Is ugly nigger an oxymoron?
>SJW Trek
What? She's a fucking awful actress holy shit
welp, was already planning on not watching this but now I'm sure.
Fuck off, you imbecile.
good, maybe this will finally shut all you racists up
you go girl!
Kirk and Picard and Ryker and Sulu and EVERYONE on Star Trek is awfully acted.
Rest in peace, Sasha
that's how coons talk dumbass
>Picard and Ryker
Kill yourself. I won't defend the acting in the original Star Trek but most of the acting in TNG was fine. Well, except for season 1. A lot of the acting in season 1 was bad but by season 3 the main cast had gotten comfortable with their roles.
So? There's been black people in trek since the beginning.
you fucker
anyone else here from Sup Forums? kek niggers
Sasha will be fucking killed then
Good shes useless
Not lesbian ones. Or making sure that the captain and first officer are black and female. Oh and muslim.
>SJW Trek
>going from a super popular show to a one season flop
Yeah, black people, we're talking about niggers here.
A black female captain would be fine, the problem is Sonequa isn't a good actress.
fuck I can't believe they casted a nigress
i hate black people so fucking much
you sure are angry aren't you redditor
The fuck are you talking about
Triggered reddit fag
She's a nigger jerry, a nigger!
they werent shoved into the captains seat. Or made to be front and center.
>comparing a faggot kiss to making gayness a major plot point
You mean redundant?
>Things weren't the great in the past, so why improve.
Johnathan Frakes is a fucking retard. He's the Aidan Gillen of Star Trek TNG. Go fuck yourself. If Frakes is a great actor then so is Shatner and everyone else in TOS. They're all terrible. Take the homolust you have and throw it in the bin.
Source? Star Trek has always been pretty liberal so I don't care about a black lesbian captain but having a muslim captain would be retarded and would shit all over Roddenberry's vision. Humanity's religions are long dead in Star Trek's universe.
No it's just your double standards you will now pretend you didn't have bore me.
Did him and Aiden Gillen fuck your mom or something?
How is it a major plot point? Why cant people just be whatever the fuck they want to be? I don't see it being shoved in anyones face, yet at least.
Im right there with tou if it goes full sense8, but it's not even fucking out yet.
takes one to know one :)
see you back at r/the_donald
Most boring character on The Walking Dead, she was decent until Bob died and then she became a sulky dullard. I hope she ends up taking Holly's comic death as an excuse to get rid of her.
Bait, Patrick Stewart has always been great.
lots of the leaks were about how one of the charaters is going to be a muslim. In fucking star trek. Combine this with the fact that the captain AND the first officer HAS to be black and a woman. And this is some new streaming service. This shit is going to bomb hard.
>angry redditor is mad that the most popular subreddit on his website is about Trump
Was this an upgrade or a downgrade?
They got it half right.
This new pick is shit, especially compared to Dawson.
>implying this show is ever actually gonna come out
2 niggers vs an Asian and a nigger
hmmmmm hard pick
i love trump and i hate niggers just like any redpilled™white guy
>Muh brown womyn
The shitlords removed one of the PoC?
fuck why couldn't it have been yeoh and dawson. cbs hates my dick.
We missed out on a glorious dumpster fire
Holy shit she is so fucking ugly.
Could they at least get a somewhat decent looking black woman?
you are sooooo angry
>decent looking black woman
imagine how high the levels of mad must be to be this buttblasted. Go home leftist redditor
If that's true then it really is doomed. Star Trek has always been political but it used allegories instead of shouting messages at the audience. If the new show has a Muslim character then that means we're gonna get a ton of painfully heavy handed "#NOTALLMUSLIMS! RELIGION OF PEACE!" bullshit.
Who wants to bet this disgusting little cumskin white devil chokes on black cocks for a living?
hahaha white people be so fucking mad. Maybe you racist fucks should just go back to Plebbit
>tfw no qt black girlfriend
How does a nigger like yourself steal internet? I know you can steal a computer
You know damn well they don't exist. You have to breed most of the nigger out of them before they look halfway decent, and by then you can hardly call them black.
One of the assholes at the Comic-Con panel said having a Muslim cast member is a perfect update to the "clash of civilizations" narrative embodied by Chekov and the Soviet Union in the original series
I don't have it in front of me and don't feel like looking it up, you'll see for yourself whether I'm full of shit or not in a week or two
>go to reddit
Are you ok user? Do we need to call someone?
Funny how Sup Forums praises shows like DS9 yet have a problem with a black woman as a captain or first officer.
There is nothing wrong with making diversity in Hollywood. You cucks are just maid that more PoC are taking over your club.
>autism embodied
No problem with a black captain. But also a woman? Also a black first officer? Also a woman? And muslims? Come on user. Open your eyes.
Yeah this new Trek might be way too on the nose, and thus make all of its comments just cringeworthy and lazy.
When Sisko had the vision of being an oppressed black man working as a sci fi writer his opposition to the racial oppression was just meant to awaken his desire to fight the dominion and their own oppression. Political and racial ideas in Trek were always explored through these more elaborate and interesting ways.
If we just have a bunch of tumblr philosophy spouting characters in space it will be a nightmare.
It's almost as if one was cast for being an accredited actor, and this is just a blatant diversity hire.
Problem is she is both ugly and highly annoying. She wouldn't make a good captain at all.
Making a black female an officer because she would be great at it isn't an issue, making an Captain black/female just for ''''''''''diversity'''''''' sakes is bad, not to mention throwing in a unappealing actor from a meme show.
This is worst than Sarah Conner fiasco.
Also, i can't wait to watch this and its second season in the CW.
Shes fucking what made me stop watching the walking dead. She can't act and is ugly as sin. Her voice irritates me as well. Glad everything so far makes the show seem shit. Not even watching the first episode or trailer. It's shit.
Your wife gave it to me after I fucked her senseless with my Asian cock. Go lick up my cum, white devil.
seems like two women in charge is a little much. might be my considerable mysogyny talking but I could get bored just watching chick drama. and dubs says this doesn't go past a season anyway.
>chinese woman captain
>black woman first officer
>muslim crewmembers
I assume the Doctor is going to be a trans, bisexual handicapped alien and the warp core is powered by the dead bodies of CIS white males.
that's it, i've had it with you degenerate race traitors. we can't have this sort of behavior in our safe spaces, you understand?
>Asian cock
How do you know you have a cock if you can't see it yellow friend?
On the bright side imagine what great actor they'll cast as D'onal Trum, the Romulan warlord who's building an inverse tachyon wall across the Alpha quadrant to stop peaceful refugees from finding new homeworlds
man i hate echo chambers
and ive been part of both left and right echochambers and after a while the echoes get fucking tiring and all you want to do is bait people on both sides
go home leftist reddtior, oh wait, you can't even get away from reality there now either LOL your safe spaces are disappearing
wasnt the original star trek diverse?
Asians don't use eyesight to see things. I mean, just look at their eyes. Blind as bats.
then leave, you fence riding fuck. you're worse than both of them.
Yeah. What is diverse about black women? Oh wait, you think diversity = no white people
It'll be run off of the impotent nerd rage of Internet trolls.
The whole crew seemed to have a consensus that bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
>new Star Trek Series: "We don't want the Star Trek audience"
What did they mean by this?
no trolling here faggot
I want to fug them all.
If they hadn't made such a big deal about pushing for diversity, and she was a good actress, we wouldn't be complaining that she's a blatant AA hire.
>rats boarding a sinking ship
if you werent a child you'd realize that being "on the fence" is the only way to realize the rediculousness of both sides. You're exactly the same.
inb4 you post some comic where the leftist says "you're exactly like us" and the person on the right has a cool and calm demeanor. that would only further prove my point.
Touched a nerve?
It's spelled "Riddickulous" you fucktard
Riding the fence is the most underaged stance you can take.
you keep saying that stuff and you ain't gonna last long boy. i'll be in your house with my ar-15 and multicam bdus, aimin' straight at your head while you're sleeping. i might even spare your worthless cuck life if you apologize and sing the national anthem
>"Haha, what's up my fellow Sup Forumsacks and /r/The_Donald bros. DAE just hate fucking when le CTR SJW's shill niggers in movies, I'm simply not going to watch a movie just because I see a black person in it."
Thanks for gold kind stranger.
calm down, there will be a white guy somewhere in there you and will get the representation you desperatly need.
>Hurr I'm so smart and moderate guys
>Why can't you be mature and indecisive like me?
not when its about identity politics in fiction you fucking teenager.
leftists are annoying but at least they have the guts to say something besides making benign comments about how both sides are wrong. you bring shit to the table.