Your spy GF's new assignment is to seduce a man in order to retrieve intelligence

your spy GF's new assignment is to seduce a man in order to retrieve intelligence.
how do you cope?

i'd remember that i don't have a gf

Use the intersect to instantly learn how to talk to women.

I wish she made VR videos acting like my gf

imagine if she had to seduce you and you got to put yoru willy in her sexy hot pusy mmmm

Only let her do it if it's a bull.

Literally why I stopped watching The Americans.

I wouldn't cope I would leave her, infidelity doesn't become acceptable just because it's part of her job. Same reason I would never date a hooker or porn star

Ah I see we have another intellectual on this board! Cucking is truly the noblest of fetishes.

This is the only acceptable answer


would you?

>sir, we're going to have to disguise you as a cuck
>the target bull will be arriving shortly
>use the intersect to learn about cucking

what would you do in this situation?

Use the intersect to learn everything about you and then murder you

but I already used the intersect to learn everything about not getting murdered

Since I'm dating a spy in this fantasy, I'd be accustomed to her lying and doing sketchy shit like this.

Hopefully the sex is good, otherwise the relationship is doomed to fail.

murder suicide

Other guys cumming inside her doesn't doom it to fail?

bitch like a beta-pussy, and then go talk to Jayne

This episode was pretty weird

>implying Sarah isn't faithful and pure and would actually cheat on you

I know she would remain true to me. Sarah never gave Chuck any reason to doubt.

Reminder that in Austin Powers austin slept with a woman to get mission info and the spy partner woman got butthurt

Was Chuck a cuck?

she was only a sexbot anyways, that was just programing

The cuckiest of cucks

Who cares who she pretend flirts/manipulates when you get this at home?

We'll bang, ok?

He was cucked by a manlet Bryce Larkin so he is the lord cuck

Bryce was literally 10/10, and he's 6'0 or so.

fuck, Yvonne. why are you not my wife

well I'm fucking here, that's why

same thing happened with James Bond in Licence to Kill, he sleeps with a drug lord's girlfriend and his main squeeze gets fucking pissed

Shaw did nothing wrong.


Hes gay in real life which is yummy. Perfect husbando desu


member when TV didn't hate straight men?

Pepperidge Farm members.

>the closest thing is asmr gf roleplay
seems like a missed market in general

Me on the left

me on the right (note: not the the middle)

I single-handedly blame this show for my mid-teen depression.

why tho

It gave me some very unrealistic expectations regarding relationships.
Also made me believe in "the one" and similar mumbo jumbo.

i'd blame your severe retardation rather than the show


If you haven't already, look up ASMR Girlfriend Roleplay on youtube. Plenty of vids like that

Now post the one with the wings

tfw 90s TV and movies made me assume girls wouldn't find me disgusting

>tfw u played Mass Effect 2 and watched Chuck

The most dangerous Yvonne Strahovski brainwash. It almost felt as if she was your gf.

I always go for Miranda, doing it right now actually, never even knew they were the same person, makes sense now

>yfw she got railed by some fat sandnigger shiek to learn how to do that

>romance her in ME2
>assume it'll be followed up in the sequel
>get ME3 instead
Five years, and I'm still mad

finally played me3 in the last week, so much bad press when it came out I didn't want to ruin my perfect me2, fucking assholes they killed off all my bros, the ending was shit, fuck wtf happened with the writing team?

EA replaced almost everyone.

>playing vidya ever
you have no one to blame but yourself

it was awful, at least I got Garrus back, it was like someone was saying fuck you every time you met one of your me2 team

Tali, Garrus and Liara are the only ones from the original crew and sticks around until the end.

yea, Moradin,Thane, Grunt, Wrex, fucking Miranda, Kasumi Jack etc. its like they hated the me2 team

I will never forgive them for not letting me have Wrex and Grunt in my party at the same time so we could shotgun wipe everything


I was ~15, so severe retardation was pretty much mandatory.

Why do footfags/we get all these gremlins for PR? I want the whole fucking MCU cast to start sucking toes next time they have a big battle, we're gonna make this shit mainstream!

I preferred moonface Ellie fwiw...

Was Ellie a sex freak?

fuck me Dalton is handsome

just confirmed myself for /fag/

What's with all the Chuck threads
You eurofags just see it or something?

The obvious answer is to seduce him first myself.

This is my idea of heaven

>go to work
>wife fucks your dog
