Do you think this show deserved to be cancelled?
Do you think this show deserved to be cancelled?
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yes it was shit
stop pretending these guys are the next Andy Kaufman, they're all retards and deserve no health insurance
Didn't watch it
>names the jew
>surprised when his shit gets canned
He isn't Mel.
Nah, I liked it
No, it was funny
It didn't deserve to be cancelled because of some butthurt literally who comedian.
But it was only occasionally funny so probably deserved to be cancelled because it wasn't that good.
It had some funny bits but was mostly filler
The show didn't deserve it, but Sam's fans made it inevitable.
No. I liked most of it. It was super fucking edgy in some parts, but all in good sport it seems.
there's tons of shit on adult swim that is just as bad desu
The good bits were way too far and few, they relied on just random awkwardness too much, but there are tons of unfunny shows still on. Look at Eric Andre or Tim Heidecker for example.
Let's hope they're the next ones to go.
I actually watched the second episode (coins in nose one) when it aired because of the shills here.
I thought it was hilarious in the "how is this allowed" sense, but had 0 desire to watch it beyond that. Actual fans of Sam Hyde are cancer.
So he looks like/reminds me of a guy a hate so this is all deeply satisfying.
It had good ratings as a new show so it probably didn't deserve to be canceled.
It wasn't just cancelled. Hyde was blacklisted from adult swim.
The show was fine, it got way better ratings than Eric Andre's show.
The only reason it happened was because SJWs started writing negative articles about it.
There could be an argument made for its cancellation IF the ratings were bad, but they were stellar. Better than eric andres first season.
But the fact that it was cancelled because viewtiful joe Boinstein and tim ""the Cu-k"" hidecker didnt like it is what has people peeved
Jesus fucking christ I like MDE but you guys make me fucking sick.
>Do you think this show deserved to be cancelled?
No, but why the fuck does that matters? It did, and life goes on.
Fucking MDE doesn't deserve fans like this.
Not because it was bad, Adult Swim is the home of 2deep4u, lolsorandom and hipster ideological shows, but because Sam refused to play the corporate game, expecting something else
>b-but if Im just cool with the real big people, I should be fine.
No, you suck it up to anyone who has potential to make this happen, or you risk this
Sam was a dickhead, he ruined it for everyone else. They should have just kicked that fat retard out and replaced him with Afroman from Moms and have Nick and Charls take the lead.
Sam keeps starting threads about himself to try remain relevant again. Back to Sup Forums buddy.
So you think he was wrong for trolling that faggot from buzfeed? Even if MDE has to do low budget youtube videos from now on it was worth it imo. At least at the end of the day Sam can say he lived and acted as a true artist (not even meming)
You okay m8?
Probably not. I get that it was vaguely political, but the ratings were pretty decent.
I did not find it funny, but then again, I dont find most Adult Swim humour funny.
Not gonna lie I really wanted to hate it because you fags shilled it and rode sam's dick so hard but it was actually funny, t b h lads.
But still fuck all you Sup Forumsedditors tho
Most tv shows suck, so it didn't get cancelled for sucking.
Yes. Sam fucked up when he said "David Duke".
Eh obviously you can call anything art, however...
It seemed more like just a medium for him to test to see how many of his own beliefs he could fit into jokes, and likely would have continued to push it over the line until he got smacked down for it.
He's basically a 6'4 child with teen angst.
I really think it has potential. The stuff that was there was decent for the most part, bar some notable exceptions that were actually pretty great, but for any fan out there, you could tell that a lot of the content on the show wasnt actually shot for the show itself-- I think towards the end, they started digging up old material that had cropped up in those "coming soon" type videos.
That, and the original show they pitched to [as] wasnt actually the World Peace we got-- it was something different entirely.
So I think the stuff we got, while good, was kinda your more typical MDE-type videos, but extended/increased production for TV.
I'd really like to see them do something more fully fledged/thought out.
Yes. Alt-right nazi shit doesn't belong on TV, only Alex Jones.
>most people on Sup Forums are too stupid to appreciate the humor of MDE
What a surprise.
Does [as] even have any good shows now?
Eric andre show is pretty good although I hated S4.
Its was unfunny shit for edgy teens, i wouldn't give a shit about this whole thing if it weren't for the fact that Hyde is complete lolcow cuck with the potential to become our new Chris-Chan.
The part were he was crying about his health insurance and Sup Forums and reddit pretty much sealed it for me.
every thread, without fail, some funny guy posts this pic and links every post ITT. fulfilling existence
"le we will hide swastikas and racism in the show cuz we are so epic!!! fuck leftie cucks XD" the show?
sure, who cares.
I watched the entire 2nd vid a while ago, not really sure what it was about