The sápmi

Inform me about the sami people and their culture Sup Forums

please no meme responses

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They are indigenous Europeans that traditionally had nomadic lives, taking care of reindeer and some still take care of reindeer. They were and are mostly caucasoid, but do have some asian blood in them, like we Finns do. They speak a language related to Finnish, but it's mostly unintelligible to us.

>They are indigenous Europeans that traditionally had nomadic lives, taking care of reindeer and some still take care of reindeer. They were and are mostly caucasoid, but do have some asian blood in them, like we Finns do. They speak a language related to Finnish, but it's mostly unintelligible to us.

> Asian blood
Explain this

Finnish and Sami people originate from north western asia. There was some mixing with asians prior we arrived in Europe and Finnic languages are related to languages that are spoken by some Asiatic peoples in Russia.

wish we finished the job and exterminated them already

Don't worry, your muslim pets will take care of your Sami minority, after they are done with you.

Is there actually any rift between the different Scandinavian peoples?

only language

Not really, it's just idiots being edgy. Although Sweden actually does have policies, such as that in some cities Finns working for a public institutions are not allowed to converse in Finnish among themselves, even if there are no one else taking part in the conversation.

sami aren't scandi btw
they're barely human

sampi the swedish user is nice whenever i talk to him

Also, I just read a recent news article, that in some Swedish school the teacher forbids Finnish kids from using Finnish.

Look who's talking. Go back to Africa.

>such as that in some cities Finns working for a public institutions are not allowed to converse in Finnish among themselves, even if there are no one else taking part in the conversation.
Is that just some weird leftover law from an older time?

idk. they should have workplace discrimination and tolerance laws but i guess they dont apply to finnish since we're subhuman to them

Nah, it's recent.

I don't get this, aren't you also indigenous Europeans

not really. we arrived to the north from the urals around the same time as indo europeans and enriched the paleoeuropeans and replaced their culture.

We are white so we have white privilege, despite having in the past been under Swedish oppression for 600 years.

sverigefinnar have minority status in sweden desu
so you have it p good
this is a meme