Me on the right

me on the right

I liked you in the Sopranos.

I don't remember this episode of Kenny vs. Spenny

looks like they're having a good time

post yfw the cuck is actually the camera man

That's me in the corner

The guy on the left looks pretty happy, I bet that was a good day for him

that's me in the spot


Is this what happiness looks like?

The only good kind of porn with two males and one female is MMF.

>me on the left


Watch it user

Me in the middle!

The tripod is the cuck?

Fucking humanscum of the earth ill burn that whore


They look so happy to be there

Fucking chinks with no soul

Love when moralfags like you repond with le tough guy memes.

Kill yourselves.

I'm curious but don't want to watch the video, what happens?

they took her

Doggu gets burnedu by an Asian womanu

A dog gets burned alive with a blowtorch.

A melanin enriched gentleman gets his bootyhole licked.

>I-i-it's feminism's fault I dont have a g-girlfriend

nigga gets his bumhole licky licked


Well... this is just sad.


>le epic trole xd

I've clicked on the video retards, I just closed it as soon as I saw the dog.

I'm guessing they're chinese, fucking soulless monsters.

people complain about the jews but shouldnt we go back to nuking asian niggers? They dont do shit for us besides cheap tech and drycleaning anyways

Well, do you have a gf?

>Kill yourself.
>not edgy.