Fucking loved it.
All ya miserable cunts will hate it.
Fucking loved it.
All ya miserable cunts will hate it.
You're a pleb, of course you love it.
Same but I wish Felicity's character was played by a man. Would've made the movie better.
you don't have to insult those who disagree, just accept you have shitty taste and move on
Everything is good except the main cast, the main characters and the main plot.
Why cant they just do a movie full of just action and space battles
What did OP mean by this?
Spoil the vader scene for me senpai
they're too afraid to leave the house without their mothers anyway
that's why ppl complain about movies for weeks until the rip appears and then the same people are like "that wasn't so bad"
fucking shut in spergs
How can they compete with your MLP complete seasons collection?
I hated it. It was full of memberberries, but they were fucking rotten. It was like, Disney got a wheel from Lucas, made it into a square and still tried to sell as a fucking wheel. A minor plus for the battles and raging battle-Vader at the end of the film.
Tell me more about the vader scene, its the only reason i might go and watch this shitshow
Vader is a big guy
>t. proud cuckold
He slaughters a bunch of rebels in a dimly lit hallway.
I wonder how many people clap and holler at Darth Vader's first appearance in the movie.
For you
Is that it?
The way people are raving about his short "movie saving" appearance made it seem like so much more...
The leaks were wrong? He doesn't go full slasher villain?
>All ya
Shills getting desperate because they realized TFA sold so well only because it was the first after decades.
I hope you subhumans get chased by packs of pittbulls
Looks good tbqh. Does his theme play during it
You don't have to live vicariously through anyone, user. I'm sure you'll meet a really nice man some day
it's literally a liberal SJW shitfest with MUH STRONK WYMYN and immigrants as main characters; of course you liked it, you fucking cuck.
Spoil the Death Star shots
well you can't argue against such a deep review, shill
what a wonderful time we live in, you are now the nerd and the autist for not giving a shit about nu-star wars
Fuck you, semen face.
>brotherhood of men
dude i don't think you're going to spoil anyone with that shit
Look how mad this white devil is lmao
cucks are not welcome on Sup Forums
why don't you get the fuck back to tumblreddit
To be fair, they mostly want a white country.
I think that's fair.
i need audio now
it was fucking intense..
fuck.. now i want a Vader standalone movie...
>not using a thermal detonator or a slug thrower
Oh don't you worry ""nerd"", you'll get it. Our computers are generating the script as we speak actually.
pls tell me Vader has more scenes he kicks ass in
I just want to see Vader
You find it believable that a non-Jedi little lady can KO Stormtroopers with a police baton? She doesn't look like a lifelong convict like the movie portrays. They should've cast someone like Bronson. Stop calling people who disagree with your retardation "RACIST, SEXIST... GAAAAAAY" Judging from the trailers she can't deliver a motivational speech to save her life. The soldiers look utterly disengaged from her rabbit maw.
>thermal detonator
He'd step out of the smoke in the twisted hallway, or the atmosphere leak would suck the smoke out, as he stood unharmed, his cloak billowing behind him.
>slug thrower
This was dealt with earlier in the new canon, likely due to the 'blaster bolts are slow' meme. Obi-Wan successfully blocks a barrage of slug thrower rounds, and is mildly burned and distracted by droplets of molten lead, due to only wearing robes. Vader wouldn't flinch. It would just mean more work for the droid that cleans the blood off his armor.
This is Darth Vader. He has Batman tier plot armor until ROTJ.
>cutting out the extremely fake looking force choke slam into the wall
Good shill
You're gonna try to discredit this video by caling it reddit or whatever but it really does apply to this movie. Only good things were the effects, clothes, ships and the filmsets. Vader was cool too, but this movie wasn't really impressive, not worth paying to watch t b h.
How does /I'm in charge here/ die?
suck my darker ass, faggot!
every CQC looks retarded tough just hitting guys in armor doesn't work
who the fuck was the blue guy with the horns who stood next to Palpatine for the entirety of the prequels?
TFA was decent, a 6.5/10
literally everyone else think this is way better than TFA, even disregarding muh sjw cast
>thermal dets would kill everything in the corridor if they're the classic EU ones and not just some poxy grenade standin
>if they were Vader could probably just ping them back with the Force
>also implying his armour can't take shitty slugthrower rounds
Still hate the movie, like, but I just like nerding out
Diego shoots him
Yeah I agree, both were just like that video says: passable.
>faggot shitposters thought Disney was going to cut this scene because it was too scary and violent
How's Walt's frozen cock taste?
Sup Forums plz
I loved the part where the empire douche was being racist to the alien and then got told to check his privilege by that badass chick as she lasered his white face off!
who writes this stuff its amaxing
probably better than your bull's bbc :^) (^:
quit spoiling the movie , it doesn't start screening here in another two days
>itt: things that never happened in the movie posted to bait Sup Forumsacks
every time
sjw cast > sjw agenda
Original plot > Old plot 2.0
3.5 > 7
excellent fan fiction fellow kike shill
Not all of us are into the whole sausage fest thing. Take that shit to /cm/
eat a dick nerd
How much Vader is in there? I don't want to waste 2 hours for only 2 minutes of Vader.
So can people actually understand what astromech droids are trying to tell them?
Not even a man could fix that garbage
2 scenes total.
Yes. Luke and R2 have a conversation in ESB.
How was the music???
you're joking, right?
He reads R2's translations on a screen
fuck yeah. Vader has the only good scenes. Pity he's only in the flick for like 8 mins total and does fuck all most of the time.
Vader's scenes in RO are comparable to Godzilla's scenes in the Godzilla movie.
it was right before the scene where the home planets instituted their equal and fair representation of the aliens in their political sphere. Much to the distaste of emperor palpatine!
What about on Dagobah itself?
why bother giving your droids the ability to communicate if you only program them a language that organics cannot understand?
so barely at all but moderately worth it when he's onscreen?
h-here Mr. Iger, here are my shekeles!
I watched TFA 4 times, it was so meme-worthy? Was I a good boy?
Luke and R2 fucking talk to each other nigger
He only ever guesses what R2 says, and never actually converses with him.
Because lol funny whistling noises
Doesn't it fire 2 times?
So, 1 of them kinda just devastates a planet rather than popping it?
Everyone he killed in that scene was white
Gotta admit the scene where they were in the death star and she got stuck in a room with 3 empire officers who were smirking about how they thought she was an easy target and then she btfo them in hand to hand combat was awesome. me and my wifes son cheered in the theatre
Link is down, anyone got another?
White men are the backbone of the rebellion in the end.
Mon Cala a shit.
This movie is like TFA, it rides solely on nostalgia and preconceived hype.
Look at this thread as proof
>muh Vader scenes
>muh Death Star
>muh X-Wings
This isn't a Star Wars movie, its as if an actor cut the skin off a Star Wars movie and was running around in it.
people always talk about how much better the fight choreography in the OT was, but explain this:
they spend literally the whole fight doing only one thing: an identical sequence of left -> right -> left -> right diagonal cuts
it's shit
how the fuck did 7 have a SJW agenda if this one doesn't?
Yeah! fuck white men and FUCK TRUMP
>White men are the backbone of the rebellion in the end.
white men are also the face of the empire
really makes you think
I thought the scene where the main girl looks into the camera and says "Fuck Trump and anyone who voted for him" to be a little unnatural.
Yeah woohooo! Little girls kicking the ass of 3 trained soldiers LMAO! Death to white men! hahahah XD
i liked how he took some time to come up with that pun
Sigourney Weaver wouldn't have made it that obvious