>Many bothans died to bring us this information
>Not a single bothan in the film
Many bothans died to bring us this information
Other urls found in this thread:
Does the movie address whats Vader's position regarding Trump's presidency, the illegal Mexicans and the Syrian refugee crisis?????
>Bothan posting will be the Rogue one version of Shrink ray
wasn't that the Second Death Star?
That was for the SECOND death star. I don't blame you for losing track though
You fucking idiot.
Because they died.
Those died for the plans of the second Death Star and intel
First Death Star plans were stolen by pic related
>TFW too smart to know which movie im talking about
At this stage the best we can hope for is to have Kyle reckt by the Knights of Ren in a flash back to Lukes new jedi getting killed
>Disney will never make him a main character
>It hurts but search your feelings, you know it to be true
Return of the Jedi ya skrub
You retards aren't gonna pollute the board with rogue one threads like last year with TFA are you?
Because they're dead, idiot. Did you expect them to come back as Force ghosts?
Yes. Bothans is the new bonus situation
Tragic really. Manny Bothans was a nice guy.
>kyle katarn is a winemaker now.
When she said many Bothans died, she meant ALL of the Bothans died. She just didn't want to admit to the accidental genocide by giving the seriously dangerous mission to the grossly incompetent but single minded and focused race of Bothans, who never give up, never surrender and die like flies.
>Shrink ray posting
Still not as bad as the pedophiles in /got/
>bothans are furries
Not so tragic
Mon Mothma was cute
He looks even more Jedi now lol.
She looks like the creator of Scrubs
In EU they had like 15 different stories about how Death Star plans were stolen with all of them supposed to be canon
Yeah, and nobody can seem to grasp this.
She still is considering the 3 women that have played her are all clones
not canon
Starkiller is more canon than this fag atm
I like the old Bothan art from my old Star Wars character book where they didn't look like long face cats.
They looked like taller versions of the red haired wizard thing from the live action He-Man movie.
I sperged when I saw this thread too. Thanks for getting in here quick guys.
Can anyone explain to me why the second one had to be bigger? I mean what's the point, it could already destroy entire planet.
Man, think of how many people were in the Deathstar, let alone the second one.
All those lives wiped out in an instant.
Internal Shield generator. They used the endor shield generator to protect it while they worked on the construction of the internal shield generator.
Given what we know now with Rogue one, it apparently took 20 years to complete the construction of the first deathstar. But I guess they built the super laser first this time
Especially when the book Catalyst points how how many garden worlds the Empire turned into Mars to obtain the necessary materials to build those monstrosities.
did that thing have a fucking huge hyperdrive
this shitpost is the only good thing to have come out of Rogue One if I do say so myself
if this perspective is accurate, shouldn't the trench be like, a mile wide?
>I bring this up at work and get laughed at by my own employees
S-Stupid f-f-fucks. I could fire 'em!
>Many bogans died to bring us this film.
RIP, bogans.
That's embarrassing user. Even a casual fan knows enough to know Bothans stole the second Deathstar plans.
I wonder if we'll ever get that movie.
Common misconception, the trench from the trench run is not the main one.
Only good games and movies count in canon
You people call yourself fans...
>At this stage the best we can hope for is to have Kyle reckt by the Knights of Ren in a flash back to Lukes new jedi getting killed
This could actually work.
>Be Kyle
>Be asked to steal the death star plans
>First day on the job he gets slaughtered
>Jyn is sent in and is asked to do the job
I'd prefer this rather than Kyle being completely never mentioned.
>mfw the video game Dark Forces is actually Kyle dead... hence how he becomes so good with the lightsaber and every other skill because he in fact died and is just imagining himself getting the plans and the death star being destroyed
Did I just create the best fan theory of Kyle Kartarn?
Vader hates illegal aliens
>Anti White propaganda
>The entire diverse cast gets killed by the white empire
>tfw you will never have a gf with a 11" neck
>tfw you will never have a gf with a 11" dick
That's way more than 11 inches
you know, they could still have kyle katarn show up in canon stuff later on. They'd just retcon the bit about him grabbing the death star plans and give that bit of wank to their new feminist propaganda bitch. If any of you guys actually played the game you'd know that stealing the death star plans was less than 10% of the game's plot.
Who even cared about mother moth'ma in the first place? She's a one of character in rotj. Nostalgiafagging is reigning supreme in these films.
Rouge One is entirely nostalgiabait
it had to accomodate bigger luke
Did you just ASSUME their race?
Check your jedi privilege shitlord, the force is racist
>mfw I was just about to make this exact thread
>Did I just create the best fan theory of Kyle Kartarn?
>Le Character was dead/coma all along meme
>Herp did I just best fan theory?
They should've cast Felicia Day as a Bothan
Money laundering
Twenty years could of included the research and development of a death star as well
Death Stars are actually smaller than most people think. Most people think the death star is like the size of the moon. It's maybe 120 miles across, there are asteroids in our solar system bigger than that.
Everyone knows it's no moon
Honestly the second one was probably already being built years before the first one got blown up. Also that's natural progression of technology in a "WWII in space setting" Everything got bigger as the war went on, tanks got bigger, planes got bitter, battleships and aircraft carriers got bigger. The first one was probably just a prototype and the second one was the one that was going to be a real menace.
>Can anyone explain to me why the second one had to be bigger? I mean what's the point, it could already destroy entire planet.
So it could destroy bigger planets, stupid.
she's a small gal
>Luke did I ever tell you about the Bothans? They were a never seen but valorus race many of whom sacrificed themselves to bring the death star plans to the rebellion but got yellow-washed out for the sake of overseas distribution in a galaxy far far away a long time from now. They were good friends.
Yeah bro let's get back to REAL stuff like game of thrones, join me on reddit, my handle is urafaggotjusthidethethread
Kyle Katarn is a ridiculous Mary Sue who only works in the context of the game. If his story was told in the form of a film you'd all hate it
I'm surprised they didnt try to change Vader into a more sympathetic character, I mean, if he's no. 2 space nazi, it's gonna hurt merchandise sales
She was using Bothan in the colloquial sense. Like niggers.
>look at all those niggers over there
>>those are mexicans
>same fucking thing
>many bothans died to bring us this
>>they were black humans
>same fucking thing
Better than the blacked threads
Yeah it's like millions of voices suddenly cried out and terror and were suddenly silenced.
It's like poetry.
Rogue Two when?