Post your favourite album and guess someone else's personality right fucking now or you die
Post your favourite album and guess someone else's personality right fucking now or you die
class clown
that one guy who hangs out with pleb retards and enjoys secretly feeling superior
I'm not Sup Forumscore
all are fucking idiots
intelligent, pot-smoking slightly psychotic but charming and funny and gets what they need
outgoing gay femme/middle aged mom, sells stuff on etsy
Okay OP
seemingly arrogant asshole, anti-social emotional breakdowns and anger fits but really a sweet person who can't abide stupid people
in need of family therapy, dude try meditation
“I have just now come from a party where I was its life and soul; witticisms streamed from my lips, everyone laughed and admired me, but I went away — and wanted to shoot myself.”
finds happiness wherever you can but still feels kinda melancholy most of the time
Shouts if you don't get attention
brain burned out from MDMA
Nostalgia driven and self concious
open minded but sheltered
You find yourself hilarious and don't care if noone else does
if yer willing to have UP as yer favourite album on Sup Forums you're either a massive pleb or a confident god of music. or neither
you're a fucking lovely guy with confidence issues
you're a bit of a mess but embrace it
you'd be a monk if you believed in god
shit taste and not commenting on others posts
I bet thats a replica gun
you nailed it
this unironically
This or CTTE
Depressed delusionals
Unhappy adult
Is getting into music
you want to kill ppoll hahaha
thanks my man
scary accurate on me and my fave album
if you say so, maybe you're like me, meditation saved my life
19yr old guy in his who drinks with underage girls
born deaf
I don't know a single fucking album of the ones posted here
Opus Eponymous
Guy in his last year of college who decided he's gonna try extra hard this year since it's his last year but instead wastes a lot of time masturbating and pretending like he's doing work.
middle aged man who doesn't understand modern music
15-16 year old skater/stoner who thinks they have a diverse taste in music because they like "oldies" and underground hip hop
Forgot to post my album
You probably struggle with depression
This guy covered it Virgin
Pinkerton guy here, incorrect
Then you're in an abusive relationship and you're too much of a pussy to leave
Also incorrect, I'm actually very happy right now, although I was depressed for a long time before I met the girl I'm currently with
You love fun
you enjoy the sound of rain
definitely gay
upset with the world
eats at least one box of raisins a day
didn't like the new star wars
loves family guy
you play sax
you miss being able to play arcade games at the local pizza place; they took all the machines out half a decade ago and there was barely anything to begin with
your mom just died
not underaged, hasnt been for ages, always gets called underaged b&
you always have dreams that leave you unsettled, but not disturbed, and they're most often the most exciting part of your day
you love codeine
slays sluts, still suicidal
you have a good relationship with your sister
you don't
I was expecting the responses i got but it ain't no b8
This lad got me right. Depression is a bitch
holy shit this is so close, i don't do drugs or skate tho
not living up to your full potential and you know it but you're fine with it anyway
numb from going through a lot of hard shit
very fun guy to hang out with but probably with a weird sense of humor that most others don't get
played guitar hero 3
has had a lot of short lived but emotionally draining relationships in the past few years
>likes "underground" hip-hop and oldies
>doesn't even skate
>doesn't even smoke or dope
why are kids so lame these days
The girl "cured" your depression? Don't worry the relationship will become abusive soon enough.
actually didn't find them from guitar hero
lmao at that poor user who thinks life will ever be anything but a miserable shitshow
You like socializing and enjoy being the center of attention at the club.
>loves family guy
when I was little 10 sure lol
You're a nice guy and don't take yourself too seriously
You cheat on all of your girlfriends
You talk to yourself sometimes
Ironically, a very calm person
Likes wood, wood textures and wood colours
Has a good relationship with your parents. Chill guy but has a soft side that you try to hide. Genuinely a nice person.
Has had many problems with gfs in the past, more than the average person. Feels lonely and wants to connect with people but can't (but not because you're completely unable to do it, you're still trying to figure out why and feel trapped). Maybe actually has a gf but still not happy with the way you love life is going.
>family guy was airing when you were ten
>Likes wood, wood textures and wood colours
that I do
this or Benji
good in social situations
i'd hang out with you anytime
bad taste
chill dude
good taste
Talks about dank memes irl
Happy despite having an anxiety disorder
Super gay
Doesn't make friends easily
People find you intense and standoffish but those who like you think you are fantastic
Things are finally working out for you and you find it confusing and scary
Gets a rush from riding the bus alone on a rainy day
Takes social media too seriously
Nigga u underage
is a girl or is very girly
doesn't have a life and has shit taste
I'm a different person but that's my favorite album and this description is extremely accurate
don't drink coffee
a lot of these musicians ITT are those I've never heard of before so I can't say much
you wish you had the balls to do drugs, but in reality you're just an outcast without any close relations.
reasonable person with minor depression
miss and miss :/
sry cant comment on anything you guys posted, dont know any of the bands/albums.
a good soul
chill dude
what the fuck is this and why is this image so low quality and ugly
late teens to early twenties, pretty lukewarm but in a chill way and more sensitive than he lets on
Social weirdo who is struggling with a lot of shit. most of it is your fault
Pretentious asshole
Super duper gay
You hate your adulthood
Teenager who thinks he's an adult
Chill dude who is struggling with a lot of shit
Chill dude, but is a bit of an asshole. doesn't have many friends
You're a young girl or is baiting
Sees yourself as intelligent
Is admittedly a pleb
Is starting to develop your taste
Loveless guy here, I am intelligent
You're all wonderful people who I wish the best to for this year 2018.
owns too many reverb pedals
wants to fuck an underage japanese girl
amberpricefag, you're cool in my book
chill dude who you can discuss kvlt shit with
You guys are probably right, but let me live my delusion for a while before I inevitably kill myself
Other way around
This is so accurate it hurts. I'm happy right now, but it's a bit complicated and I'll probably end up hurt in the end
Nope, good meme though
I got the albums for you when you realize you're too deep to escape
wears a flat brim baseball cap
Send them now so I can make sure to have them ready for later please
Loveless guy here
Don't really do drugs, the most I've done is weed
Likewise for you
Not wrong
I actually don't know how to play any instrument
You make really shitty baits for fun