So i finally took the serbpill

>descended from fucking Hyperboreans
>conquered entire Indian subcontinent, brought Vedas to India
>Alexander the Great was a Serb (Aleksandar Karanovic)
>held half of Europe under their control, fought with Romans
>emperor Trajan was an ethnic Serb (Aryan)
>colonized what is now Portugal (Suebi = Serbi), the ancient name for Portugal Lusitania comes from Serbian word "lug" which means forest
>gave name to Germania and German, from Serbian word "grm" (bush)
>destroyed the Avar menace and are still fighting their descendants even today (Croats)
>conquered entire Balkans eventually
>ruled the Ottoman empire as grand viziers (serbian language was official languge on the court in Istanbul)
>formed Yugoslavia in order to bring peace and prospertity to Balkans
>btfoed BOTH Hitler and Stalin
>bravely fought off the NATO globalist hordes

Why the fuck are Serbs so based, Sup Forums? Holy shit i just found about this and i'm mesmerized.

Other urls found in this thread:

Analbanian in Sweden

serbs are russified turks

serbs are violent savages
they will not think twice about murdering you

Pls, Croats are the true heirs to the balkans. Tito was the only one who could truly unify them, and a Croat will do so again.

You forgot how Albert Einstein was actually a Serb.

WHO posted this?
i am VERY angery!

Do Serbs unironically believe this?

the bogdanoffs bow down before serbs



>be servia
>rremove kebab
>NATO bombs the shit out of Servia
>suck russian dick for the next 5 years
>hhah we really showed them now hah now its time to put in liberal policies and put a gay croatian prime minister

posting under a serbian flag must really trigger you lmao

posting under a bosnian flag must really trigger you lmao

not really, bosnia is an old serbian kingdom

from all that to the 3rd world shithole filled with dark turk rapebabies it is today

very sad

based Servia

Croatia >>>>>>>> Serbia

>the ancient name for Portugal Lusitania comes from Serbian word "lug" which means forest

So lusitanians were serbs? lel
so sing with us brother's ... lusitanian folk songs of glory - keltoi

i love serbia



Serbia only needs one thing to be perfect: convert to the Catholic faith.

>Alexander the Great was a Serb (Aleksandar Karanovic)

He's wrong, alexander was turk.

t. 400k Croatian descendants

>from all that to the 3rd world shithole filled with dark turk rapebabies it is today

You mean Norway?

Spain needs to convert to Orthodox faith.