World are fatter, but Japanese women keep slim

Japanese foods are healthy.

Overweight map in 1975

>liking yellow painted skeletons with chipmunk faces


I hate jap food

Overweight map in 2014

south Africa and most of Africa is fat u got to be memeing me japan

Also the japanese standard of beauty for women keep 'em slim, which is great imo.

But they are ugly af

> Black Angels less likely to be fat than Eurofat wh*te girls

damn japan you so slim
got to keep that kawaii frame

what a disgusting creature


this picture makes me really uncomfortable for some reason

BMI in 1975

BMI in 2014

I know what you mean.

I imagine a lot of it has to do with simple competition. When half of the males in your country are herbivore men, you need to go above and beyond to actually land a guy.

It's a buyers market. Same with Eastern Europe, though over there it's because of alcoholism and shicide rather than just dropping out of society.

>tfw you like thinn women but everybody else loves thicc and is pushing the concept on women too

i fucking hate every single one of you for having nigger tier fetishes

i just want a qt thinn white gf ;^(

japanese porsions of food are child tier. they just eat rice and little vegetables and drink lots of beer. thew biggest portion of meat you would find in your menu is 200g if your lucky. there is no abundance there

>herbivore men
cringe. dont use a buzzword. nobody uses it here

I know this feel

>tfw still sad about that thin, fair skinned Portuguese girl
>tfw all the girls around me in the states are slightly overweight and think it's some type of feminist empowerment

needs legend.

>mfw i was 35-36 BMI past 10 years
>mfw i started doing sports and eating less about a year ago
>mfw i lost 20 kgs
>mfw i am now under 30 BMI (29.8 to be exact)

i still have work to do but life is going well anons.

>say you like thinn girls
>OMG WTF DUDE DO YOU LIKE ANOREXIC GIRLS OR SOMETHING? ha ha liking thinn girls means you like unhealthy women!
>returns to posting women with obscenely large thighs, breasts, and other body feautes
>THICC so fucking hot THICC this isn't unhealthy at all lmao FUCK SHE'S THICC lol this isn't a nigger tier obsession

i hate thiccfaggots so much aaAAAaaa


We didn't evolve to spend all day sitting and eating high carb food, I have no idea why people even like that.

people will do whatever is easy and efficient.

I don't get what's so attractive about having large fat reserves.

It's a sign of a lack of self-care or self-control, and just worsens your health and makes you a disgusting unhygenic person smfh.

If you look at the history, any traditional food is healthy. People have had proper diet and nutrition back then, that's why they live longer than modern generations, at least in Russia. People in my village usually die at their 80s-90s, they eat only Russian cuisine.

That sounds like a great way to get horribly depressed. If I don't have a big goal to work towards, my life just falls apart.

I could see it in the age when everybody was starving and it was a sign of wealth but now it just strikes me as lazy.

thats another aspect of finding a meaning in life. but in general, we tend to do whatever is easy and efficient at the same time. the less energy we waste on tasks the better.

the thing is anybody can be lazy and gain weight like that. Those who are smart and know how to efficiently manage their body health are as a result very attractive for pro-creation because they're clearly capable people and not a lazy landwhale who will give and raise you lazy fat offspring.


>this morningu I had:
>1 noodle with egg

>1 noodle with a rice

>2 sushi

I'd be skinny too if I walked all the way calais

Jesus Christ Egypt

and wtf NZ, that's surprising