How would people in your country act if they saw a local qt holding hands with a black/brown guy?

How would people in your country act if they saw a local qt holding hands with a black/brown guy?

For simplicity assume it's in your biggest city.


melbourne isn't white so no one would care

>melbourne isn't white

Indian? Chinese? Arab?

personally, I would stop them.

tokyo isnt white so nobody would care

>a local qt holding hands with a black/brown guy
It's the norm here

Minding their own buisiness unless that guy gets abusive

russian boys included?

Is there any difference between Sup Forums and Sup Forums anymore?

pretty much


And then do what?

Caucasus is white

lots of unfriendly staring
bydło might try to provoke him into a fight

Shake their hands and congratulate them on destroying racism one bloodline at a time.

Qt is fucking disgusting. i hate writing anything on Qt. REEEEEEEEEE FUCK QT.

>local qt
2ndgen chink

>black/brown guy
They would wonder why it isn't an anglo guy.

they will stare

Dats racist tbqh.

Who the fuck cares

Niggers use GTK tho.