Why is this shit allowed?
Why is this shit allowed?
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Fucking SJWs forcing diversity all the time.
Fucking alt-righters forcing conservatism all the time
No it's different.
No it's the same.
No it obviously isn't you stupid cuck.
>It's different because i support it
It's different because it's a reaction to progressive insanity. Liberals, delusional as ever and still unable to grasp the concept of cause and effect, only look for pathetic middle ground when they started this culture war in the first place. That is the difference.
the difference being that the alt right is basically just Sup Forums and a few other online communities that are painted by everyone as worse than Nazis and the KKK combined, while SJW types are actually in power and forcing changes on all of society
if the alt right had any power they would be awful too, but they don't, they just harass people on twitter and shitpost on Sup Forums
an example of a balanced show
not too insulting of conservatives and both sides have great bants
both Sup Forums and /lgbt/ would like it (i know Sup Forums does)
Because even racist bigots like to brag they got kissed on the cheek by Sammy Davis Jewnyer!
>this is what conservacucks actually believe
There is no "progressive insanity" outside of tumblr blogs
You're trying to start a war with an enemy that doesn't exist
for anyone who hasnt seen the episode:
it's legit great and holds up beautifully
>Sammy Davis, Jr., who was both black and Jewish, genuinely liked the character. He felt that Bunker's bigotry was based on his rough, working-class life experiences and that Bunker was honest and forthright in his opinions, showing an openness to changing his views if an individual treated him right.
>There is no "progressive insanity" outside of tumblr blogs
This. Progressives are the only sane group and don't you DARE question them. They are doing Xir's work and if you can't handle it, well then you can take your bigoted ideas elsewhere.
The Rat Pack transcends race, gender, nationality and every other demographic. Mongoloid kids don't understand that.
Sound like conservatives.
n-bomb at 21:08 to 21:30
>forcing conservatism
>reduced to referring to nebulous ideas and beliefs in contrast with him referring to a specific shoe-horned principle
Kekedee doo da, kekedee day, my oh my what a wonderful day.
literally Bantz: The Show
All in the Family is great
>tfw Glenn Miller plays
you sound triggered, why not go back to safe space where you and the other virgins can circlejerk about niggers ans jewe?
Isn't this the show in which the wife gets almost raped in his birthday?