Reminder that this movie is supposedly "gritty and dark"
also here is the trailer before disney touched it
Actual movie isnt even close.
Reminder that this movie is supposedly "gritty and dark"
also here is the trailer before disney touched it
Actual movie isnt even close.
Other urls found in this thread:
>it doesn't look like a videogame
o no!
it's not as disney as you would expect
i would not say dark and gritty but it's not really far either
All of the main characters die brutal deaths.
There's a scene with Vader slaughtering a bunch of rebels in a hallway.
How more dark and gritty do you want?
full screener torrent where?
Saving Private Ryan.
It would be nice if they weren't quipping throughout all that.
People lived in Saving Private Ryan
> Directed by Gareth Edwards
I'm not sure this is worth making a fuss about
I don't know if you've served, but we tend to take on heavily sardonic personalities during our tours. Jokes, quips, all that shit keep us sane.
should have been a war movie about actual rebel troops who save the day but get fucked up in the end
Like the classic Alamo movies. Except less about Americans fighting for their right to claim Mexican territory as their own so they can legally own slaves.
I don't get it... is OP saying dark and gritty is good?
Yes. Apparently the movie was a genuine war film with a lot less quips and more dark tones. Disney ordered a ton of reshoots though,and people have complained about pacing and tonal shifts so I assume that's due to Disney's reshots contrasting the initial film.
texas seceded from mexico
If this is the toned down version, I'd kill to see the directors cut with the original one.
god damn power ranger shit. this is so poorly directed.
FUGGGGG this looks awful
Is that Nolan North pounding on the door at the beginning?
who cares anyway its just another shitty disney wars lad
th-th-th-that's a j-j-j-joke scene ri-ri-ri-right?
I like it
>shoot rocket at AT-AT
>stops moving
>everyone stops and looks at each other, pausing for laughter
>AT-AT looks at them and again pauses for laughter
>he thinks this is good
nothing of value was lost
Leia's CGI face awaits
Whats the problem with this scene?
>rebels panicking and dying
>Vader literally lifts up a rebel and slices him in half, you can even see both his body parts fall
>not only that but Vader used force to lock the door so they can't escape
After Vader kills the guy he flung up to the ceiling, is it just me, or does he just use his hand to reflect a shot back?
I know in Empire he stops Han's shots with his hand, but he doesn't reflect it back.
why does the cinematography look like a made for tv movie
camrip when?
Vader was pulling punches to lure/capture Luke. He needed Han alive.
Is this the new Star Wars Battlefront?
Fuck, I like the Vader scene, but that is terrible.
I'll wait til I see it for the last June scene.
Here's the scene that's from.
looks pretty weak.
got more mate?
too many hand movements, he's using force choke for no reason while his saber is lit, and he's walking too fast and his revised costume I think looks like shit.
Better in motion, but surely they could have done better with a budget by entire post code could live off of for years.
Saving Private Ryan wasn't that good desu
Is there a camrip already?
Besides the stuff that's been floating around today, I have this piece that bridges the Vader slaughter scene and the one where he's watching the ship take off.
Not that I know of.
Just people uploading to IG and YT
That's how it ends????? She dies?
They'll be fine
The death star hits the planet and they're engulfed in a fireball.
Oh yeah- totally fine.
Because you are watching a cam-rip you retard.
There's always hope.
Rebellions are built on hope
So they could own slaves
Wait why the fuck what. What is going on here? Why the fuck was The Tantive V maintaining the pretense of its diplomatic mission to Alderaan if it had been caught already?
You guys are so sad.
Just watched the movie in Imax.
These cam-rips are pure cancer.
You have no idea how bad this looks to me since I saw it the right way.
That's what I said. American squatters stole Texas from Mexico because Mexico denied them the right to own slaves.
>before disney touched it
This movie came into production AFTER the Disney takeover you stupid idiot
Doesn't premier in America until tomorrow night.
I'm seeing the first showing possible so I can come on here and hate it properly.
In the meanwhile, fuck off.
This is fun.
man jaw she never had that
>The death star hits the planet and they're engulfed in a fireball.
So, what are they planing for a sequel if the star is ded?
God this scene gives me an erection. I wish he had slaughtered more female rebels but I guess that would be sexist :^)
Looks edgy, which is not what you want your scary villain you look like. All they have to do to fix it is to remove the force choking nonsense.
lol the cam quality kek
This scene was so epic on the big screen. Are you people poorfags, why are you watching this shit quality crap?
The colors are all dead on that cam-rip.
Were dead inside anyway. It doesn't matter if it's spoiled.
Nah mate, they made these in PowerPoint after seeing it
>Yes, goy- I mean guys. These camrips don't give you the full experience. You need to buy these IMAX tickets to really have a correct opinion.
This whole movie fucked everything up like TFA did.
Because you're watching a Disney-produced film.
Same shit with Marvel. Same shit w. Force Awakens. Bland. As. Fuck.
Got another one, lads
feels like yesterday that I was watching that mockup teaser
That's not what I meant.
I don't care if you get spoiler but seeing the movie for the first time in such bad quality, is kind of a sad memory.
Don't you want to see it in high quality first? Like seriously, this cam quality is hilariously bad. I don't even know how it's possible to make such a bad cam-rip.
The cinematography of the movie was gold, one if the few good things about Rogue One and you are spoiling yourself with cancer visuals.
Without any context, this really seems to contradict the opening of ANH, where Leia's all "N-no, we're on a diplomatic mission", when Vader clearly saw that Corvette taking off with the plans.
Old movies are no longer cannon
>good cinematography
>Disney-produced franchise film
Pick one.
I personally love watching the shitty quality stuff first.
The more I can see and know before I watch it in theaters, the better.
When you know what's coming, you're able to watch the movie for how well it's made, instead of what the plot is.
Now I'm just mad.
Reminder that those two were basically Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors
aggressive diplomats
bad things happening =/= gritty film
it's about tone
I see, So you don't like to have fun while you watch movies.
a sad life you have.
ANH clearly says the plans were detected being beamed at them. Holy fuck this shit.
>“If you know the ending as you watch it, you can understand what the filmmaker is doing. You get to see this broader view, and essentially understand the story more fluently,” explained Christenfeld. “There's lots of evidence that sort of this fluent processing of information is pleasurable; that is, some familiarity with a work of art enables you to enjoy it more.
Get on my fucking level, pleb.
ANH plans beamed to them. R1 plans handed to them. Vader traces transmission. one fucking job.
I've argued this case for years. Never understood people's need for "muh surprise element" in every fucking movie.
>When you know what's coming, you're able to get bored even harder and hate movie more.
Seriously, don't do this to yourself.
Because the first and second act of Rogue One are boring as fuck. If you spoil yourself you will have an even harder time.
Only the third(final act) of the movie is great.
I would give a shit if it wasn't just a Disney paint by numbers crap.
>implying I'm going to like rogue one
Honestly, it's a wasted effort.
Because they're manchildren.
Why the fuck are they mentioning Jedi in the trailer? That literally makes no sense.
Because it's easier for Hollywood to dupe people into thinking they watched something great when there are nice little surprises akin to shiny objects to distract viewers from plot holes or just shitty filmmaking.
Comedy works in much the same way. Plot hole? Throw in a few jokes and people won't even realize it.
Ira Bell uses terms like "may the force be with us" and shit like that.
You are watching the film for the first time on a shitty cap-rip without sound.
You have to watch the movie twice in the theater if you want to fully analyze it.
Because no matter what you do,
the visuals and sound in the theater give you a new experience, because it's very different from the cam rip.
So therefore you can't focus on analyzng the movie at the first theater viewing no matter how many shitty cam-rips you saw.
there are people on this board that actually expected Disney to make a dark and gritty war movie
There is no plot twist you fucking idiot. We KNOW what happens since it ends 5 minutes before ANH.
after sitting through TFA I'm done with Star Wars for the moment. Unless this movies gets stellars reviews/word of mouth I won't bother going to the theater.
Oh shit, I forgot all about that. What a fucking mess. It's like the writers didn't have access to ANH or something.
Actually, I agree. There are plenty of old films I haven't seen that I already know the ending to, and when I actually get around to watching them I can start to see things all the things the director put into the film like foreshadowing, symbolism, etc. I don't do this with every film, and I'll admit that it does get annoying when someone spoils a film you really wanted to see, but knowing the ending beforehand also allows you to see some films in a different light.
Why on earth would I pay $20 to see a movie I won't like twice?
I have the source files of every webm I post, and they all have sound.
Hasn't been leaked yet.
Pic related was a shoop.
then why do you watch the cam-rip?
I thought you knew everything
I didn't, I'm going to torrent it in 3 months.
>Unless this movies gets stellars reviews/word of mouth I won't bother going to the theater.
So you watch movies based on what Rotten tomatoes tell you.
is this bait?
I'm still pissed Disney ditched Kyle and Jan.
I was looking forward to see them on the big screen.