In a better world, their names would be Carth and Bastila

In a better world, their names would be Carth and Bastila

you mean Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors

also that discount budget HK47

This movie didnt have much more originality than the TFA

In a better world this movie never would have been made

If they were Kyle and Jan, you'd be a little upset with how the movie ends

it would also end a lot differently if it would be Kyle.

thats a given


To this day Kotor is still the best Star Wars story ever told besides the OT. It managed to incorporate all the elements that made Star Wars great and tell an original story that didn't feel derivative or rehashed It's a shame that Disney only steals the best elements from the old EU, like character designs and plot points, instead of following in the old Eu's footsteps and creating original captivating stories that just so happen to take place in the Star Wars universe.


in 3..2...1

Excuse me sir, but can I just, c-can I just hug you?

So in a better world, KOTOR would have gotten a movie adaptation over this original star wars donut steel by Disney?

Do Obsidian drones cross post here? They're insufferable.

But all of the main characters in Kotor 2 hate each other. The only reason they stuck with the Exile is because Kreia forced them to

i dont see how would they make a KOTOR into 1 movie anyway
there would be too much important getting cut

if you mention KOTOR they just materliaze and start posting

>There would be too much important stuff getting cut
And yet they still released Kotor 2

>mfw there's an actual hammerhead that does a ramming manuver

The Endar Spire is canon.

>I'm Trask Ulgo. I'm your bunk mate here on the Endar Spire

Don't remind me.

There's something behind here...

In a better world Dark Forces would have gotten a film adaptation.
Fuck death troopers when you can have seven-foot Terminators with jetpacks and massive guns for your super-special stormtroopers

>this thread has been pruned or deleted
you all know its coming, fgt m'ods


Meetra Surik did nothing wrong.

>Thousands of years before ot
>Ultra high tech
Thank god they confirmed Nu Canon won't repeat that mistake.