What int prefers tea or coffee?

What int prefers tea or coffee?

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Me: tea. Coffee is for women

Hot chocolate with Whiskey





Tea with milk and sometimes chicory with lemon.
Coffee is for office amebas

such a hard decision

Some years ago I liked tea, now I like coffee.

that's it.

The man at the center of the motorcade can choose between coffee and tea

I like both...
Coffe on the early morning
Tea in the afternoon

Yes is literally the gayest drink in existence


I'll teabag every coffeefag


I prefer to drink water, people here get upset when you tell them you don't like tea

Coffee if I need the caffeine but tea if I want to enjoy my drink

I drink coffee in the morning and tea at night

So both

these guys get it

Tea ofc.

I masturbate regularly

Why pick one when you can pick both?

Coffee-tea master race.

Coffee for the kick you need. Tea for the balance. Or both if you want:



Chocolate milk

Iced sweet tea and coffee. If you don't like sweet tea, you're a nigger.

Why not chocolate milk with cawfee?

café con leche o cortado



tea(earl grey, 3 sugar)

Tea, coffee tastes like burning.

I don't think that would taste good

Coffee, tea is for faggots

so far i have not found a tea that i like

Tea. Black, of course.

I drink tea because coffee isn't my thing.
My mom drinks at least a cup a day and my dad like 3 or 4

Coffee is for women who work in an office.

do you this pic as manly?, you should be gay

>coffee is for women
>proceeds to post the gayest tea pic I've seen in my life

tea is for asiatic subhumans

Coffee is the obvious choice although I've to admit that I like coffee with milk even more.

then why do mexicans drink it.
checkmate, spic!


I prefer some kind of liquor because I'm not a sissy faggot

this. Tea is for afeminate posh people
Women don't like black coffee because it makes their breath smell bad and it tastes tart

I love tea. Coffe is an accidental drink but tea is everyday it can also accompany any kind of food. I love black, black with honey, milk or fresh black currant leaves, green with ice. Mint or melissa go great with it too.

Gay people are men.


>he drinks nothing but liquor
>he thinks this makes him manly
>he is actually just a retarded drunkard