This will be the "Halo: Reach" of the Star Wars franchise
This will be the "Halo: Reach" of the Star Wars franchise
So embarrassingly bad and an insult to long time fans?
That's basically everything since Disney took over user
reach would have been better if the ship combat was in multiplayer too
What does this mean for those who dont play Halo?
TWO asian looking dudes is way too much
This, I am not a dudebro college kid
We ain't talking about halo 5.
If you continued to play Halo after Reach and Halo 4 you deserved Halo 5 desu senpai.
which is ODST?
>Reach is bad
nice meme
Heroes undergo a suicide mission to preserve their seemingly hopeless cause, themes of brotherhood and hope in the darkest of times abound, everyone dies and the good guys lose the immediate battle but their sacrifice results in ultimate victory for the heroes
>shit story
>bad characters
>awful map design
>armor abilities
I understand you're too young to have played Halo 2 at it's prime but still your stupidity is painful.
>the age meme
nice meme
>the Sup Forums meme
nice meme
>best of the series but hipster redditors will pretend its not good
Reach is better than 4 or 5.
So the one movie that steps outside the fandom self masturbation chamber and is actually interesting because it explores some original ideas
Sounds good I'm in
Where the fuck is the full movie camrip?
that doesn't sound so bad
It's not Reach was best one for lots of people
I've never heard an intelligent rebuttal for why it was supposed to be bad, just IT'S DIFFERENT AND THEREFORE IT'S RUINED
coming soon hopefully
He's not wrong, Reach had a very good campaign mode but Halo 2 still stands far above the rest of the series in terms of multiplayer. It was god tier.
No it won't. Reach was good.
Armor abilities and sprint destroyed the core Halo gameplay. This would have been acceptable if they had also changed the gameplay but they didn't.
The story was short and shallow as fuck. It also retconned well loved canon and relied on plot points that fell apart under a few seconds scrutiny.
The characters were bland cliches which made this grand story of sacrifice and heroism fall completely flat.
>Armor abilities and sprint destroyed the core Halo gameplay.
How is that destroying it? It was a very logical derivative
>The story was short and shallow as fuck.
As opposed to what, the rest of the Halo games? I guess it was a little one track
But again, they tried to accomplish something slightly different. It's not bad because it's different
>The characters were bland cliches which made this grand story of sacrifice and heroism fall completely flat.
Again, compared to the rest of the Halo games? Come on
I thought they were more personable than anything else the series had to offer.
I totally appreciate why offshoots can feel like a misfire (I played Dark Souls 2 recently and it fell really flat) but those criticisms are just stupid.
Whatever I loved it, I wish more series would do offshoots like that and actually have the wit about them to make it work that well
thanks for saving me $18 + tip
reach was great though
4 was TRASH though
343 is garbage, should have stayed with bungue.
Core Halo gameplay was always about the interaction between melee, grenades and shooting. Shot placement, map awareness and movement were all essential to git gud.
AAs and sprint ruined this. They served as panic buttons that lowered the skill level. No more could you ambush someone and outshoot them. They would simply run away or use Armor Lock.
The original Halo story is simple yeah but that's not a bad thing. The characters and story were clear and well defined, they interacted well and the VA was pretty good. Reach dropped the ball on all of these things. People gave a shit about Cortana. Who can even remember the name of the shitty black stereotype with a shotgun?
Halo Reach is massively underrated. Some of the best multiplayer and a good campaign. I love Halo but the lore is really stupid and people who shit on Reach are absolute morons. Reach added a lot of cool shit to Halo and it isn't the fault of Reach that 4 and 5 suck.
>AAs and sprint ruined this. They served as panic buttons that lowered the skill level
No, they added another dimension to gameplay that made it more fun, and in a lot of ways made it more difficult. Obviously you never played in clans if you think it lowered the skill level. Just because you could no longer pick off shitty players as easily doesn't mean the skill level was lowered. Some of the maps did suck but they made up for it with forge.
Sprinting in video games is cancer. CS:GO is literally the only skill based shooter left tbqh.
>added another dimension to gameplay
The dimension of sitting around waiting for AL to run out?
That doesn't make any sense.
It sounds like you suck and rely on picking off shitty players who can't run.
Yeah it adds a whole layer of offense/defense. I don't understand why you have such a problem with it. All it does is make it more difficult to get a kill and adds a resource to get kills.
Halo Reach:
>bad story
>armor abilities
>poor game balance
Is considered good.
Halo 4:
>bad story
>armor abilities
>poor game balance
Is considered bad.
Halo 5:
>bad story
>armor abilities
>poor game balance
Is considered an affront to nature.
>No more could you ambush someone and outshoot them
You mean jump to their side and smack them after shooting them twice
He's just an autist.
I agree with you that AA's really spiced up the gameplay.
But really, it's not like they fundamentally changed the game.
When I first got Reach my Halo skills definitely transferred over.
I assume all this extra complexity and sprint is why Halo 4/5 have such beloved multiplayer modes considering they're exactly the same.
Oh wait....
You will be the fapping alone in your assisted care facility and die a friendless bachelor and be buried anonymously of your family.
>t. I was 11 when I got Reach and had only started playing Halo 3 the previous month
Yeah if you are actually good at playing Halo it wasn't that different
The developers tried turning it into CoD in 4 and did it even worse with 5. Sure, Reach sorta started that, but they're not the same thing. That isn't an argument
Except they're exactly the same. Shitty Forerunner weapons aside, mechanically Halo 4 was a carbon copy of Halo Reach. All they did was drop Armor Lock and buff movement speed a bit.
>mechanically Halo 4 was a carbon copy of Halo Reach.
wew lad
Which Star Wars is the best since Empire Strikes Back?
Revenge of The Sith.
Is this a budget film? Everything looks so cheap.
The experience was completely different. The map design was completely different. The weapons sucked and so did the game modes. Say all you want about Reach but the game modes were amazing.
>Halo 2 still stands far above the rest of the series in terms of multiplayer
CE is still the best.
wew lad
Completely unbalanced and deeply unfun. Reach also began the cancer of taking Infection out of Custom Games where it shone brilliantly in Halo 3 into awful matchmade modes.
>out of Custom Games
Infection was very much in custom games in Reach.
Also, Invasion was very fun.
>The developers tried turning it into CoD in 4
>and did it even worse with 5
Someone hasn't played 5.
Invasion was fucking amazing. This really confirms that you're just a terrible player because invasion was all about skill and strategy.
Yeah, you.
More like SALO BITCH I'm brilliant nubs.
I mean that Infection custom games in Halo 3 were honestly the most fun Halo has ever been. By making them a matchmade mode they took everything fun about them and ruined it. No more completely broken maps. No more glitches and physic exploits. No more insanity. Just a bunch of green Spartans running at each other on bland regular maps.
Invasion was truly awful. Every single map was incredibly unbalanced. On release Boneyard was basically unplayable on the Elites side.
4->5 actively removed CoD style stuff.
They removed loadouts.
They removed ordnance drops.
They added back in classic arena style static weapon timers.
It has equal starts.
You're deluded if you think H5 is more CoD than H4.
5 = Rogue One > 3 > 4 > 6 > 2 > 1 > 7
This is my honest opinion and not a contrarian false flag meme made to get posts.
I agree, but i'd move RO after 3.
Just saw it. There was a good script in there somewhere.
Thanks OP I haven't even seen the movie before I watched it.
Comment, Halo Reach was actually the last real Halo game made by Bungie.
That's how I'm considering this movie too.
It's make or break with Episode VIII I'm out on the han solo movie
There's that word again. You just suck, faggot. You could win both sides if you're a competent player. Invasion is meant to be "unbalanced". That's the point.
>No more completely broken maps. No more glitches and physic exploits. No more insanity.
You have never played a Reach custom game.
If you honestly believe 7 is worse than the prequels you're being intellectually dishonest
and that isn't even getting into the absolute SHITE taste that is putting Revenge of the sith above ANH and RotJ
>Halo Reach was actually the last real Halo game made by Bungie.
>literally who characters
>made by new team within bungie
>made to satisfy contract
>completely shat on previous gameplay
>confirmed for never playing Reach in beta or release
But we're not talking Reach custom games, we're clearly talking about match making.
>If you honestly believe 7 is worse than the prequels you're being intellectually dishonest
no u
7 is an unholy destruction of everything the OT accomplished and stood for.
>Only MY opinion can be correct
C'mon now.
>Invasion is meant to be "unbalanced". That's the point.
Keep sucking that bungie cock user.
dumb frogposter
>7 is an unholy destruction of everything the OT accomplished and stood for.
>reeee why didn't everyone have a mary sue fairy tale ending
>why the fuck is there still a war in star wars
fuck off
JJ pls go
It literally made those movies worthless.
It tells the exact same story, but everything they fought and died for in 4, 5 and 6 didn't do shit. The Empire came back anyway, even stronger than before.
Nobody but retards on leddit and Sup Forums pretend that Reach was a bad game. It's not exactly the same as Halo 2 so these people can't comprehend it. It's just another meme that people love to spout because thinking is hard and they have no opinions of their own. Reach was a great game
How do you go from great game, to great game, to great game and so on until you make Destiny?
Nearly everyone worth a damn left after ODST and the few remaining competent employees left in disgust half way through Destiny's production.
ODST is my favourite Halo.
How can you be so blind? Star wars is at its highest point of normie core, I wouldn't be surprised if in 8 they have the full cast of the big bang theory
Now every movie is just gonna be a panderfest with not a single original idea
I fucking hate reach fags.
>make six a woman
>all those shots of dat ass and dem hips in the cut scenes
Halo was never good tbqh
This, Reach killed Halo
pistol wars was never very good
Reach started a decline that Halo 4 continued.
By the time barebones Halo 5 came out, millions of people already moved to PS4 because Microsoft's reveal of the Xbone. Combine that with the launch of MCC, Halo is a shadow of it's former self.
I can only hope the Rogue One will follow Halo: Reach.
Oh fuck yes I love Vader
>Halo 5:
>>armor abilities
>>poor game balance
>Is considered an affront to nature.
Boost and sprint. Movement.
Spartan Charge and Ground Pount. Offensive melee that you can't abuse alla a poke in a fighting game.
Everyone has those abilities, it's even on that front. An enemy running away with sprint+boost combo is equalized by you bee lining it to him with the same abilities. A dude boosting once during a duel to dodge a shot can be ballanced out by you boosting again as well.
Halo 5 also has the longest average time to kill out of any halo game, meaning you have typically a better chance of making a comeback mid-fight.
How does it have bad game ballance, outisde of Warzone? Everyone knows when power weapons are gonna spawn, a dude can still outgun a guy with power weapons if they play carefully, and gameplay actually gas polish.
Though I will give you the campaign was a hot pile of dogshit and Warzone suffers from snowballing (spawning power weapons with mire kills, giving you mire kills).
>Halo 5 also has the longest average time to kill out of any halo game
Pretty sure reach and 3 are slower.
Halo Reach is great you fucking autistic retards
Wait they all die in Reach? I never finished the campaign
ODST is one of the best Halo games. Love the campaign so much and the depressive feeling of roaming the streets at night
>can't wait to see rouge one tomorrow.
>I'll stop brosing Sup Forums to see what Sup Forums thinks
>this will be the "halo reach" of star wars
>god damn it Sup Forums
I mean I hope so. I loved the campaign and the multiplayer was okay but got boring well into its length. Personally I liked Reach but I understand why people dislike it