my back hurts
o k
socialized medicine or poor fag die its the name of the game
What's this from?
I see you posted this thread again, maybe it'll get some traction this time :^)
are americans so sick that they need medical attention 24/7?
you try the standard american diet and see if it doesn't literally kill you
its the only way to get back at society
Stop begging and work for a living.
Negotiating for a better contract is begging except when you're already rich.
If you had medical attention 24/7, the cost of healthcare would go down.
Here's how healthcare works in America:
You need to pay $400 dollars per month for health insurance.
If you do and you get sick, pray that your insurance covers what you have, and if it does, you can get treatment and your premium goes up to $500 dollars a month.
If you're not covered by your health insurance or you don't have one, pray that you don't get sick, because if you you do, you'll get hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.
>You need to pay $400 dollars per month for health insurance.
Or you could get a real job and get off negroecare, you lazy pathetic NEET.
How much does that cost?
Or does your employer own your healthcare, like some kind of socialist nightmare?
>government owning your healthcare isnt a socialist nightmare
>employer owning your healthcare as a benefit is
ive worked since high school and finally landed a job that offers a real health plan below 150$ out of my fucking paycheck.
Fuck America
They both sound pretty bad. The employer one is obviously worse. It's still state controlled healthcare (inb4 private companies are not part of the state), but now you are cut off if you are fired.
I'm not American, I live in a civilized country where I can get health care if I need it, regardless of what job I have or don't have.
all of these were me
>I'm not American
then your opinion on anything is worthless and immediately discarded LMAO
He's gonna make it bros
The autistic screeching in progress now that the show was cancelled displays exactly how outstanding it was in both quality of humor, and how effective the insults and messages were at getting under the skins of their intended audience. Thanks for the confirmation Sup Forums. I believe that she will win.
>m-muH Sup Forums BOOGEYMAN
were not going anywhere kid :)
4 long years
What's with millenials and their obsession with e-celebs?
should have supported universal health care dumb fuck
That was legit funny. Why wasn't his show like this?
post the webm of this guy smoking weed pleaze
What is the health insurance a reference to?
That entire boston bit was insufferably boring.
How do you still have acne at 31?
He is really sweaty. I was on the Boston show, never seen a guy sweat as much as he does.
He is funny, but his personal hygiene is really revolting.
> Sam "please, more jam" Hyde
> Sam "my real dad is Papa Gino's" Hyde
> Sam "more WHITE sauce, please" Hyde
> Sam "First rule of Fat Club" Hyde
Sam Hyde really does have contempt for black people, also he is a pedo faggot.
why is there such hate for sam? I thought you edge lords would love him. plus with most of the bland tv shit that is on it's actually kind of nice to have a show that feels at the very least unique and original.
and my daughter has a cold sam! FOR GOD SAKES
tim heidcker x sam hyde xxx porno.mov
>guy who can't go 5 seconds without spouting a meme he heard on a secret site
>why is he hated
Why do MDE talk with Boston accents when they are from Rhode Island?
It's tv, they hate everything.
Right now we have socialized medicine and they let the poor die, though.
It's just /r/ShitRedditSays "raiding".
nice false flag sam
>I can get health care if I need it
You CAN get health care, it will just put you in massive debt for decades and you won't be able to get loans for a home or business.
Also if you rely on the public, you know you probably won't be able to get health care on weekends, specifically Sunday.
Will we ever find out who Katie is, Sup Forums?
Don't say she fucks strangers, I know this. That's why I wanna find out.
I mean that guys got a point with that snl bit
Look it up yourself /r/ShitRedditSays.
>You CAN get health care, it will just put you in massive debt for decades and you won't be able to get loans for a home or business.
That's why the USA needs to go back to free market healthcare.
It worked quite well before.
I don't think you know what a false flag is
I don't think you know what empirical evidence is.
>mfw i get healthcare through my union
except 95% of the people against World Peace havent watched a minute of the show
The get will happen in this thread.
Remember, 7s are the luckiest.
I'm sure you know what autism is
Like Tim "I'm literally a cuckold and live in a cuckshed" Heidegger has?
>That's why the USA needs to go back to free market healthcare.
Its called the black market, if weed doesn't fix it, put some cocaine on it, if that doesn't work, get some heroin.
there is no obamacare
you get literally nothing for paying just $50 a month
any cancer will be allowed kill you off if you get it
Obama scammed us all so niggers could get perscription drugs and sell them on the street
You get to pay 4x the price for a life saving allergy shot because they know they have you by the little guys now.
what memes? he addresses topics and ideas in internet culture. it's where a lot of the humor comes from. i don't think just because it comes from internet culture you can quickly judge it as nothing but memes.
Where are the memes? It's mostly all original stuff. sure it's heavily influenced by other things and is similar to other types of shows (sketch comedy, adult swim brand humor, edgy). If you don't like his edginess I think that's understandable, I can't stand his stand up stuff. But the show has some straight up funny bits.
I liked some of his ideas for sketches, but what is he gonna do if World Peace actually does get a season 2 now? And the original stuff was good, but a lot seemed like a "best of" of his past work.