New Nolan-Kino Trailer
boring trailer im sure the movie will be good though..
>It was all for nothing as now both Berlin and London are absolutely overrun with non Europeans.
Do you think he'll go full revisionist to silence the sad truth of Dunkirk (Brits sitting on the beach like faggets while frogs covered their ass) ot will he mention them briefly?
Reminder of how it really happened:
A glorious moment of British history
What do you mean, sad truth? It was a retreat, what else would the brits do but avoid combat?
Sad, but that is the reality.
>yfw youre the one who dealt it
>what else would the brits do but avoid combat?
Help the French to delay the German and make the evacuation possible, maybe?
Brits were the ones who benefited the most from the evacuation, yet it's the French that did all the fighting to render it possible
This DESU the white guys should be the bad guys
it's just frustrating u kno
At least our grandchildren will get to watch movies about the European race war.
>There is no hiding from this Sun
What did he mean by this?
not enough diversity, where are all the niggers? i need at least one scene of a negro impregnating a white european girl and in one instant destroying her genetic evolutionary legacy or else i lose interest
>its all for nothing because europoors ruined their country 80 years late
Because France was lost, the French were fighting to let the British escape and hopefully fight another day. The French did the selfless thing and continued to fight rather than surrender earlier
>europoors ruined their country 80 years late
WW2 ensured Jewish rule of Europe, Jews opened the floodgates almost immediately after the war came to a close.
>da jews
no, its was europeans. It was literally all hitlers fault and you faggots still worship him, despite the fact that he was never even close to a white nationalist
imagine if murrifats didnt start playing world police back then. shit certainly wouldnt be as degenerate as it is nowadays
fukin' numales
More like Dumb-kirk amirite?
No but seriously, I really hope that there's no one here who's excited for this beyond its meme-value
why not, you underage memester?
>waaa its all americas fault waaa!
yeah it was hitler who began mass third world immigration into europe wasn't it? totally something he would do.
>unironically using the term "numale"
Sup, Reddit?
Fuck off pleb. is
>yeah it was hitler who began mass third world immigration into europe wasn't it?
It was your European politicians. Go prove their Jewishness.
>totally something he would do.
you mean like when he imported a bunch of indians to fight at Normandy?
funny how you stromfags always hide your claims behind vagueness and memes since you know they are all bullshit.
>projecting this hard
Because it looks terrible, is directed by the most pretentious autist in the business who refuses to do reshoots and hires a teenager to do his choreography and wouldn't know good dialogue if it was shoved down his throat like wife's cock (c'mon nolan, who are you fooling? your """wife""" is about as feminine as a shot of whiskey)
Do you think Nolan (or Gilliam) know how big the TDKR memes are (CIA)?
I mean, it's out of control. Do you think they know the scope of it all?
>america started WW2
europoor """education""""
>You must like either Nolan or capeshit
The stupidity of Nolan fans knows no bounds
Go on, let's here your argument as to why TDK trilogy wasn't capeshit
Or fuck it, just defend pic related
The SS foreign legions were quite small and temporary recruits. They had no ultimate right to stay in the Reich.
Ironically, the largest and best-fighting SS legion was the French.
this picture only proves that Hitler was non-racist and extremely based
that's easy.
where did I state they started it?
If we (British) have just stayed out of that pointless fucking war European civilisation would not have fallen in to the hands of Marxist intellectuals and nationalism would have destroyed communism.
We wouldn't have been ruled for decades by people who were trying their very best to make society "more equal" whilst attempting to destroy the concept of national identities by importing half the 3rd world and telling us how great the diversity was.
I don't know what happened in the alternate reality where we didn't fight WW2, but I know that it can't be much worse than the complete demographic annihilation we are currently facing.
From the British perspective at least, WW2 was completely optional and it did nothing but destroy everything we'd spent the past few centuries building.
looks pretty kino
i hope they show more french though
>the people who saved the European continent, ended the second great European chimp out, and handed the reigns back over to the Europeans, allowing them to make independent, state-by-state decisions on their immigration policy, are the ones to blame for the immigration policies that Europeans willfully chose by their own volition
No, you fucking mongoloid, that's not how it works. Europe is responsible European incompetence. Either acknowledge your failure and correct yourselves or continue to fail. There's only two options
Are there actually any Nolan fans here, or are they all just meme'ing? I mean, no one actually likes him, right?
I like him. Come at me
One word: Churchill.
And they have the nerve to put that cunt on the new fiver.
Uninteresting trailer. Don't the colours seem too saturated to you?
Memento will remain his only good film.
>that's easy
Riveting argument, poltard
Looks boring desu.
>america doesnt intervene in WWII
>germany beats france & uk easily
>germany can concentrate their forces on the eastern front
>eventually wins war or comes to an agreement with russia
>europe is never formed
all because your precious ameritards couldnt hold their shit
>this picture only proves that Hitler was non-racist and extremely based
then why do you not like other europeans for doing the same thing?
Cant wait to see another masterpiece for Christopher "one take" Nolan
Yeah "demographic annihilation" is a lot worse than the genocide, political executions, and burning their way through Eastern Europe. If only we just let the Germans be and wait for our turn to be invaded
youre right, we should have just let the germans cuck europe.
because based Uncle Adolf would have sent them back home after it was all done with a smile and good will instead of setting them on Europe's young to rape and murder with impunity as the Marxists have and are still doing to us
You're cinematically illiterate
u mean like its happening now?
>to rape and murder with impunity as the Marxists have and are still doing to us
>he thinks Germany wanted to invade and take over the world
newsflash: that's what the Allies did after WW2. Germany just invaded countries where there were already Germans living there.
who on Earth has ever or would ever claim the Third Reich was good because it engaged in looting or mass rape? what utter farcical nonsense is this
top argument bro
stormfags. they either justify it or go full dindu mode
hardly a same thing, hitler didn't spend taxpayer money to keep the indians on welfare or evict native germans to house them
he literally just imported a couple indians to do something while europe's politicians are importing millions to do nothing
>Martin Luther
Letting the common man read the Bible was a mistake. Just look at the state of Christianity in America today.
>newsflash: that's what the Allies did after WW2
I wish. America could take whatever we wanted from just about any country, but we do the exact opposite. Obama has re-distributed America's wealth to third-world shit-skin nations to the tune of trillions of dollars.
Both were degenerate forces, USA/AUs are the only true cunts in the world.
I like laughing at his films
That's sort of the same thing?
why don't you argue with the person you're talking to instead of some ridiculous strawman, you coward
>Germany just invaded countries where there were already Germans living there.
why do stormfags lie so much?
Hitler had no designs on Britain and genuinely respected the nation.
Even after the deceleration of war by Britain and France Hitler was pushing for peace.
Even after the Battle of Britain started Hitler was pushing for peace and explicitly ordered the was to be no civilian bombing.
Germany did not want war with Britain. We had no reason to fight them.
Also sorry, I don't think the holocaust is a good enough reason to destroy nationalism and start us on the path to tolerance, diversity and multiculturalism.
>hurr no one claims that!
>this group claims that
Im so sorry no one is buying into your shilling of meme history.
You realise Germany and the Soviet Union both invaded Poland at the same time and split it up amongst themselves, right?
Well, yeah. That map actually shows how Germans were deprived of territory after both World Wars.
I claim it all the time, but then again I'm a Ukrainian and I'm willing to throw my own nation under the bus if it means killing Russians.
>Hitler had no designs on Britain and genuinely respected the nation.
operation sea lion
>Even after the deceleration of war by Britain and France Hitler was pushing for peace.
No he wasnt, he was telling them to surrender
>Even after the Battle of Britain started Hitler was pushing for peace
no he didnt. You are making shit up because youre a dumb 22 year old who knows nothing about WW2, but you watched The Greatest Story Never Told
>last known broadcast of RAF pilot before crashing into the English Channel
>operation sea lion
You mean they plan they considered and never used that was only designed AFTER Britain unilaterally declared fucking war on Germany for no reason?
you realize this does literally nothing to do away with the fact that you were wrong about them only invading places with germans?
>That map actually shows how Germans were deprived of territory after both World Wars.
The German Empire took that area from Poland.
>invade a country with any extreme minority of Germans
>call it a German country now
>exterminate or suppress the original majority ethnic populations to protect the German people from "demographic annihilation"
Germans sounds pretty similar to muslims desu
>the holocaust is no reason to....set us on a path to tolerance
deep inside ya'll now Germany is the only nation capable of making the world great again
Why though? Russians were used as meat shields by Bolshevik kikes just as much as Ukrainians.
Hitler attempted peace negotiations multiple times and Britain callously rejected them every single time.
>steal German land after WW1
>you're not allowed to fight back or we'll firebomb your cities and rape your women
yeah, what a fair deal
>You mean they plan they considered and never used
you said they never had any plans for it. You were wrong, deal with it.
>no reason
Germany invaded their ally Poland. After Germany took the rest of Czechoslovakia and the memel territory. Stop being retarded
>being triggered over a throwaway comment
remind me how you faggots are different from tumblrinas again?
No, the German Empire inherited that land was Prussia, which took it from Poland.
Dr Kirk, Im RAF
>Hitler attempted peace negotiations multiple times
No he didnt. And his word was meaningless anyway since he had lied all the way up until then after the Munich Agreement when he agreed that was the last territory he would take, then took the rest of czechoslavakia and the memel territory
He also invaded Poland, which he had a non aggression pact with, then invaded Russia who he also had a non aggression pact with.
Where's Bane? Where's CIA?
I don't see any characters from the last movie?
Hitler had no designs on Britain until they FUCKING DECLARED WAR ON HIM AND HIS PEOPLE.
>Germany invaded their ally Poland
At the time Britain had annexed the largest amount of territory in the history of empires. They invaded and colonized the new world and enormous swathes of Africa and the Far East. And you're telling me that one European country expanding its sphere of influence is worth starting a world war over? Why can't you see what utterly disgusting and horrible hypocrites you monsters are?
Germany is the most cucked nation on the planet.
>>steal German land after WW1
The Sudetenland was never part of the German Empire. Neither was any part of Russia for that matter. Also, who gives a shit? The empire was over, so crying about "waaaa we used to have that!" is moot, especially when they took all that shit from Poland to begin with.
They did. If you want me to actually explain why the USA caused WW2. I will, but I doubt you care.
Still mad about Crimea most likely
>invade and commit wartime atrocities across Europe
>you're not allowed to criticize them because they're still mad at legal repercussions from their last war 2 decades earlier
I really cannot tell if you're being serious.
Who cares about Slavs though? And commies at that.
>operation sea lion
You are dense.
Please look at when that plan was conceived
>No he wasn't, he was telling them to surrender
Negotiated peace with a nation that declared war on Germany.
>no he didnt. You are making shit up because youre a dumb 22 year old who knows nothing about WW2, but you watched The Greatest Story Never Told
And Holodomor
>it's okay when we invade and colonize enormous sections of the planet but if you do it even once that's evil and wrong and we will firebomb your civilians to prove how moral we are
Kaiser William The Second thought Britain wouldn't honour their Defence of Neutrality with Belgium. They lost.
Hitler thought Britain wouldn't honour their Defence of Neutrality with Poland. They lost.
Russia thought Britain and USA wouldn't honour their Defence of Sovereignty with Ukraine. They won :^)
>Real life Nazis on Sup Forums