Can actresses really get away with pictures as revealing as this one? One of her soles is on display, for fucks sake.
Can actresses really get away with pictures as revealing as this one? One of her soles is on display, for fucks sake
who dat?
That's a prostitute, user.
>i'm still me
>i'd never do naked
>i'm wearing underwear
what did she fucking mean by this? is she out of her mind?
Naw, Amy Schumer is much better looking than this stick figure in op.
>beauty is a social construction
sage and hide
>this is how she looked when I waifu'd her
how could have I foreseen that she'd go full whore, senpai? ;__; you told me but I didn't believe it. how did you know?
why is it so much hotter when women are in plain fucking clothes
Why did they edit her vulva out?
jlaw has gotten away with much more
>a camgirl has more class than a world famous """"model"""' *cough*prostitute*cough*
because they're cute and innocent like my Babsfu used to be. Now she's just a cute-faced whore who I know would get BLACKED if they just paid her enough ;_;
>seeing this girl railed in all 3 holes simultaneously by three big black bulls is just a matter of time
flat asses in favorable angles are my fetish
She is hungarian
They are only famous about porn
What do you guys expect?
WTF i love hungarians now
>getting fucked by the tax dick
as bad as BLACKED tbqh.
Citation needed you faggots cunts
brr BRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP pff pff *squirt* brruup
what are you implying?
she's a disgusting whore who has openly spoken about how much of a disappointment her life is
It's on the front of her passport
Who the fuck poses like this? I've seen classier porn shoots.
>>getting fucked by the tax dick
explain this to me please
>dumpy misshaped butt
ahahahaha wtf ahahaha look at it haha
Nice "meme" you got there user. It might actually topple baneposting
My ex-waifu...
So far the list goes
went full dyke + BLACKED
>Lauren Mayberry
went full dyke
>Jennifer Lawrence
went full whore
>Cara Delameme
was always full retard and a mistake
>Barbara Palvin
went full whore+BLACKED
Who the fuck is there left to make my qt waifu forever? ;_; Is the iZombie girl still relatively pure? What about Sarah Gadon? What is the chance that she'll get BLACKED or whore herself out in a shitty calendar within a year? ;_;
I kno i mean like wtf right?? XDXD
I would remember her saying that.
She just said this was a shittty year.
>Is the iZombie girl still relatively pure?
Not only do you not know her name but you are too late she is my waifu go get your own soon-to-be blacked one fag lord
post some quality barbie palvin sole shots
I already have a small folder. But I need to study her behavior for a bit, I don't want to waifu her before I'm sure she won't be voluntarily BLACKED like my ex-waifus.
I feel no pity for you. You had a choice between sersha and shit. You did this to yourself
I wish I was that doge
I'd never get a potatofu.
>has a small folder of default filenamed pics
Get the fuck out of here
I've been off porn for 3 weeks, these threads are killing me. You get real depressed when you quit porn, folks.
iQT is not my waifu yet. I will rename files later if necessary. I was in love with Babs but now it all suddenly and abruptly ended. I am dazed and confused.
Yeah I tried to quit porn some weeks back. I failed after a week but i don't look much. but miss alice pics do not help
Too bad for them
People learn from thier mistakes, its what makes us human.
Contempt. That is all you are worth
how the fuck do I quit lads
I went like a month before of nofap but not much really changed so I thought fuck it and just started again
>it's a girllet insecure about her height
Seriously, how is it that sersha has remained so pure in such a degenerate environment surrounded by parasitic jews
>how the fuck do I quit lads
Move somewhere there is no internet. Otherwise it's impossible.
nofap is a meme, just quit porn.
You will not rename them because I am forbidding you from waifuing Rose. I bet you didn't know she lived with a couple of coy jews before hitting it big with iZombie, you're just a follower and don't deserve to even look at her.
Eh avoid certain baords and other things. What gets me is just needing to fap and having th einternet. Or seeing some random hot webm or GIF
Feels bad man
Wait no Lauren Mayberry is fucking Justin Long you must be confusing her for Delevigne.
She has faith in herself
>dead eyes
>being mentally unstable
kek no matter how much money she earns camwhoring, she will never be happy
>because I am forbidding you
mate, that's not how hearts work. She's so qt, I can totally see myself waifuing her and you have no power here.
oh wow. thank god I got rid of her.
she's paying off a 70k debt to the kiwi IRS.
no one told her about taxes when she was barely 18 and making 30k a month.
you can literally see the underwear in this picture though
>rice burner
>justin long
Lmao he's a straight up white guy