Why are so many slavs alcoholics?

Why are so many slavs alcoholics?

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What the fuck Turkey

miserable life full of pain and frustration.

They're secular


The map pretty much proves it

>I suffer in Russia

1st world problems...

There is no way Portugal isn't higher in that.

Good Job Eurabia!

Lol, Western Europe is literally Arab-tier. Stans in Central Asia and gooks are whiter than Eurabians.

How does it feel to live in a transition region?

Poland is central europe

to forget they're slavs


Its Not really dependent on drunkenness, but on quality of the beverage, in this particular case.
When you drink vodka distillated of socks and shoe polishers (I'm serious) for your entire life, it wont affect your health in a good way.




Because they're mongols

Mongols don't drink often because they don't tolerate alcohol at all

>western Europe
>middle east


>Eu is the same color as Mena

Slavs are minority in Russia, you dubm burger. Just stop using this incorrect word.

How come russians drink so much then

I assume you can do the math yourself. It's not that hard even for an american

They are not
Idiot yank
Nothing new

No you're the one who sucks at math in this case

3% of Finns die of alcohol related causes.

I have a hard time believing Turkey or China has that big of a alcohol problem.

>no u
Okay nigger. Don't forget to cash your welfare check


Yeah I mad at stupid niggers like you for whom even logic 101 would be a hard thing to understand

