How does /tv feel about this show?
How does /tv feel about this show?
reddit reddit go away
Its my favorite comedy on TV
although S4 has been average, the first two seasons are pure comedy kino
>tfw no santiago GF
Only watched the first two seasons so far but I've been enjoying it enough.
florida story line was a bad start to the season and now im behind like 5 episodes
Cynical asshole, cynical asshole fuck off
Pretty ok, thou this is the worst era for a sit-com
dumb and unfunny. I wanted to like it but there's nothing to like.
>tfw Jewish Perolta gets to put his circumsized dick in her
Stronk minority woman
Smart white woman
Black wise, authority figure
Gay man
2 stupid White males who are continually reminded of their ignorance and inferiority
Perfect show for (((current year))).
Scully and Hitchcock are they show's lovable idiots, it has nothing to do with race. You sound like a nigger
Also the shows been on since what 2014 so that "((current year))" shit is invalid
the flashback-randomjoke-a-la-familyguy with the radio sound and the fade outs has to be the worst transition I've ever seen on tv.
saw the pilot years ago and coudn't stand it.
>it has been on for 2 years, therefore it can not be a good example of today's social climate.
>doesn't mention the white main character
Not the best but pretty good desu senpai. Definitely the best thing Samberg has ever done.
>tfw the hot Mexican chick gets blacked.
They literally call him "Jake the Jew" at one point.
I'm black, and I love my people. Not every n-word is black ya know.
did you say "today's social climate", or did you say "current year"?
It's like people on this website don't even read what they type.
>I'm black,
Prove it, or I am reporting you to SPLC for hate speech.
>did you say "today's social climate
Did I say 'perfect for current year'?
Why, yes, I did. What do you think that means?
One does seem to imply the other. Maybe you should reread. Literalism doesn't work past age 12.
What do you think the whole current year meme means? Not just Sup Forums, but in the real world, too.
I think that means it's perfect for the PC culture of 2016. Now where in that sentence did you see anything about 2014? No matter what, your point is invalid because the show existed before the current year, sjw, and pc culture memes existed.
>Literalism doesn't work past age 12
So you just say things and expect people to know what you really mean, makes sense. Also, I think you should google "literalism". It doesn't mean what I think you think it does.
Don't remember PC culture being to prevalent in 2014 but whatever
I don't feel like proving it
>literalism doesn't work past age 12
So "the interpretation of words in their usual or most basic sense" doesn't work when you're older than 12. Fuck you are stupid user.
See >Also the shows been on since what 2014 so that "((current year))" shit is invalid
Re read the chain. This is repetitive.
Wew laddy
really dislike it
I don't know why, probably cause it never makes me laugh
"Tommy, get off the car. Get inside."
"But mom, you said we were going ON a car ride, not IN a car ride. Hahaha, I got you, mom, hahaha."
>take a seat
show that you can be a relatively good sitcom even with pandering to SJWs
I was legitimately surprised, I keep thinking I'm going to get annoyed at it since tumblrites worship it so much but I end up enjoying it after all
If one took going "on a car ride" literally they would still get inside the car dumbass. Tommy's mother didn't say "We're going on a car"
You're also applying literalism to popular phrases that are inherently not meant to be taken literal, dumbass.
To "take" something also means to claim it, so if you "take a seat" you claim that seat. Try again dumbass.
It's shit. Every character is overplayed and troped to hell and back. They can't even stick to the same character (i.e. Santiago was workaholic but normal then s2 rolls around and she's essentially a female neckbeard that likes sewing)
Some of the actors are horrific (gina)
Plots are eh
Overall, it brings nothing new to the table.
I keep watching it and chuckling through.
I dropped it at the start of the new season.
>southern stereotype sees the captain and jake kissing
>"Oh no hold on there!"
>goes running in to stop them
>they lock him in the room
>Holt literally says "Come on man, it's 2016"
That about did it for me.
I did mostly like the rest of it though, even if the characters did get flanderized insanely fast.
>first episode jake: Competent but childish cop
>end of season 1 jake: Retard
>first episode boyle: Bit of a pushover
>end of season 1 boyle: Literally lives in his wife's boyfriend's basement
Unironically Reddit: The Show
I can't watch it. It really is pushing the same degeneracy shit. Normies will watch it because every movie and tv show pushes the same things, so there is no choice.
Anti-semitism in a nutshell.
In the beginning I was rooting against it, because I love Andy Samberg and didn't want a network sitcom to weigh him down.
It's one of two comedies I actually watch weekly. Took a season or so for the cast to find their grooves, but everybody in it is really great except the hit or miss Chelsea Peretti. I wanted to like her, because I think she's kinda attractive, but most of her material really sucks.
The new season isn't great, everything is so unbearably Flanderized. The last episode was about most of the detectives cheating at a Christmas carolling competition while Jake and Boyle tried to find Boyle's kid's christmas present. Don't they have crimes to solve?