it's tiem?
when I was her age I was rotting infront of a tv playing Halo. Now i am rotting infront of a monitor browsing Sup Forums. I hate being autistic.
leexe tiem? :3
jelly landwhale detected
Halo is the patrician's choice.
JFC shes starting to look worse then that fucking troll brighton
Really solid collarbone and shoulders on jj
I would kiss them
how old is that girl even
pussy pics when?
Old enough.
heyyyyy, ff
what;s up?
i want to post my baby chloe but you fucking faggots are so mean to her ;__;
what the fuck are her nails!!!! can't she get french tips instead of nigger sharp claws
>that fucking troll brighton
Holy shit I forgot all about her. Lmao I remember when she was spammed and when people would point out how ugly she was getting and how she was turning into her sister the brighton spammers would deny all day long. Now where are they kek.
French tips are nigger tier, that shit is basic porn star level. The white nails wouldn't be so bad if she didn't have them on literally all the damn time
Give up on her man she should've took care of herself
On the other hand I think the this Lexi girl represents a new breed of whore the likes of Wich we have never seen before gentleman
Nothing much happy to still be unb&
Boring. Same shitposters, posting the same shit, of the same shit girls from that program, how many years ago is it now? 4? 5? I think it was called Dance Moms or some stupid shit.
I lol at you idiot fucking Americans and your pedo obsessions. Stupid fucking morons.
>inb4 "projecting"
>inb4 "leddit"
>inb4 "tl;dr"
>inb4 picture of unattractive men wearing out-of-fashion hats and/or wielding giant swords
Let's face it, you Jordyn/Lexee/whothefuckever-posters are fucking legitimately retarded. Not even mad, just pointing out the truth.
it's not our fault you redditors insist on picking shit-tier coalburning waifus, fham
I'm getting used to sex claws, 2bh
>lexee thread
Are you retarded?
it was just one guy, fham
and he still denying it to this day
and don't forget about lexi
what in the flying fuck does "wdsmbt" mean?
what does she mean by this
I can't stop myself though
pls txt me back before your 1Xth birthday
>being on Sup Forums
>not even know that acronym stand for
yeah you should go back
come on dude.... i tired and horny
kek, good, good
such cute little dolls
it's like they're made out of candy, or something
he's here pham
all that shit in the pool
i just want to swim
why is any of this allowed
>sex claws
KEK more like whore claws
how old are they now?
Gotta pay the bills somehow.
he hates me, 2bh
you can go to the beach for that, user
see now this is the shit that is really sad about you cunny posters you make shit like this
Forget it. You're replying to people who make these threads when most of the mods are asleep. Every time the thread's pruned and the OP's bot is banned? The bot resets its proxy. The person who MADE the bot most-likely can't see what you're typing, but the other pedophiles who post pictures of children? They're immune to everything.
They'd tell you you're "not welcome here" and recommend another particular site. They're immune to criticism. They're immune to taunts. They're even immune to love, which is why their own family STOPPED TRYING.
Just report the thread and move to the next one. It's all we can do. Some day the pedophile "cunnyposters" will be on the receiving-end of the shit stick, but for now all we can do is endure.
kinda the same thing, user...
She's not even womanly at all. God damn whores man. We need a cultural regression back to when this shit wasn't tolerated.
and thats the problem user
they are trashy
Yep, that's what I thought you'd reply with.
I think Lera is 17 or so, she was around 9 years old back in 2009 if memory serves which are her best sets
Not sure on val
I don't remember for sure tho I didn't stalk her VK as many as some others did
>he thinks it's fake
They have a countdown on their website dude.
>this triggers the bitter virgins
calm down, jesus
When I was her age I was having UT LAN parties with my cousin. Best time of my life.
Fucking off yourself for making this absolutely nasty
don't give up on us, pastabro :3
I have such a love hate relationship with you pedo fucks. I honestly think you all need to be burned at the stake for being mentally ill degenerates, but on the other hand, I like you way more than the fucking Janny, and you have been a permanent staple of Sup Forums going back years that it would feel weird to be rid of you.