I typically watch sports, action movies, and other typical guy shit. Why did I think this movie was so good?

I typically watch sports, action movies, and other typical guy shit. Why did I think this movie was so good?

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because you have good taste

Though I couldn't stand the film "Match Point", which Allen himself said it was one of the best scripts he wrote. It feels so....artificial and doesn't feel like Allen had his hand in it.

because even guys can appreciate well written romance drama. RomComs are cancer due to how shitty the writing is, Allen is very good with characters and writing about relationships and that's why VCB works.

Rebecca Hall is so great even as a stuck up bitch she's so totally appealing

I never saw match point, but what specifically made VCB good taste?

You mention the characters and I think you're on to something. Like the story itself isnt anything special - two girls go abroad for a season, whoopdee freaking doo. It was more about the relationship / love square between the 4 main characters. The 3 chicks are all hot which helps btw.

I also really liked the scenes / backgrounds in this movie, like where it was shot. Seemed like it was all the best places in Barcelona, made me actually want to look into visiting.

Bumping for more opinions

Perhaps you are a closet homosexual you might just not know yet

Latent homosexuality

top tier waifus

I'm not gay, but I wanted to gently kiss Jarvier Bardem on the cheeks during the duration of the film.


saw that coming, predictable

go back to ufc so u feel manly homophobes

I'd rather bone the brunette

Woody Allen writes great dialogue, more interesting female characters than most other writers, most of his recent films are pretty to look at and take place in cool locales, and everyone in VCB is sexy.

Also, Match Point is excellent.

>woody allen
>anything of value

they all fuckin suck major ass, what the hell.

Rebecca Hall is such a fucking qt patootie

>Vicky Christina Barcelona
>bawwww im rich and things arent going absolutely perfect for me, the movie

It was great because part of all of us wants to do without the typical monogamous relationship. The movie presented a realistic way for this to happen, at least if you are a cutey girl.

Probably because you have poor taste and unironically enjoy Woody Allen's 2010's drivel. This and Midnight in Paris are horrible films. Better to watch Whit Stillman's Barcelona.

nah this is the only one Ive seen. How come the first 2 posts said I have good taste and you say the opposite

you're a repressed man, you do all the 'typical guy shit' just to fit in but u 4get to be yourself


Because Javier is a good actor and the music in this music is top tier

It's a crime they cut her hair short in The Gift

no thanks

This. Doubly so about Match Point-- that movie is great.