hold office before becoming POTUS

altho if we are comparing him to president he would be most like JFK, someone using a new media to usurp the old leaders in an unthinkable election

not to mention the megahuge inheritance they both have

>attempted to hold office before becoming POTUS
he did in 2000, no? as an independent?

i thought he was popular

>>attempted to hold office before becoming POTUS
>he did in 2000, no? as an independent?
.thought about it, never got on the ballot tho
>i thought he was popular
with the 20 and under crowd, most people who were born before WWII hated him, not to mention most everyone in the militart

I know a few people whos first reaction when they heard he was killed was "They finally killed that bastard?"
but this is anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt

but those who listened to the jfk vs nixon debate on radio thought he would be a better president, most who watched the debate on tv thought jfk should be president

and now its like that all over again with this newfangled media innovation called the internet