they deserve to be divided in two countries

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you can't stop us, pendejo

why do you hate us, friend?


it's the Germans destroyed our industry Spaniokel again

a germ probably didn't left any tip when he got him his cerveza.

pretty rude 2bh, this could be the beginning of another ww

because you are scum, your tourists , your people and everything about your islamic shithole

Hey buddy even most germans want that but with the simple reason because "I HATE DEM WW2 NEVER 4GET" you won't get any support.

>it's the Germans destroyed our industry Spaniokel again
this too

how can somebody don't hate them ? they ruin europe periodically every 50 years, and looks like we are in that period of the history

The Spanish company "Telefónica" keeps buying our German internet providers. Worst company ever. The connection is too expensive and nobody answers the support hotline because they're doing siestas. I will never trust a Spanish company ever. So, fuck you too.

Even germs hate Germany

everything comes in cicles, you must destroy something first to rebuild it.

how are we lazy when we feed a literal leach like you

What do you want from me, you clown?

Because you are working soooo much huh?
I probably work more than you and I bet you don't even have a job.

Then you should be happy. We're divided into at least 6 countries.

Germany deserves less hate. Germany is a country in which regional cultures can continue to resist thanks to the decentralized system. Bundesländer can behave like sovereign countries and ratify treaties with other countries. Although Germany and Austria are not one country and suffered from the world wars Germany still managed to be the leader of Europe. And it is a lot cleaner and has less race mixing than France.

Good dog

>And it is a lot cleaner and has less race mixing than France.
>racemixing in France

Nice projection

the only women that racemix in France are breton women and beurettes

As for your women, every one of them ride niggers' dicks

When i went to both Frankfurt and Amsterdam all i saw was a sea of niggers and moors and their dutch/german cumdumpsters

Seems like you only see what you want to see ;)

didn't they help you win the civil war?

>Bundesländer can behave like sovereign countries and ratify treaties with other countries.

That is true only to a VERY limited degree

This. Netherlands stands to Germany like Igor stands to doctor Frankenstein.

Look whos talking, the worst ally one could think of

UK is a worse ally than Italy tb h

Atleast with Italy as your ally you had a meetshield to absorb enemy invasions on your southern front

>they deserve to be divided in two countries

B-but m8, WE ARE!

>Drags Italy into a shitwar with ussr and usa
>Occupies and destroys half of italy After we pacifically surrendered to superior opponents
>Still Italy manages to defend the position from the allies longer than germany did
And we are the bad one

two or more, doesnt matter, but please God make it happen

because the alliss focused on germany

Italy's """""invasion""""" of Greece was the reasons why WW2 was lost, m8.
Barbarossa would have started months earlier, Moscow would have been taken and the war won



>attack poor war damaged neutral country
>lose land to a neutral country that you attacked
>call the germs
>they lose ww2

Are there any good arguments for Germans having the right to their own country?

Beacuse I have never seen one.

Dieses Bild stellt die beste Lösung für Europa dar, ihr Kartoffel.

t. Ich bereue die vielen Jahren, die ich investiert habe um eure hässliche Sprache zu lernen.

>wasting emotional resourcees by hating others
this is why you'll always be behind, Mateo

Ich möchte dich in den Arm nehmen, dich halten, dich streicheln, mit dir Reden und Lachen, dir in deine tiefen, dunklen Augen blicken und darin meine Freude gespiegelt zu sehen, ich möchte dir duch deine dunklen Haare fahren, an dir riechen und dich leise küssen. Ich möchte deinen Atem spüren und dein Herz schlagen hören, ich möchte mit dir im Staub tanzen. Ich liebe dich.

Right behind your sister to be more precise, Kevin. Also nice trips.

Komm nach Hause, Juan

>fails completely at war

It's funny because Spain and Germany were never enemies.
they were also bro-tier on some things and are pretty close concerning fascist tendencies.

It's true tho. And yet again you destroy Europe by letting in all the Africans. Why do you even have a navy, Enzo?

i understand your pain
i have to suffer in this shithole fucking german subhumans

>fascist tendencies
Ja, heil!

>be shitmany
>invite every subhuman
>close borders

Most of our territory has already been taken from us. Are you never satisfied?

Das ist ein bisschen homo, Jonas.

Uezs bin in ein paar Wochen zurück um eine Prüfung zu schreiben. Habe das ganze Semester zu Hause in Spanien verbracht, weil mir das Leben in Deutschland kein Spaß macht.

When the high from the memespeak wears off and you look out the window and realize that you will never reach our standard but always be behind it may dawn on you

Bist du Grieche/Türke?

Solltest allerdings noch ein wenig Interpunktion üben.
Und was studierst du so? Und wo?

Stop the German hate pls.

Amsterdam has the same amout of racemixing as every French regional capital (Metz, Reims, Strassbourg) It's not a secret Amsterdam is lost, but you have to do some hit too (same for Brussels), but it's the only city in the Netherlands. Frankfurt is actually one of the biggest German towns, so it's quite normal to expect degnerate stuff there.

Thank you brazil!I love you

why? they deserve it

Wisigothic heritage probably.

Maschinenbau an der TUM.
Mein Deutsch ist perfekt, ich habe sogar ein zertifiziertes C2-Niveau. Ich bin mir sicher, dass ich mich viel besser ausdrücken kann als der typische Hartz4ler deines Wohngebäudes.

Wieso liegt hier Stroh?

Ja, natürlich kannst du das. Das Schlimme ist, dass Deutsch wie schreckliche Möglichkeit der Selbstverstümmelung bietet.
Ich bin mir sehr sicher, dass du mehr auf dem Kasten hast, als H4ler.
Willst du in Deutschland leben und arbeiten nach dem Studium?

Und wieso hast eine Maske auf?

Keine Ahnung. Dann blas mir halt einen.

> Das Schlimme ist, dass Deutsch wie schreckliche Möglichkeit der Selbstverstümmelung bietet.

Was meint er damit?

>Willst du in Deutschland leben und arbeiten nach dem Studium?

Mein Lebensziel ist es, für eine deutsche Firma in Spanien zu arbeiten. Dann werde ich wie ein deutscher Ingenieur bezahlt, ohne in einem solchen deprimierenden Land leben zu müssen.
Weiß noch nicht, ob es sich lohnt meinen Master in Deutschland zu studieren. Ich halte es nicht mehr aus uezs.

>ob es sich lohnt KOMMA meinen Master

>in Deutschland zu studieren
Der Master ist ein Bildungsabschluss; und einen Bildungsabschluss studierst du nicht, sondern MACHST ihn.

Dummer Mohr.
Die Firma, die dich einstellt, hat schon verloren.

Wait, why do europeans hate germany so much

germans are subhumans

germans are subhumans

We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
Where they belong

We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
They oughta get the hell out of Europe
And leave the Poland alone

They don't like this, they don't like that
They're never satisfied and that's a fact
They more we give, the more they take
The more we fix, the more they break
The europe's in an awful mess
With a whole lotta civil unrest
I got one thing to suggest
They outta leave, and get gone
Gather up all the krauts
And go away

We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
Where they belong

We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
They oughta get the hell out of Europe
And leave the Poland alone
They want their way, it ain't no doubt
They just keep pushin', they never stop
They don't like the way things are done
They outta go to Africa where they belong
So white people I'm askin' you
Let's buy us a boat or two
And here's what we need to do
Help 'em pack, and be kind
Make sure we don't leave
One kraut behind

And send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
Where they belong
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
They oughta get the hell out of Europe
And leave the Poland alone

Life in Europe would be so great
Without krauts here to demonstrate
'Bout this, and that, and that, and this
And you, and me, and gettin' lands free
Won't you listen to me?

Let's send 'em all back to Africa
Send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
Where they belong
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
We oughta send 'em all back to Africa
They oughta get the hell out of America
And leave the white man alone
They oughta get the hell out of Europe
And leave the Poland alone

I am Greek.

>Wait, why do europeans hate germany so much
they are first cause of our poverty, you can add they are importing like 1M muslims and third worlders in europe

Poles can fix them with mass rape.

>nennt mich dummer Mohr, wenn ich ganz wahrscheinlich besser ausgebildet bin und eine bessere Genetik besitze.

Und dann fragt ihr euch, warum euch ganz Europa hasst. Ich freue mich schon auf das Ende der westlichen Zivilisation in deinem Land, dank den lieben Türken und Flüchtlingen, die eines Tages die deutsche Regierung übernehmen werden.

Brudi, komm nach Norddeutschland. Deutschland ist lokal und regional ähnlich divers wie Spanien.
All die Le German autist-Memes basieren auf Süddeutschen, zurecht. Die Menschen hier im Norden sind absolut anders als im Süden.

Same reason the wold hates America. Success breeds jealousy

>ganz wahrscheinlich besser ausgebildet bin
eher nicht
>eine bessere Genetik besitze
sicher nicht

t. 1,95m-Doktorant

In 20 Jahren werdet ihr im Meer versunken sein.

same shit
germans are cultureless

germany is a shitskin country
its not success but shitskin immigrants working for less than natives

Da musst du unbedingt recht haben, Brudi. Fast alle Norddeutsche, die ich kennengelernt habe, waren viel netter als die vielen Bayer, Franken, Schwaben, Hesser und Badener, mit denen ich täglich ungehen musste.
Oh Gott, die Schwaben sind die allerschlimmsten.

ich denke die einzige art un weise den deutschen größenwahn zu stoppen ist es deutschland zu zerstückeln(balkan-style)

vllt. kann erst dann ruhe in europa einkehren

No,Monroe doctrine in south america for example, Américans fucked those countries with CIA coups, puppets governments like Pinochet and military operations in central América and Colombia

My mom is from Chile so I know everything about that, you are the same but in Europe, scum who treats other EU countries like colonies

Den Deutschland-balkanisieren-Zustand haben wir jetzt. Vielleicht mal Einheit versuchen.


HAhahah als ob


In türkische Philosphie?

And Chile is literally the best South American country and has been for decades. Do you prefer the shitholes of Morales or Maduro?

No of course, Nobody wants to be a banana republic like Venezuela, only be free and not a fucking puppet of other powers like Spain with your country or Chile with USA

Spain isn't a puppet of Germany. It's free to do whatever it wants. It's just if it wants German money it has to adhere to German conditions. But that's still a choice, however harsh it may seem to you. Same with Greece.

gibts schon
das vierte reich nennt sich das (EU)

What money?

Nicht wirklich. Zu viele Fremdbestimmer.

Gee, I don't know

Die Schweiz sollte auf jeden Fall unabhängig bleiben und ich denke, dass Luxembourg mehr Niederländisch ist als Deutch. Jedoch sollte Österreich, Liechtenstein, Schlesien und Elsaß unbedingt Bundesländern Deutschlands sein.

Die Schweiz wurde von Feinden aus dem Reich herausgelöst.
"mehr niederländisch als deutsch" heißt "mehr deutsch als deutsch" und ergibt keinen Sinn. Meine Aufzählung war nicht vollständig.

> Schwaben sind die allerschlimmsten.
Das sehe ich genauso, Brudi! Autistische Schwaben und inzestuöse Bayern. Hessen sind einfach prollig und dumm, ebenso die Sachsen.
Hier im Norden sind die Menschen wärmer, aber dafür die Umwelt kälter, stürmischer und regnerischer.
Komm nach Hamburg, Brudi! Du wirst den spröden norddeutschen Charme mögen.

/Nordmark/ wann ENDLICH?!

You categorized Bavaria.


>Mein Lebensziel ist es, für eine deutsche Firma in Spanien zu arbeiten
kenne viele, die das wollen, aber ist ne spanische Firma wirklich so schlimm?


Your country has done absolutely nothing since 1492.


sube sube sube...

>It's funny because Spain and Germany were never enemies.
Spain and Germany have no connection at all, unlike Shitaly

In Spain, the reason they have seistas is because their fascist government at the time decided to put Spain in the same timezone as Germany. It's why they're always lethargic and groggy and nothing happens during the day.

Honestly east germany are the real germans, the west germans are such fucking pussies.

The Germans literally can't sit still. They are always kicking ass and taking names somewhere.

Just stop bringing in "refugees" in the form of young black and muslim men and move to the right of the political spectrum.

Jesus christ man, Germany is beautiful without them...why do they insist that it is not?

best german is dead german

They fielded the best modern military fighting force in history.

Stalin and the Soviets use their people as cannon fodder to defeat them. Kill or be killed my your own countrymen....pathetic.