>Snape pulls out a wand and shouts "AVADA KEDAVRA" at voldemort
What would have happened if he had done this? Would voldemort have reacted in time?
>Snape pulls out a wand and shouts "AVADA KEDAVRA" at voldemort
What would have happened if he had done this? Would voldemort have reacted in time?
He would have bit hit by a half dozen insta-cast stunners before he said the second word. And yeah, Voldy would be too quick for it too.
what is this twilight tier hogwash
Probably not, no, but he'd just come back to life. Voldemort can read minds and tell if they are plotting betrayal, and Snape is one of the few who has trained hard enough to be able to blend in.
If that were the case then it certainly wouldn't be THE dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises! For real each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Voldemort could literally read minds. If snape was going to do something as brash as an avada Kadavra, the spell itself requires a lot of focus and concentration to do. Snape was able to conceal his treachery from voldemort with only the utmost concentration. Voldemort would have known he would try to do it before it even happened.
What makes a wizard special? They are just pointing their wands and saying words when "casting" the spells.
Never read the books, so genuinely interested.
If we're going to pick out plot holes on this shitfest we'll be here all week.
>Voldemort can read minds
Mind reading is my least favorite plothole excuse ever. Makes it easy!
At that point Voldemort still had horcruxes. And I'm pretty sure Voldemort didn't trust anyone but himself and was always prepared for someone to try and cast the killing spell on him so he could counter it.
Name one good character in these movies. I thought I hated this whole world but then watched Fantastic Beasts and realized it was just the flat characters
Why shout? Snape can cast spells silently and he's the expert on anti-mind-reading shit.
what if snape hid a glock under his jacket?
This is what autism looks like, guys. Soak it in.
Jesus Christ, I can practically see you planning your Elliot Rodgers killing spree.
Why the fuck even bother with death eathers?
>Kill them for fucking up
>Kill them for being successful.
They're like saturday morning cartoon henchmen. Couldn't he have struck a deal with some creatures instead?
They dress like assholes and think they're better than everyone. They have magic but they can't use it for something that is actually useful like cure cancer or end world hunger.
Something something magic soup.
Kind of foggy but you do need to be born with powers, the wand is a conduit, but some wands are stronger than others. Some people have passive magical powers like mind reading/speaking to animals/transforming etc. The movies fucked up showing a lot of magic being done without wands.
Why didn't neets from Sup Forums and /r/books(/lit/) write this series for kids? Clearly they have better ideas than the author
Nobody in this story was particularly smart. You get dragons and shit running around, but no, let's recruit some redshirts. That'll work.
They pretende to be smarts
Arn't dragons in most fiction much smarter than humans? Probably narcissistic pricks.
They didn't explain either that Finch the groundskeeper couldn't do magic even though he was born to wizards. Some birth defect that happens sometimes.
What if he just pulled out a gun and shot him in the head?
They are called Squibs I believe, people born from wizarding bloodlines without magic. They do talk about their existence, I believe Walder Frey was one, the guy with the petrified cat
I've literally read better stories on this board than anything in the Harry Potter series
This whole Voldemort thing never would have happened in Murrica.
Why didn't they just figure out where Voldie was and clusterbomb the place to infinity? It's pretty hard to put yourself back together if you're in a thousand pieces.
Voldemort only trusted Snape, he was legit upset about having to kill him
I think he quickly regretted it too
Was it ever brought up why noone carried guns? If took part in these shifty dealings in a magic world Id have a gun right next to my wand.
Wouldn't have to worry about those magic beam push battles, or even better lock someone in one and whip out the shooter with the other hand
Worse yet, plenty of the aesthetic of it was stolen from The Worst Witch, another awful thing. If you're gonna steal at least make it good.
All the genderswapping confuses me though,
same reasons some jedi are better jedi than others, I guess
there's "trust" and then there's trust, a man like Voldemort wouldn't fully trust anyone I mean come on you can't seriously believe that
He treated everyone like shit except for Snape, Snape arrived late & he didn't even care, if anyone else did that, they would be dead
Then again Rowling retconned it that he banged Bellatrix, so whatever
>*unsheathes katana*
>*teleports behind voldemort*
What would he do Sup Forums?
True. Some of those old drive meme "stories" were very well written and that pasta about meeting x actor/director at the store(which i'm assuming is from here) is very good.
>tfw your only bro in the world was not really your bro
>probably making fun of your behind your back
>if you kill him you'll have no one to play vidya with anymore
Well shit, now I feel bad.
Surprised no one have posted the pasta yet.
Ah no, i just didn't notice it without image.
Adaptation of Swan Song (1987), when?
Something about "Muggle Technology" not working in the magic world, I think? Which is stupid, because things like clothes, buildings, books and even the Hogwarts Express should technically count as "Muggle Technology".
>Avada Kedavra
>the killing curse
>fucks up your soul
>myriad other spells that can kill someone without the drawback
Why does this spell exist?
Dumbledore dies on page 596
Who decided on the uniforms? It was a bad idea.
That's not quite it, they're saying any killing tears up your soul, and a horcrux is just a type of dark magic that utilizes that.
Someone mentions guns in the books, it seems like most wizards don't know much or care much about any muggle technology. Someone calls them "metal wands muggles use to kill eachother." It feels like they don't worry about any kind of muggle warfare because magic.
The stretched his legs copypasta always makes me smile.
Spell power levels are incredibly poorly thought out in Harry Potter. They supposedly learn all this wizarding shit in school yet they use a grand total of 3 spells 99.99999% of the time and they're just cantrips.
Snape is the ultimate cuckold and Harry Potter celebrates him and his cuckdom. Discuss.
So what you're saying here is Rowling is a fucking terrible writer and there's no logical reason for her success
that explains why its banned from /lit/ and the r*dditors come here
What's the point of divination class?
They already got an archive of what born seers have come up with.
They also never have to do anything other than recite the spell words. When they learn the three forbidden curses Crucio etc. they just literally say 'em and that's it, they're learned. New spells added to the belt. It's supremely retarded.
Filler class.
Why don't they have classes like English? Just because you're magic doesn't mean you can spell.
considering he has some hallows left it wouldnt matter
>people actually think their stupidity are plot hole
>what if ____ did ____ instead
wow making me think this isnt something you could say for just about anything
You forgot to post your book recommandations
>Probably not, no, but he'd just come back to life.
would give them a lot of breathing room to find and destroy his horcruxes though. took voldy 14 years to come back the first time
The first time was a super mega ultra reflected double damage killing curse because harrys mom loved him
it only took him so long because his death eaters got broken up and because he didnt want to use a horcrux. thats why he used unicorn blood at first
Isn't he literally immortal because his soul is divided and hidden in horcruxes? Sup Forums literally more slow than Rowlings 8-12 year old target audience.
Why didn't Voldemort ever try to make his own Philosopher's Stone?
Soul splitting anons, requires you kill someone with Abra Kedavara Bacon.
Why didn't they just use testrals to destroy horcruxes in Mount Doom?
Why didn't Voldemort create a pocket dimension to hide his horcruxes in?
>because he didnt want to use a horcrux
what. is that really how it works?
Why didnt anyone think of using a gun?
Why didnt wizards fuse mugle tech with magic creating a gun that fires spells?
Why didnt anyone poison voldy
Could voldy know he was about to be sniped from hundreds yards away?
Why didnt they use a biological weapon on him?
Why didnt the wizards notify the mugle government?
How has there not been a single whistleblower in the wizard world?
>Voldemort can read minds
So why didn't he sense Narcissa lying when she said that Harry was dead?
I feel like anyone who has discussed the series enough to use the term "voldy" should really just get past the obvious and stupid plot holes.
>tfw yous realize why /lit/ has this series on delete on sight
>tfw she got away with it too because ((they)) needed something to replace the beanie baby and furbee craze
Good g_d is game of thrones this dumb too and that's why you can't post it there either?
Creating magic objects in Harry Potter seems vague as fuck.
On one hand you got all these serialized items that seems to have come from a production line (brooms, remembrall, etc.). On the other hand you got unique things like the marauder's map created by fucking teenagers.
I guess it only gets tricky and dangerous once you start dabbling with items regarding life and death. Seeing as time turners are equally destructive but seemingly mass produced.
>Good g_d
Go back to the /r/eddit!
Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your master!
So you liked Newt? :3
1. He might not have seen any reason to. 'Reading minds' is more like reading memories in the HP universe, you don't catch individual thoughts.
2. It was established at the end of Order of the Phoenix that he would no longer dare to try and get inside Harry's mind because love is like a poison to Voldemort because he can't comprehend it or some shit; it's unbearable. Since Narcissa by that point was motivated solely out of love and concern for her son, Voldemort likely wouldn't touch her mind with a ten foot pole.
the muggle government was informed, in the first chapter of the 6th book i believe. right after fudge is removed from office.
Sorry I didn't want to offend the atheists poating itt that enjoy this anti chr*stian work.
>why didn't anyone think of using a gun?
magic > bullets
>why didn't wizards fuse muggle tech with magic creating a gun that fires spells?
that's dumb and unnecessary, magic without muggle intervention would still be best
>why didn't anyone poison Voldy?
>could Voldy know he was about to be sniped from hundreds of yards away?
yes, because of magic
>why didn't they use a biological weapon on him?
>why didn't the wizards notify the muggle government?
about Voldy? they did, Dumbledore or whoever was talking about notifying the muggle Ministry
>how has there not been a single whistleblower in the wizard world?
Like, it's a series focused around the concept of magic. What do you think the answers are gonna be?
>that's dumb and unnecessary, magic without muggle intervention would still be best
citation needed
not an argument
Common sense, here's an example: hurr I wanna shoot fire
>big, heavy and clunky flamethrower, not to mention dangerous to its user
>neat little piece of wood that can envelop a huge-ass fucking cave in fire in addition to doing a shitload of other stuff
wands > muggle tech
There are ordinary objects made to cast spells automatically, like hats that automatically put a shield spell on you. I'm pretty sure it's stated that this is much weaker than the real thing cast by a wand though, so a gun wand probably wouldn't be lethal.
And there are muggles encountering magic all the time, the ministry of magic has special employees for going around and erasing their memories and covering it up. And don't give me that citation bullshit, watch the books yourself.
Nothing because he's part of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
I like the movies, especially the first 3. I think they are very good adventure movies for children.
isn't voldemart like immortal n sheet
>recommending anyone read the canterbury tales
if by read you mean staring blankly at the middle english and wondering what the fuck is going on beyond the basic actions, then sure.
Because you still need to cast a spell to read the minds, and he would see no reason to cast the spell on Narcissa at the time. He thought himself victorious, his arrogance got the best of him. Furthermore, Narcissa was a powerful witch in her own right, so it's possible she has some degree of skill in occlumency (especially when it comes to protecting her son), her skill in occlumency was probably further augmented by Bellatrix teaching her some stuff in the previous year so Voldemort wouldn't know that she had made the unbreakable vow with Snape.
oh yes, magic answers everything
>magic > bullets
explain your reasoning, using source material please
the only thing i got from your post is that rowling is a hack
Not him but from the books you get the feel that a good wizard can do almost literally anything they can think of with magic. Most of them cast their spells without saying anything, they just brandish a wand and something impossible happens.
I'd say bullets travel faster than spells, but there are also times when someone just moves their wand and something instantly happens. I guess the best bet would be instant teleportation or a protective/deflective shield, but that only works if the wizard is aware of the gunman.
>ending world hunger
Protection charms on clothing = stronk
Why did Voldemort rely so much on the dark arts?
While unblockable, Avada Kadevra is a very limited spell. He was immortal and had the elder wand, just make the sky rain fire or something.
he only got the elder wand literally hours before dying, and even then he wasn't its master
Shit I forgot about that, he even complained about it. I must do a marathon some day.
They need to learn how to direct their magic through their wand, the words and wand movements are just an aid for this. Also your intention behind the spell makes it stronger. The forbidden spells are very easy spells to learn however intent is what matters with them, crucio only works if you truly want to hurt some one. Otherwise it'll just tickle
He did, couldn't find the information and failed so he then turned to unicorn blood, then said fuck it and sacrificed a soul stone.
>Dumbledore claimed that even if he had managed to obtain the Elixir of Life, he would have eventually found his dependency on it intolerable because it would have robbed him of his sense of self-reliance. Instead, he preferred to make Horcruxes, which were magical extensions of himself.
Guy can't help being a retarded.
or math
It's not that they don't work, it's that wizards are literally too stupid to use muggle technology.
thanks a lot asshole