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every time

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do they want a civil war? is that what they're pushing for now?

Surely it will work this time!

and to the republic for which it stands

It's all a Marvel marketing stunt

did they really not learn anything?

there would literally be open revolt if all the electors went faithless, do they think the electors have a death wish or something?

I would unironically attempt to kill these people if they actually stole the election like that tbqh

commie scum

>bob odenkirk

wtf I hate him now. better call saul is shit

I've never seen so much desperation from a political party

Have they learned literally nothing from the last time?

Fucking Moby

>They're still doing the "celebrities tell people how to vote against a stark white backdrop" thing, despite the fact that this method failed them miserably in the election

Just fucking stop, Hollywood. You need to change your game up a little. Or, better yet, keep on doing what you're doing, and keep on losing. I'm cool with that too.

>"I'm not telling you to vote for Hillary Clinton"

Faggots, a vote against Trump is a vote for Clinton. You think the electors don't know what you're trying to do here?

I was actually planning to watch Better Call Saul next year. Despite how painfully slow season 2 was, despite what Sup Forums said about it, I was still going to give the show one last chance. Not anymore.

What the fuck is that worth?

Sup Forums is literally tumblr

>im an actor, my opinion matters more than yours

I think they have to say that otherwise it would be violating equal time rule

How likely is this to happen?

>Faggots, a vote against Trump is a vote for Clinton

au contraire

we have the delegates now

holy fuck is that the guy from jurassic park the lost world?

They are stunningly desperate. Also,

>name dropping Hamilton

Kek, bitch probably learned his name only after the show.

*teleports behind Dahnald*

Not at all.

>I'm not asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton

What did she mean by this?

The tears are just as good as on election night.

forceful expulsion of california when


Clearly you have not watched up until the Cruz Redemption arc

>Dude ignore the population that voted for you to represent them lmao

Can someone tldr on who's actually relevant in that video aside from martin sheen?
I was expecting more A listers desu.

>I don't understand

>we're the elite, they're supposed to adore us and do what we say

>maybe they didn't get it?

>let's have another go

he's majin cruz

too lazy to shoop

Why do they always turn off the comments?

>im not asking you to vote for hillary clinton
>but vote for hillary clinton pls


Is that the jap from Jurassic Park? He's looking well

Isn't Iron Manlet a Republican?

liberals are still in shock and denial. gonna need at least 3 years before they realize how retarded and childish they are being.

Thanks. Was curious who the fuck that was. She is the most disgusting person in that video by far.


>Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!

Better Call saul and breaking bad are both to be avoided because they suck ass, not because the actor said something you disagree with.


i don't know who any of these people are aside from the asian nu-male from westworld and down's syndrome of course

that said, they're right. trump's autistic/retarded

Isn't it ironic how liberals are more communist than Russia in 2016?

You don't understand. The strategy DOES work. Hillary would've lost by an even bigger margin had celebrities not shilled for so hard for her.

Negroids and wetbacks needed to be reminded to vote. Flashy commercials like these affect low information voters, except it's not enough.

>another one

really guys?

>i'm not asking you to vote for hiliary clinton
>repeat 3 times

uh.. yes you are

did you stop watching right after that sentence to post this

The ones I recognize:
Martin Sheen
Debra Messing
BD Wong (WhiteRose from Mr Robot; he's gay IRL, if you didn't know)
Bob Odenkirk
Richard Schiff (from The West Wing, like Sheen)
Talia Balsam (John Slattery's wife and Roger Sterling's wife in Mad Men)

It's hilarious that the "bigger" moments -- "I'm not asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton" and "I stand with you" -- are mostly said by the people no one would know of.

The fact that they couldn't get anyone more relevant than fucking Bob Odenkirk and someone who pretended to be President 10 years ago -- combined with the piano score -- makes me honestly feel bad for them. Like, man, get a life! Get over it! You lost! Throwing more money at the problem is just going to make it worse for you and more embarrassing for anyone who plays along.

>their side wins
Vox populi, vox dei! How dare you stand in the way of the people? Democracy is our greatest value

>their side loses
the unwashed masses are a bunch of idiots who don't even know what's best for them. We need safeguards against the tyranny of the majority! We know better than they do


Actually, BrBa was pretty good. As far as BCS goes, I don't have many shows to look forward to these days.

Just change your vote guys it will be be okay

>watching the whole video
Kill yourself.

Everyone in that video is disgusting because they're leftist bullies.

pol would say the same thing though


Dude it's her turn


But that woman specifically is a fucking affront to nature.

>not recognizing BD from Oz


Personally I only recognized Sheen, Wong and Odenkirk.

I'm sure Sheen and the other West Wing guy did it as a favour to that dipshit Sorkin like plenty of people in the last video did it for Cuck Whedon.

Do you #StandWithHer, Sup Forums?
Ad of the year

Yeah they would, that's why the argument isn't worth having.


looking forward to seeing this all over Sup Forums and Sup Forums for a week


Looks like the A-List refused to show up this time lmao


And now you are probably (surely if you're using windows or are posting from a phone) forever logged into a database for being a violent dissident, and should the election flip, the very first people that the government will target are people like you. Your door will be knocked down before the civil war even erupts.

Hope that post was worth it my man


>muh pol


He's fast..


More like Odencuck.

what is stefan doing here?

looking for an argument

>Loretta Swit
this is so sad

>only Sup Forumsacks would be salty about a bunch of vacuous old sods trying to publicly shame Republican electors into obstructing their party's nominee

>BD Wong

not gonna lie I kinda want this to happen just to see the shitstorm


There would be a military coup.

>thinking an Asian fag who has been on Law & Order: Social Justice Unit for years and has recently portrayed a tranny, wouldn't been a flaming libshit irl

Don't know what to tell you, senpai.

sounds like a popcorn and soda type situation to me

Not to mention this backfiring

yeah same here. Life's too short

It would be quite a happening indeed.

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>trump actually stole the election
>trump is actually selling out the country to Russia

Your post makes no sense.

is there a single likeable person in hollywood?

>Falling for fake news

jesus i jumped

There are already re-uploads.

But god forbid, people speak their mind.

Donny Yen

>cheesy piano music in every fucking video
American liberals are such retarded fucking crybabies.

>Trying to blend into Sup Forums by using mean words
I thought you fags were supposed to be the better people. Of course not, everything that opposes you is racist, and is cry babies.

Goddamn, BD Wong is handsome

Is that Matt Damon from Team America?