I know 99% of you are geeds, so what's your opinion of this shit?

I know 99% of you are geeds, so what's your opinion of this shit?

That poster is pretty hot, at the risk of sounding homo

You risked it all and failed

Watching it now. Enjoying it so far.

>terrible hazing

Western men are fucking weak

Is it GOAT ?

They just made us fuck a really fat girl from another sorority also we fought each other bare knuckle in the basement a few times.

Also there was lots of asshole stretching and gauging but that is obvious to all.

too soon to tell

What's a geed?

I would assume it is some regional way of saying GDI

>le homoerotic "hazing" rituals


they used to make us fuck basement sluts upstairs in certain rooms and they'd show the tapes at meetings. not gonna lie it was pretty epic.

non gay college student

Lmao I gotta watch this shit.

The title on the cover should be a gamma, they fucked up

Both of your fraternities are degenerate as fuck

the fuck is a fraternity.
I'm glad to not be an americuck

In what way compadre

spoken like a true geed

decent movie. makes me imagine that many people join frats because of trauma, or beat up frat dudes because of trauma



Implying european schools and universities don't have hazing ?

Is this a gay porno about BDSM and water sports?

Man i fucking wish

A what now?

your jealousy is overwhelming

No, unfortunately.

That would be you

They don't. There are some exceptions like particularly eleet universities in UK and France, but even the rituals are not nearly as inhumane and humiliating as the madness that goes on in US frats.

Hazing builds character and comradery. The military does it legally and if you can't get through it you're seen as a pussy, yet when frats haze it's the end of the world.

Why do male bonding activities make people reeeeee so much?

What's a geed? And does Jonas and Franco have buttsex in this?

in france they just make us sleep with cadavers in med school, no harm done.

lol movies like this are ridiculous, i was in a frat and hazing is nothing like this at all