is this the most racist show on television?
Is this the most racist show on television?
No, you zipperheads are just overly sensitive. Go back to /r/asianmasculinity.
it's racist against white people
wtf? I hate asians now
Didn't the creator of the show disown it?
Silence you nigger kikes
It's a very niche show. You'd only understand it if you were in that environment, living with an Asian family in the early 90s
I think it's fucking hilarious because I can relate, but not everyone can
>oh look, the beautiful, friendly, generous white neighbor is here. better treat her like complete shit!
Such a rip off
oh shit is that asian jim
As a nonwhite you know that whites are never your friend and will turn on you in an instant should the situation call for it
you're thinking of blacks
what is it with these shows about ETHNIC FAMILIES
fuck them
this show is not funny
No but its the same concept, a white person living with blacks will be turned on the same way a black person living amongst whites would. Its just the way people are and there is nothing anyone can do about it
Are there any Asian comics that don't go for the low hanging fruit of giving white people permission to laugh at their accents?
made the poos look good desu
I think he sold it.
If I've learned anything from living in Orange County California is that Asians are untrusting and insular, also corrupt as fuck in politics.
if you watch eddie huang's fresh off the boat videos on vice he's the most anti-white/anti-white person around. he'll travel to some shitty vietnamese backroom noodle hut and talk about why vietnamese culture must be preserved and then he'll go to berlin and visit some shitty turkish kebab centre and say this is why the west needs multiculturalism
>I feel like Asian men have been emasculated so much in America that we're basically treated like Black women.
nuke the chinkniggers
I was roomates with a self hating Vietnamese guy once. Shit was hilarious.
>always telling me that whites are the best race and how much he hates being asian
>was dating a Filipino girl for a while, Vietbro always told me to date a white instead and further the white race
>he was super hardcore Christian and called everything degenerate
>hey Vietbro, what are your thoughts on dish washers?
>"It's degenerate. God intended man to wash his own dishes and not be content with laziness and sloth."
In hindsight, I'm pretty sure he posted on Sup Forums
Well lots of Vietmanese are appreciative for getting out of that communist hellhole.
>it's a honey episode
muh uncle hitler dindu nuffin
viets are niggers
I'd fuck the gook mom, and sniff & worship her soles
It's impossible to be racist against white people. But you autists are too literal to understand what that means. inb4 you sperglords post the dictionary definition of racism.
poor taste user
This statement is OUTRAGEOUS! Why I have never encountered such an inflammatory comment in my life. You need a stern talking to sir!
I actually liked the first season of this show.
taking away the narration is not helpful whatsoever.
Never watched it it, bit didnt even Eddie Huang say that he hates it?
I imagine is pretty fucking shit then
>don't is the only white word
>You need us. We need you.
Really makes you activate your almonds.
Shut up kike
Ripping off Good Old Bill.
I'm white and I think it's a really funny show