

>some uhh afro americans

He did nothing wrong

>i went into a rage

*audience laughs*

Yes he did, he was racist. Back to pol with you.

after his appearance on curb and comedians in cars I forgive him. Watching Seinfeld after his incident I found that it didn't affect my appreciation for Kramer at all.

Who hasn't gotten pissed off at niggers before anyway?

>"and I'll stand by what I said. Gas the kikes, race war now."

>after his appearance on curb and comedians in cars I forgive him.

He was terrible on Curb, guy just isn't funny when he's not Kramer.

You don't fuck with the money, Michael. Don't you ever fuck with the money. We're syndicated for Christ's sake.

Jerry, I'm so sorr-

Shut up. You listen to me, has-been. I'm faxing over your notes right now, and you memorize the lines for tonight when we go on Dave's.

No please, I don't want to get in front of everyone.

Goddamn it you little nothing. You fucking nothing. Learn the lines before I come over there and shove my entire fist down your throat. Don't you ever threaten my retirement ever again with your hacky bullshit antics.

Yes sir ...

hey hey hey stop laughing. it's not funny.

>50 years ago we'd have you hanging upside down with a fork up your ass

What did Kramer mean by this?

sure he did he began verbally berating audience members using unprovoked racially charged and derogatory language

Is he the only kike that didn't get away with it?

>I'm not a racist, that's what's so insane about this.

that 50 years ago white people would have stuck forks up those black guys asses and then hung them upside down

Did this ever happen?


He was being heckled. Hecklers deserve to be gassed.

>Don't laugh! It's not funny.


What in the ever loving FUCK did Kramer mean by this???

if some nig is talking during your set then you're justified in calling him a nigger

im not a racist that's what's so insane about this

Michael Richards has a notorious anger problem. He was just saying the thing he thought would be the most hurtful in that moment to someone who supremely pissed him off. Nothing racist about the intent, just the words.

America has a notorious nigger problem.


If it's a "problem", then it was a problem created by the supposedly superior white race.
