The real struggle of our times is not nationalism vs globalism, it is traditionalism vs modernism...

The real struggle of our times is not nationalism vs globalism, it is traditionalism vs modernism. Which side are you on, Sup Forums?

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Neither. I'm just here to watch the show.


So modernity, then.

What are the merits of either and can you really stop the march towards modernity? Seems like the genie is out of the bottle.

Front row seat to the freakshow as carlin put it.

Fags, niggers, and aids on one side. Religious bullshit, closet fag pedo rapist nazi wannabes on the other.

Ill be getting stoned, listening to joe rogan, bill burr, and tom segura podcasts, playan vidya, jerking off to midget porn, and not giving a fuck right up through the happenen.

Seems like modernism is the bigger team, if so many different ideologies fit into it. I guess it'll probably win, then.

Republicans who harken back to a 50's that never existed are basically the same as faggots who harken back to 50 AD and had no idea what it entailed.


"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"

Sure traditionalism is great, but you have to do this fight by degrees.

Choice doesn't exist in any meaningful sense.

>durrrr you're either with me or against me!

Go to the doctors and get tested for your rampant autism, neckbeard. Look at you, badmouthing people like James Joyce, as if you were somehow above them...a lowly, fat fedora, spouting off about the benefits of traditionalism, when Hitler would have thrown your unfit, flabby ass into an incinerator had you lived in "der güd old days". Choke on it.

>Sup Forums is now whining about the modernists

Literally Ignatius J. Reilly tier


Pick one

Tradition has been just as degenerate. Look at the Greeks before the Christian God decided to set them straight. Look at the Romans.

Both completely degenerate and saved by Jesus Christ.

Modernism. You'd be a fool to be anything else

Oh, I know that guy, he's from my state.

I've appropriated the meme to go from atheist nu males to edgy Varg Virkenes autists

I'm on the side of humanity, user.

Aren't you? If not, why not?

The way I see it it's

Islam, Orthodoxy, traditional Catholicism, Hindus, Buddhists, esoterics, pagans, fascists, Nazis, VS atheists, liberal protestants, marxists, and liberal capitalists

Nationalism is the vehicle by which traditionalism is enforced, and globalism is the vehicle by which modernism is enforced. They are closely related.

Wasn't bisexualism considered a norm in ancient rome? Pretty strange protectors of "traditionalism" you got yourself.

>Varg Virkenes

"We think that if a Western tradition could be rebuilt it would be bound to take on a religious form in the strictest sense of this word, and that this form could only be Christian; for on the one hand the other possible forms have been too long foreign to the Western mentality, and on the other it is only in Christianity—and we can say still more definitely in Catholicism—that such remnants of a traditional spirit as still exist in the West are to be found. Every ‘traditionalist’ venture that ignores this fact is without foundation and therefore inevitably doomed to failure; it is self-evident that one can build only upon something that has a real existence, and that where there is lack of continuity, any reconstruction must be artificial and cannot endure." ~ Rene Guenon, The Crisis of the Modern World

>Nationalism is the vehicle by which traditionalism is enforced

"I can’t defend the concept of the nation, because the idea of the “nation” is a bourgeois concept concocted as a part of modernity in order to destroy traditional societies (empires) and religions, and to replace them with artificial pseudo-communities based on the notion of individualism. All of that is wrong. The concept of the nation is now being destroyed by the same forces that created it, back during the first stage of modernity. The nations have already fulfilled their mission of destroying any organic and spiritual identity, and now the capitalists are liquidating the instrument they used to achieve this in favor of direct globalization. We need to attack capitalism as the absolute enemy which was responsible for the creation of the nation as a simulacrum of traditional society, and which was also responsible for its destruction. The reasons behind the present catastrophe lie deep in the ideological and philosophical basis of the modern world. In the beginning, modernity was White and national; in the end, it has become global. So White nationalists need to choose which camp they want to be in: that of Tradition, which includes their own Indo-European tradition, or that of modernity. Atlanticism, liberalism, and individualism are all forms of absolute evil for the Indo-European identity, since they are incompatible with it."

a relatively accurate statement, in a sea of poop.

>this is how some people see things

The REAL struggle is Aryan vs. Anglo

Thanks for showing me that traditionalism is a load of shit.

Nationalism or die.

I'm with the jew

Can you post that Aryan guy again?

Communist guy's issue is that nations were divided up without paying heed to cultural differences or homology, similar to what happened in post-colonial Africa. In the cases now, where nations in Europe better reflect cultural differences that arose over the institution of poorly created nations, the ones refereced by the quote, it makes more sense that nationalism upholds the traditions of those varied states.

tl;dr over time shitty nation partitioning becomes good nation partitioning and new nation-based traditions evolve from that shitty partitioning that are best served by continued nationalism

So you think the French Revolution was a good thing?

>not a western tradition

Fuck off and die cunt OP

>it makes more sense that nationalism upholds the traditions of those varied states.

But his entire point was that nationalism is now being liquidated and destroyed by the same forces that created it(capitalism, ie EU, NAFTA, TPP, etc).

You're on the fag and nigger side, niggerfaggot

It is a modern western tradition though.

Jews are afraid of traditional values because they cant enrich us with their ideals.

That doesn't change the fact that nationalism in this state of the world is what best upholds traditionalism, which has been redefined in the context of nations. Also we should separate out economic globalism and cultural globalism, i.e. the death of culture and tradition. Economic globalism may lead to cultural globalism by the way, but they are two separate entities.

If you're suggesting that capitalism isn't a magical force that always makes everything better, then I agree with you. Capitalism has its motives which obviously do not always serve every situation it is applied to. Capitalism should have its defined boundaries. This is why nationalists are not extreme right on the economic scale.

I don't agree, I think it's bigger government vs smaller government.

This is true, Jews are pretty much the driving force behind modernity in western cultures. Not so much in the East because they fear the samurai.

The empire is the traditional ideal, but nationalism is definitely the next best thing.