Sup Forums, are there any functional societies run entirely by black people?

Sup Forums, are there any functional societies run entirely by black people?

I'm trying to conclude if black people are uncivilized due to their biology. I personally know plenty of well adjusted black people, and it seems if you drop a black person in a civilized society, they become a functional human being. However, there seems to be a tipping point where if there is a large enough percentage of black people, they become niggerly. Even when black people have a good foundation to get started with, they seem to drive their society into the ground, south africa and detroit being two examples of this. Are there any places on earth where the population is a near majority of blacks that isnt filled with corruption and general uncivility?

>I personally know plenty of well adjusted black people

Mixed with white or pure black?

Bahamas, 90% black and one of the best quality of life in America

The only "well adjusted" black guy I know is only like it because he went to military school. And he's STILL a fucking muslim.

Pure black. Straight A students. The smartest person I knew in highschool was a black girl, she'd help me with physics and stuff.

Have these smart niggers explain to you what the word "average" and "outlier" mean.

Not really, you have a few states like Botswana or gabon that have per capita incomes comparable to poland or hungary. With that said, the germans and the russians managed to destroy those two countries a few decades ago....

You're going about it backwards, OP.

You know "smart blacks" BECAUSE they are the exceptions-to-the-rule who are able to function in modern society. Plus, they have a healthy dose of European genetics mixed in to help them along.

The short answer is: NO, native Africans are NOT capable of maintaining anything above a stone-age hunter/gatherer society. Look at Africa, and you will see that EVERY trace of modern civilization was put there by white or Chinese colonists. Blacks simply have too low an IQ to build a civilization, or integrate properly into modern society.

Look at Zimbabwe--- in 2014, Mugabe kicked out all the white farmers and gave their land to local blacks. In 2015, the nation was starving because Africans are LITERALLY too stupid to maintain basic agriculture, and he begged the whites to come back. This year, 2016, Zimbabwe is facing a major famine because blacks are not capable of feeding themselves.

pic related
what are outliers for $100 Alex?

Easy to be civil when 60% of your economy is based on people swimming in your beaches.

Bull shit. It's not an outlier when blacks who live in white neighborhoods grow up to be normal, and blacks who live in black neighborhoods become niggers. Whites who live in black neighborhoods often become wigger trash. There is has to be more here.

I'd like to see stats how many hotels and resorts are owned and/or managed by whites or asians.

My guess: nearly 100% and nogs are doing the dishes and so on. Nothing bad about those jobs, it just shows that nigs aren't fit for cerebral work.

>It's not an outlier when blacks who live in white neighborhoods grow up to be normal, and blacks who live in black neighborhoods become niggers
Yes, it is.

Botswana does okay.


Jamaica? Does Jamaica cause problems for anyone?

Detriot, Michig...

oh, wait

Not that you'll understand the implications of these graphics to the arguments you're making, but there here for others who are intellectually capable.

>i know some token niggers that are just smart enough to change a light bulb
>therefor not all niggers are nigger

Holy shit, kek. Blacks are literally dumber than most animals


Fucking Maradona thinks he's more than a spic with a soccer ball


The GDP of Argentina is pretty high


I've been to the Bahamas 4 times over about a 20 year span. First trip I was 8, last time was last year. Each time the locals warned me or my family not to be in Freeport at night.

I'm a German-Ukrainian American citizen. I live with my girlfriend here part of the year. I'm an IT consultant with the same firm she works for. Niggers are the same everywhere yo visit in the world. A few are white-tier, but the rest are worse than animals in a zoo.

I have a theory that africans failed to develop abstract thinking and being able to think ahead because Africa doesn't have seasonal changes that would require them to do so.

Thats what the fucking meme said you god dam LEAF


blacs aren't capable of abstract thinking, they don't have morals, they're societies don't have anything holding them together, they're animals

>t. My gf is a nigger. I know niggers.

Oh shit I didn't read it all. Thanks for calling me out LEAF.

why should society be functional?


The Whitehouse, but is low functioning for world empire/super power.