Please spoil one thing for me
do the "good" guys have some sort of haha power moment where they outsmart or one up Vader?
also is Vader nice and fucking badass
Please spoil one thing for me
do the "good" guys have some sort of haha power moment where they outsmart or one up Vader?
also is Vader nice and fucking badass
>is Vader nice and fucking badass
chyeh bruh
Get off the pot
Vader is barely in it bar a scene where he mops up fleeing troops. It is well choreographed
Rebels have a bit part priest with an above average use of the force
Vader doesn't meet any of the 'main' case except Krennic (the empire commander guy)
cheers. I was worrying theyd have him hilariously bamboozled
None of the main rebel characters interact with Vader. Vader gets one action scene at the end of the movie where he is fucking devastating.
Nice! I was worrying they'd have muh strong female character one up him somehow. I only wanted limited Vader anyways so they wouldn't fuck with his character.
It's a pretty short scene, but it properly conveys why he's terrifying.
No, Vader never meets the main cast.
He shows up, appears from the dark and murders an entire corridor of rebel soldiers with ease
is there a webm of this oh so great vader killing spree?
There's some low quality Jap rip of the first half of it. It's in one of the other threads.
It goes on for a bit after this. The guy gets the disk through the gap in the door to the other guy, then Vader chops down the door and continues through more rebels.
And spears his lightsaber right through the dudes chest and the door, brutal.
Glad Vader is this kind of terrifying, brutal boogyman. Not a joke like they could easily have turned him into
Vader has a cool base on sullust (I think?) where he lives in a tank of liquid without his armour. He chats to Krennic a bit. It's pretty in character, although he does make a choke pun which I think doesn't quite fit with how he is in the OT.
Im already as erect as I can possibly be
>through the gap in the door to the other guy
Doesn't force hold him?
Man, that was like the most evil looking planet they could conjure up. It was basically Mordor. I like how he's hanging in the bacta tank when you first see him though.
I agree the choke ~quip~ was out of character but they make up for it later IMO.
I think thats Mustafar where else would he be since mustafar was where Vader was truly born by being there his hate and anger refined with the memories there therefore increasing his hate and anger for the force
casually kills that dude on the roof with a back swipe damn
If I was a 11 year old kid watching this scene i'd have been scared as shit of Vader. So happy they went through with it
I just want to know if there are any references to the Prequels at all.
Vader lives on what appears to be Mustafar
>Bael Organa
>The Senate
Can't really think of anymore, but not sure what else they could have done. Shoe horned in Jar Jar or Coruscant or some shit
The Senate is referred to in ANH. And Bael Organa is really just Leia's Dad.
But they actually refer to Mustafar?
also meant for
They show Vader living on Mustafar in some weird ass tank. Probably just sitting in it in pain and emotional torment all day as he remembers the fight with Obi wan and Padme
it was confirmed to be mustafar by pablo hidalgo
"This is Gold Leader, we are starting our attack run"
Oh my god, it was like a nuclear bomb of nostalgia going off inside me. Go get 'em gold leader *sniff*
You have been shitpost-shilling this gay SJW-fanfic all day. Fuck off (or as you would say 'FUARK OFF BRO').
Bail Organa is played by Jimmy Smits, and there is a line referencing the clone wars, but it is refereed to in exactly the same way as in ANH.
It was lame fanservice.
and then this?
'Nothing personal... kid.'
*slashes you without looking*
They do but not with Vader. Vader gets the respect he deserves.
Quite a few actually I'll try go through all the prequel connections:
>Corusant appears VERY briefly in Jyn's flashback of her family with Krennic
>Clone Turbo Tanks are still being used by the Empire
>Bail Organa makes an appearance and mentions his old friend from the clone wars
>Mon Mothma is the same actress from the deleted ROTS scene
>Vader's base may be on Mustafar (could also be Sullist from Battlefront)
>Imperial Senate is mention (also mention in A New Hope I guess)
there might have been a few more
thanks senpaitachi
Does she get BROWNED by that latino captain?
They reference Obi Wan by saying they trust someone with the death star plans who was of great help during the clone wars
Hoyl fuck that is terrifying, so much potential this movie had but they had to go fuck it up. Should have had Vader killing the rebel main heroes off one by one showing that there is no escape form him.
>content not found
What? Already?
But it's Jimmy Smits as Bail, same as Ep.III.
And Mon Mothma is the same actress, though her scenes in III were all cut.