do you want to start a civil war?
because this is how you start a civil war
do you want to start a civil war?
because this is how you start a civil war
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This really worked well the last 10 times they tried it
What did they mean by this?
Oh for fuck's sake.
This shit again?
Looks like they learned from last time though
>u don't have 2 vote 4 Hillary lol this is about #standingwithher
Except she's obviously next in line if Trump doesn't get 270, you disingenuous faggots.
Note also they specifically say "Republican electors".
Fuck these sore loser faggots. Only ones I recognized are Uncle Ben and Saul Goodman. Seeing Bob shill hurt the most.
I only want to to hear the political opinions of neckbeards on youtube
we love america! thats why we want to turn it into mexico!
But don't worry us, we live in rich neighborhoods and send kids to private schools, and we would leave the country in an instant.....
Stop giving these cocksuckers hits.
A message for Hillary Clinton.
>Except she's obviously next in line if Trump doesn't get 270
Holy fuck, you have no idea how the US constitution and government work, do you? Even after they fucking explained it in the video. Unreal.
>Liberals bring up founding fathers
>All of them were white nationalists, homophobes, islamophobes, racists, and bigots
Really makes you think, don't it
lol stupid celebrities
what would they know about politics?
>quoting Hamilton
>muh demagoguery
Don't they realize that he was the only founding father that wanted the country to be run by a king? I guess that meme musical didn't teach shit.
>implying there would be any white countries for them to go to if they had their way
>unite America
These people are beyond delusional.
I guarantee you that if electors flip the election, it will be the Day of the Rope and will escalate to a full blown civil war. The people you will be pissing off have all the guns in America
They will never learn
>neither candidate gets 270
>goes to the House
>House votes for the terminally ill cunt
Clearly you don't know how it works, you dumb fag. Unless you are retarded enough to think that the House would vote for the meme libertarian or the insane hippie.
>b-but Republicans have a majority, Trump'll win anyway!
Then why bother with this whole charade to begin with? It's a scheme to get Clinton elected because I'm sure after decades in politics she's buddies with enough cuckservative politicians to steal the election from Trump.
If these fuckers weren't so shallow, it could just be a scheme to further delegitimize his victory, but these are actors we're talking about.
i thought he was dead wtf
3 millions drumptfards
this is why we have electoral college
he is, they used the ant-man CGI
You're thinking of his AIDS ridden son.
Business mogul first, celebrity second.
better call saul on suicide watch
Um, they didn't understand it either.
>the federalist papers is a legally binding document and not just the opinion of some (mostly) anonymous dudes
Delet this
if these celebrities got their wish it would be an excellent way of creating an American version of the IRA
Hillary would be next in line only if 37 Republican electors switched their vote to her. This obviously isn't going to happen. They could however vote for someone else like Pence, or Romney, or Mickey Mouse if they wanted to. This would leave no one with the required 270 votes to win, and a vote would be held in the House. Now obviously the Republicans have a majority and would choose a Republican, but that doesn't mean it would be Trump who isn't exactly popular with with party regulars. This is all academic though because the electors will more than likely vote Trump.
All that would happen is those electors would go to prison, and be replaced
all those republicans in the house need to win elections to stay there, they wouldn't go against Trump
i mixed him up with dennis hopper
Except they are a small minority who live in pointless shitholes. It's been proved the election has been hacked by Russia.
Hey now. That's no way to talk about our former president.
:37 reminds me of tut tut girl
I feel sorry if you think he is known from TV dumb young perosn.
>Trying to change the electoral vote count
You'd start a fucking civil war if you got the elected candidate out on a technicality like this. For all the shit they spew about Trump being a divider (and he is) doing something as bizarre and unprecedented as this would irreversibly damage the country.
>hacked by Russia
Wew lad you're retarded
t. Hillary Clinton
I can't wait for the day Trump stomps them into the dirt.
I'm not so sure. The people in the video are exercising their right as citizens to try and sway opinion about something in politics. Whether or not Trump gets elected (and he will), something needs to be done about the electoral college. I'd honestly rather Trump wasn't elected because it would spur people to active in politics on all sides of the spectrum.
>im not telling you to vote for hillary clinton
>donald trump lacks the skills for being president
wew lad
Fuck off shill.
Thanks for your productive input.
Hillary Clinton
I am voting for Hillary Clinton