Well done Nolan, well done.
Well done Nolan, well done
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did he die?
It was extremely painful
another imdb 9.5 incoming from ´the master
>Nolan acknowledges Baneposting in a subtle "maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't" way
Is this like Trump re-tweeting the Pepe last year?
If so, will meme magic carry Nolan to critical acclaim, comparisons to Kubrik, and the coveted Best Picture/Director/Screenplay Oscar next year?
Do you think he'll get shot before ejecting out of his plane?
What am I missign here? What's this got to do with the plane scene
It's the guy who played bane. With a mask on. In a plane. You're dumb as fuck my man
Somebody please tell me it's not going to be PG-13.
>What am I missign here? What's this got to do with the plane scene
I'm not going to spell it out for you.
it's a respirator
Let the dumb dirty nigger suffer in ignorance
>The flight plan I filed with the RAF list me, my wingman, but only ONE of you!
>First one who shoots down a Stuka gets to stay in my squadron!
That is not tom hardly
It's called bailing out you son of a bitch, there's no ejection seats on this plane!
I really, really, really like that coat.
Save it, it's all yours my friend!
an actor playing one of his hundreds of roles WORE AN OXYGEN MASK in his AIRPLANE scene
did you know you are autistic?
Which still goes on your face. So... A mask. Yes it is bud
Nah but you sound like you've got it. Fuckin loser
Hope you living in an area where the tempreture drops below 10 degrees F or else you will be sweating in that thing. Also it's made out of sherling and leather so I hope you're ready to drop a grand at least for it
So is he a bad guy again? what?
Don't talk to me like that.
>On first day of Nazi offensive on Stalingrad, city was defended by high school girls manning the heavy artillery
>They halted one entire Panzer division before dying to the last
>Just a sideshow of the incredible brutality and heroism of Eastern Front
>In Dunkirk 400 000 Anglo cucks in "retreat' were spared by Hitler's delusion on making peace with Churchill and halting the tanks
>This is presented as heroism
West is ill
You're really going to watch a movie about paddy the boatman dodging the stukas?
>stories about made up events
>...is he a bad guy...?
For you
>Soviet propaganda
Wow it's fucking nothing Ivan
Don't you anglos feel at least a little bit of shame when making a movie about 400 000 men scared to stand and fight?
you are my whore. I can talk to you any way I damn well please.
>>On first day of Nazi offensive on Stalingrad, city was defended by high school girls manning the heavy artillery
You better have a source for that shit
>400k Anglos and Frenchies
>Compared to 5.7 million Soviet cowards who surrendered
>qt russian teenagers oper8ing heavy artillery against evil nazis
Why isn't this an anime yet
>bane mask is also a respirator
it's like like poetry
read beevor's stalingrad or various other sources
most of those prisoners came from factory workers being thrown at nazi brigades without weapons and also from nazis enslaving civilian population to work in mines
how did people ever afford such expensive coats 70 years ago?
Christopher, we need to talk about this histogram.
will his plane crash?
will there be survivors?
I just can't believe there has been a conscious decision to make movie look like ass. In a few years its going to get to the point that the first person who actually tries to show true to life color again is going to be seen as some visionary when really he just got tired of looking at pea soup all day.
Did anyone ever tell you why Bane wears the mask?
and yes after seeing it in the browser I went too far to the red & magenta.
Baneposting is genuinely one of my most cherished hobbies.
>fuck this shit, im not having nolan hide my face behind a mask a second time
Why do directors like to make everything green? Is it all because of David Fincher
>ywn kiss Tom goodnight after a long day at the office
More like this maybe
Look up "First Squad".
Japanese animated-Russian voiced anime that was really terrible.
for you
So the movie is going to be about the british soldiers ordered to stay back on the beach while fighting was occuring downtown?
It is amazing to actually stop and think about all the bullshit the jews have fed gullible people about WW2.
Hitler believed the future of Western civilization depended on the cooperation of Germany and her Aryan cousins: England and the United States. His territorial demands were limited to Communist Russia, which he regarded as a proxy for Jewish world ambitions. He was determined to avoid fighting a war on two fronts.
In May 1940, the British were on the verge of defeat. The English army was trapped at Dunkirk. Rather than take them prisoner, Hitler halted his generals for ten days allowing 330,000 men to escape as a goodwill gesture for peace, which Churchill rejected.
Came here to post this. Well played Nolan.
>Hitler halted his generals for ten days allowing 330,000 men to escape as a goodwill gesture for peace
nigger it was because their supply lines were stretched thin and it was biting them in the ass.
>In one of the most widely debated decisions of the war, the Germans halted their advance on Dunkirk. Contrary to popular belief, what became known as the "Halt Order" did not originate with Adolf Hitler. Field Marshals Gerd von Rundstedt and Günther von Kluge suggested that the German forces around the Dunkirk pocket should cease their advance on the port and consolidate, to avoid an Allied breakout. Hitler sanctioned the order on 24 May with the support of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW). The army was to halt for three days, which gave the Allies sufficient time to organise the Dunkirk evacuation and build a defensive line. Despite the Allies' gloomy estimates of the situation, with Britain even discussing a conditional surrender to Germany, in the end more than 330,000 Allied troops were rescued.[7]
yeah, but he was also at the head of a regime that carried out the systematic extermination of millions of people they deemed subhuman, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
we all gonna die eventually. before that watch excalibur.
i watch it as a kid. it's kind of have something.
cheer up, son.
>cooperation of Germany and her Aryan cousins: England and the United States
Yeah, the Germans were really into the "Aryan" culture of the US. Ever heard of degenerate music, retard?
Yeah, don't forget the 20000 german soldiers that sacrificied themselves to Poseidon as a gesture of good will to the british navy.
>but he was also at the head of a regime that carried out the systematic extermination of millions of people
Hilarious what happens when pol tards come out their echo chamber
Even German prisoners taken by Americans as late as 1944 still believed the Americans and British would join Germany in a fight against the Soviet Union, those who knew the Soviet ideology, were convinced that this overwhelming evil had to be dealt with quickly. It did not go like this, as we all know because the jews/FDR let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor to get America into the war as well. And now, decades later, we hear jewish controlled stories about ‘Hitler’s war’. I would say, verify what people say and check out this for yourself.
Wikipedia may not be the best source, just a FYI.
Try older history books.
pathetic tbqh
YOU'RE a respirator
Which books? Can you cite the exact pages where you're gathering your facts from? In fact if you own said books, can you take a picture of the paragraphs?
So instead of capturing ten of thousands of british soldiers to use as a bargain chip to negociate peace, he let them go after faking an intense battle to stop the evacuation?
Was Hitler stupid in your made-up history?
For him or us?
Holy fuck, it never even occurred to me until seeing this but now I think I'm going to watch it in black and white. Looks comfy.
I really fucking hate Nolan's movies. I could get behind the "he's masterful" meme if the entire world didn't suck this hack's nuts.
>spared by Hitler's delusion on making peace with Churchill and halting the tanks
The Luftwaffe sank a ship called the HMT Lancastria, resulting in what's believed today to have caused the deaths of over 3,000 passengers two weeks AFTER the Dunkirk evacuation when the ship was sent to evacuate not only more soldiers (both French and British) but civilians, too. The Lancastria wasn't even a fucking warship, it was a cruise liner. A civilian ship, in other words. Not exactly a smart move if you're trying to gain an ally.
I know you autistic Sup Forumslacks love your whole le eternal Anglo shit, but there wasn't a whole lot of "heroism" going on in WWII.
Btw the Red Army were certainly heroic when they raped countless civilians into submission in Germany, right? I mean I know the Germans had concentration camps set up for what they believed to be subhuman Slavs (which of course I don't agree with), but "corrective rape" isn't exactly a heroic picture of the eastern front.
Though Russians make plenty of propaganda films painting Slavs as the world's eternal heroes, including ones set during WWII, go watch some of them.
Black and white really highlights how boringly shot it is.
If you're a particular kind of poltard, yes.
Was that actually inspired by the Stalingrad girls?
>In Dunkirk 400 000 Anglo cucks in "retreat' were spared by Hitler's delusion on making peace with Churchill and halting the tanks
Hitler didn't give the order to halt the tanks.
Almost all of Nolan's films suffer from this. I'm not trying to bandwagon but it really is apparent in most of his works that he doesn't care about framing interesting shots. His films hinge on editing.
Ultimate comfy
Imagine if Nolan could frame better shots and had the balls to do the whole film in black and white.
I realize I'm wasting my time, but this is an excellent source for all things WW2. One of the best non-academic sources available. I've had my set for years.
But will you take the time to actually research anything, much less anything that will cause you cognitive dissonance?
Of course not, that is too much work. You don't value truth THAT much. Let the film and TV media tell you what is true, they're are obviously not agenda driven in any way.
If anyone else here actually cares about WW2, this set for under $100 is a crazy value, it is ridiculously in depth. I strongly suggest it.
He started the fire
>It is amazing to actually stop and think about all the bullshit the jews have fed gullible people about WW2.
It's amazing the amount of pol tier bullshit this movie is going to generate.
>Hitler believed the future of Western civilization depended on the cooperation of Germany and her Aryan cousins:
Citation needed. The nazis certainly didn't regard the US as aryan.
>His territorial demands were limited to Communist Russia, which he regarded as a proxy for Jewish world ambitions.
Alsace-Moselle is not in Russia.
Poland is not in Russia.
Czechoslovakia is not in Russia.
Austria is not in Russia.
>In May 1940, the British were on the verge of defeat. The English army was trapped at Dunkirk. Rather than take them prisoner, Hitler halted his generals for ten days
Hitler didn't give the 'halt order'. And it's actually explained by the fact that a purely land based power such as Germany didn't fully comprehend the possibility of a seaborne evacuation.
>allowing 330,000 men to escape as a goodwill gesture for peace, which Churchill rejected.
Trying to pretend after the fact that it was his plan all along is the sort of thing that dictators commonly do.
So you have the book in your possession and refuse to cite any pages, let alone take a photo of the paragraphs where you garnered such facts as "as we all know because the jews/FDR let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor to get America into the war as well."
The only one wasting their time here is you for not doing what the fuck I asked instead of pussyfooting around you moron.
like you don't have your own fucking agenda
I bet you think that since the death camps were actually work camps and only 400k jews died that means the holocaust didn't happen and wasn't a big deal.
And where does that book say that the Jews/FDR let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbour?
>Luftwaffe sank a ship called the HMT Lancastria
did they?
>caring for 300,000 POWs with the USSR massing on your eastern front
>400k jews died that means the holocaust didn't happen and wasn't a big deal
no, it means there was a decades old lie about 5.6 million fake deaths used for political purposes... sort of a big deal, yes?
but keep reading wikipedia
Are you the book guy? Can you reply to me here: >did they?
"My mind was made up for me when she started to sink, turning slowly over on to her side and within seconds the top deck rail was almost level with the water. I was not a good swimmer but I stepped over the rail into the sea and made every effort to get away from the ship as far as I possibly could. I got about thirty yards away, looked back and saw she was sinking fast but a lot of troops were still on board and were scrambling up the bottom of the ship as she turned over.
I managed to get hold of an oar and another chap joined me and we managed to keep afloat by kicking out and holding the oar in front of us. By this time the oil was covering the whole area and we could feel it coming up from below. We were just drifting around while the German bombers were flying low and machine-gunning the survivors in the sea. By this time I was scared stiff and was covered in oil and could not seem to be able to keep my head out of the water."
"Two weeks after Dunkirk, HM Troopship (HMT) Lancastria was taking part in Operation Ariel, the evacuation of British nationals and troops from France. On 17 June 1940, a large number of people, mainly UK civilian refugees, embassy staff, RAF personnel and soldiers, were on board. At around 4pm, the ship was bombed by a German Ju-88 and sank within 20 minutes."
Moreover, everything depended on whether the British actually desired peace. If the British actually wanted peace, the Hitler continued, they could have it in 2 weeks without losing face. A prerequisite for this, to be sure, was that they reconcile themselves to the fact that Poland could not again arise. Russia, too, had something to say about the matter and was not inclined to give up again the Polish areas she occupied. The fate of Poland would not be decided at the conference table, for the decision had already fallen elsewhere.
[Documents on German Foreign Policy. Series D Volume VIII - Schmidt. No 138]
This actually legitimately looks better, and I'm generally not a fan of black and white
This movie looks good but holy fuck the trailer editing was bad. it looked like the sound mixing is awful (par for the course in Nolan movies).
What the fuck is with the weird editing and one liners for a war movie?
Honestly looks like shit in b&w and in motion, in stills too.
>Honestly looks like shit in b&w and in motion, in stills too.
It's too slick. I agree.
Yes, yes, old men in fishing boats crossed the channel rescued 300,000 soldiers without getting destroyed by the then most formidable military force on the planet.
Hitler BTFO!
For you.
He's got a lot of loyalty for a hired guy
"Then the bombing began. German Dornier Do17 aeroplanes flew overhead and, being trained for shipping attacks, were both delighted and amazed to see the enormous cruise ship undefended and stationary, just waiting for their arrival! It nevertheless took the enemy planes almost 2 hours to strike the Lancastria. Four bombs hit in total, one was a bull’s eye, dropping straight down the funnel and exploding in the engine room. At 16h15, less than 20 minutes later, the Lancastria rolled onto her port side and made her way bow first to her grave on the seabed."
"In the morning 2 British destroyers came into the dock and and took off the troops. We went on one of them and thought we were going home – little did we know that most of us were on our last journey and were, in fact, “Going Home”. When we were well out of St. Nazaire (10 miles, I believe) we came to 2 large liners – the one I went to I recognised from the Liverpool Docks – it was a Cunarder “Lancastria”, the other was the Orient line “Oronsay”. When we boarded the Lancastria, we were sent down to the dining room where we had the best meal for weeks served by Cunard stewards. We were then sent back up to make way for the next sitting. With a few of our unit I went to the Shelter Deck (aft) on the starboard side. The ship was absolutely packed with troops plus a few civilians. During the late afternoon we were attacked by German planes – firstly the Oronsay was hit and damaged but remained afloat, then we were attacked. The bombs scored a direct hit and the ship began to sink. At first it seemed to be going on the starboard side, when everyone moved across she righted for a few minutes and then started to go over on the port side."
Why did he put on the mask?
If he took that off would he die?
he really posted that
>You will never bone Season 3 MASH Loretta Switt.
It's a crime what she did to herself.
See, the only way you get to criticize a citation is if you present one in turn corroborating your own point. In this case, "did [the luftwaffe] really [bomb Lancastria]?" Which you haven't done. And are neglecting the other two sources.
What are you actually doing here?