Thoughts on thus guy?

Thoughts on thus guy?

Other urls found in this thread: readers of the world, beware&st=cse

he's the TED talks of youtube "analysis" videos, makes normalfags feel smart by explaining the bare basics / ideas of certain subjects and films

I enjoy most of his videos, although they do feel a bit pretentious

His conclusions often seem really diluted and almost rendered completely incomprehensible by his poetic frivolities but he's appears pretty genuine and passionate about what he talks about so I don't mind

Definitely enjoyable

>watching videos of people explaining movies to you
What's the point of being le active film watcher if you don't understand the basics yourself?

he make's like 10k per video off his patreon, so I think he should be held to a pretty high standard

I won't lie, I find his videos very interesting, thoughtfully crafted, and even thought provoking. He has found topics to talk about that I haven't seen anyone else touch on, and in for that alone he provides valuable content to youtube.

But I find the man himself extremely unlikable. He always speaks in that tone of voice where you can just tell that he is so goddam impressed/pleased with himself for having such brilliant insights. I would like it more if he came across as more of an intellectual dick, like Christopher Hitchens for example, but instead he hides that egoism behind the thin facade of being a nice guy SJW cuck.

Cracks are starting to show in his more recent videos that he is running low on ideas. Like "Drake is a musical genius" lol.

new criticism bullshit, don't watch it if you actually enjoy film as an art form

Can you explain "new criticism" to a simple minded goy? I'm attempting to read the wikipedia page but it's not making a whole lot of sense. readers of the world, beware&st=cse

its a literature term, but it translates into film aswell since they are similar artforms

Every time he explains something he needs to make some kind of... pause.
It's as if modern movies revolved around... this.
Also his "analysis" is usually very... shallow.
He says things I have realized myself sometimes. And I watch like 3 movies per year and have no film education whatsoever.

At least other pretentious Youtubers teach me a new word or two about filmmaking ecery once in a while.

>he thinks that anyone on this shit board is an "active film watcher"

bruh, we are here just for the memes

This, and in general he seems to spend more time spouting 'meaningful' phrases than actually providing evidence for what he's saying.
Take this video, he would seem to identify a significant problem but spends little to no time explaining why particular movies work well but not well enough to be more than passable, other than incredibly generic 'focusing on human experience' etc etc. His videos are more like the intro/conclusion to an essay, ie a generic overview of the topic, than a whole essay.

>40k usd monthly
>480k yearly
>thats not counting the youtube income


tell me Sup Forums, why dont you have a youtube channel yet?

>it's a Sup Forums doesn't like a critic because he's too intelligent episode

Annoying pseudo-intellectual leftist cuck.

I mean that will all sincerity.

>this whole post

literally r/the_donald: the post

What does sexuality have to do with it? Also, I'n pretty sure he's not into the cuckolding fetish lifestyle. What did you mean by this, user?

pretentious liberal pussy that rarely ever makes a clear, concise point. just verbally masturbates

At first I honestly couldn't tell whether this guy was doing a god tier parody of the jackoffs who go into the humanities and learn the art of writing bullshit that sounds insightful or if he's actually serious.

LITERALLY /r/ShitRedditSays the post

Seek help.

Ask his wife's son.

why are there so many of these analysis videos on youtube now? they're all the same too, that bold white font and some dumb 'hook' title like robin williams: what u don't see, adam sandler: the punchline is the setup

damn does the guy who shitposts all that anti-alt right shit even have a life? Is he shilling 24/7?

I can see why Sup Forums thinks there are literally shills ruining their board. Probably just some super autist from freech.

He manages to be even worse than Every Frame a Painting. only a casual would think he has any insight at all

well I could think about it, there's not a lot of film channels in my country and the ones that exist are capeshit tier

kek this, the first video of his I ever watched I laughed the whole video and got confused wether it was serious or not

I want at least like to attempt to make a youtube channel like the tens of millions of other people that have tried and failed but I don't think I'm entertaining and using my vocal chords is mentally painful.

>tfw jealousy is consuming your life and you hate him even though he has done nothing wrong

I need to die already.

I hate him because his content is overrated trash
his editing and music choices usually are fine

I've enjoyed some of his movies in the past, but this one is absolute dogshit. He makes no claims and ultimately proves himself to be a mere malcontent with no ideas on how cinema can be improved

Nigger lover

>some of his movies
Some of his videos, sorry.

I understand he put out a video recently complaining about the supposedly unique amount of mediocre movies coming out these days. Of course the current year will look shitty compared to the past because you remember all the movies from this year but only the good ones from 1979 for instance.

>actually is a turbochad


Pseudo intellectualism at its most blatant.
He creates these vast thesis and then never actually makes any points all the while trying his best to sound distractingly like Vsauce.
("Hey guys today I am talking about.... a thing.")

massive faggot

I think what I find most aggravating about a lot of Youtube video "essayists" like the Nerd Writer, is that if you remove the flashy editing and really listen to what the person is talking about there really isn't much substance. Now don't get me wrong Nerd Writer isn't one of the worst at this, to me personally that goes to 's favourite KaptainKristian who might as well be reading a press released some marketing company handed to him for all of the "critical" analysis he puts into his videos. Seriously, go back and watch any of his videos, there's nothing there. Merely a collection of worthless platitudes. No originality, no new ideas, just "cool" presentation and people love it. I suppose I can't fault the guy for capitalising on the skill that he has, but I'd hoped more people would be able to see through the facade.

Anyway, back to the Nerd Writer, I seriously wouldn't be surprised if the dude wrote for Vice at some point.

i get flustered really easily, so as soon as i start recording, i get all nervous and forget what i wanted to talk about, spaghetti everywhere

On the topic of film essay channels: Watching people like Nerdwriter or Now You See It make a mockery out of film essay with their barebones analysis and lack of purpose or detail makes me kind of want to start a film essay channel myself because I feel like I could do better, or at least discuss films or other things that aren't talked about often.

Serious question, is it even worth it ? My family keeps putting a lot of pressure on me to do it but they don't know how oversaturated these channels are by this point, and I'm not sure if I could even make an interesting presentation like these channels do (I still don't really know how to edit and my microphone is potato-tier). I wouldn't want to be like the dime a dozen reviewers or essayists out there. I don't even really care about money.

Should I go for it ? Any tips I could take into consideration ? Or should I just forget about it ?

He's a perfect example of pseudo-intellectualism... if you ask me. He took VSauce's already annoying fast roll of an explanation that would peak and then slow down and close with a little... pause, but he does it in such a way to make you think he was speaking the word of... God? At least he dropped the rhetorical questions. Though he replaces it with obnoxious verbosity that he covers up with "poetry" .

I used to enjoy his videos till one triggered me and I stopped following me. I'd still watch him get BLACKED though.

occasionally good videos, his last one was one of his worst though

What's wrong with Every Frame A Painting ?
To me it seems like he's the only midly decent one out there.

Would you enjoy it? The best YouTube channels are run by the people who actually enjoy what they're doing and talking about. LazyGameReviews is a great one. If you're gonna do it, do it WELL. You don't want to look like some kid now starting off, and expect having to keep a schedule to be demanding of you and video editing to be annoying.

Pick a target market. Do obscure films as well as popular ones. If a popular film already has a video covering it that's pretty great, leave it unless you can approach it from another angle. Don't reinvent the wheel, I guess. Forget about monetizing early on, just try to make a channel that you can be proud of.

I can't think of anything else, I have no experience in this myself. Good luck, user!

Good production quality usually, most of what he says is good.
I really dislike the videos where it's a close up of his face, though I think those are older?

Anyways there's a lot butthurt inferiority complex going on in this thread, what a shock!

Pretentious, dumbass, pseudo-intellectual content.

I think this is an important link, Vice and their way of doing things have definitely helped set a methodology for how these sorts of videos are produced, much to their detriment in my opinion.

thanks for this user

His analysis is really superficial and pulls shit from his ass to appear that he knows a lot about a film, a dilettante through and through.


They're not bad and not pseudo-intellectual (as in intellectually vacuous) they're just a bit pretentious a basic. Normies eat it up as gospel, but its decent stuff to listen to on the toilet or eating or some shit.

A TRUE symbol is substantial, not accidental. You cannot avoid it, you cannot remove it. You can’t take the handkerchief from “Othello,” or the sea from “The Nigger of the Narcissus,” or the disfigured feet from “’Oedipus Rex.” You can, however, read “Ulysses” without suspecting that wood shavings have to do with the Crucifixion or that the name Simon refers to the sin of Simony or that the hunger of the Dubliners at noon parallels that of the Lestrigonians. These are purely peripheral matters; fringe benefits, if you like. The beauty of the book cannot escape you if you are any sort of reader, and it is better to approach it from the side of naivet? than from that of culture-idolatry, sophistication and snobbery. Of course it’s hard in our time to be as naïve as one would like. Information does filter through. It leaks, as we have taken to saying. Still the knowledge of even the sophisticated is rather thin, and even the most wised-up devils, stuffed to the ears with arcana, turned out to be fairly simple.

Perhaps the deepest readers are those who are least sure of themselves. An even more disturbing suspicion is that they prefer meaning to feeling. What again about the feelings? Yes, it’s too bad. I’m sorry to have to ring in this tiresome subject, but there’s no help for it. The reason why the schoolboy takes refuge in circles is that the wrath of Achilles and the death of Hector are too much for him. He is doing no more than most civilized people do when confronted with passion and death. They contrive somehow to avoid them.

(Saul Bellow summarized why I avoid tv shows like the plague)

The quintessential pedantic YouTube film analyst.

Ager is the only consistently good analyst.


I can almost see your inner struggle. Just say you don't like him. Why so pansy?

>Would you enjoy it?
I'm not entirely sure. I love to write and talk about films and I constantly post essays here, but I'm not sure if I would keep a consistent schedule of this.
I wouldn't want to drop it like I did so many other projects.

>If a popular film already has a video covering it that's pretty great, leave it unless you can approach it from another angle
I actually wrote an analysis of Alien focusing on the details of the Xenomorph's design and the history of H.R Giger and the influences that went into his design and other things I liked about the movie. I even recorded myself talking a bunch of times.
Unfortunately, I took months to actually edit it and do anything with it, and then kaptainkristian released that video about Alien and I just dropped it entirely.

I'm trying to create something of my own. Something I can call mine. I don't even want to do this forever, just a hobby until I actually start filmmaking. But I can't seem to find my own stride, or even the motivation to go on with this project.
So many goddamn film and anime and comic book analysts have become popular since I first had this idea that nowadays I don't want to be yet another insufferable clot on an saturated market.

I'm pretty mixed in him. Sometimes he can do a video that'll show me something I looked over when watching a film or provide new info. Other times it can just be uninteresting and can cone off as pretentious with how he talks. I do think that his videos only work when tge subject matter is interesting, and fails when it isn't (i.e. his videos about shitty pop music.)

I like his videos but he often can't focus and develop an argument the way EFAP does and ends up losing the stream. The "epidemic if passable movies" episode is an example of it. I thought he would elaborate on how passable flicks are lowering the bar on film quality expectations and instead he ended up talking about lack of tonal consistency.

some videos are great like the Jackie Chan one, but then he puts out shit about chairs and Vancouver which are pretty terrible

Only you, mouseskeeter, now get back.

>all these butthurt people calling him pseudo-intellectual
Lmao he still knows more about movies than all of you
Or RLM who get constantly shilled here

On his latest video he was saying he didn't like "passable" movies but then when it came to concluding his talk about them he drifted off and it felt he never made an argument or point.

It was so frustrating, no effort was made to draw conclusions from his hypothesis.

Please log-in, nerdwriter1.

he'd make good videos if this dumb one video a week bullshit wasn't a thing. just put a little more thought into your videos and make a cohesive argument.

What do you fags even consider good detailed analysis? Lmao
Says the board where people call everything they like kino and everything they dislike reddit or meme cuck flicks

>What do you fags even consider good detailed analysis?


He's a huge step down below Now You See It and Every Frame a Painting, but he's still enjoyable. to watch once in a while, much like everyone else who analyze movies.
Sure, normalfags feel smert and edumacated, but that doesn't change the fact that he's got a few really good videos.

He doesn't go too deep in his subjects and barely ever gives a conclusion or develops his point, like a lot of people said here, most of his videos feel like introductions.

There are better video essayers out there like Tony Zhou, Lessons from a Screenplay, and Now You See it. Even kaptainkristian exists if you want someone that doesn't go indepth but still manages to give a solid point/argument.

Some alright content but you could present it way faster and in a more suitable tone than all this "so in the end... we realise... this isn't really the voiceover for a phone advert" smuggo TED talk shit. Why did the future turn out to be so fucking gay?


Channel Criswell is decent

>he's the TED talks of youtube "analysis" videos, makes normalfags feel smart by explaining the bare basics / ideas of certain subjects and films

Isn't he literally a redditor

Same shit as nerdwriter1

This. The man does amazing research, has amazing taste too. Also he never really changed his personality over all this time is great.

Most of these educational "content creators" on youtube are redditors.

He is, for lack of a better term, leddit. His essays are rarely insightful or even properly structured, but he always delivers them as if he's sharing some deep wisdom by speaking with pauses, especially the way he ends each video. His SJW views also shows he's a typical useful idiot and he has pleb taste in media.


Arent we all...

>His SJW views
Oh it's another Sup Forumstard

He does self-identify as a SJW though, made multiple videos about Trump being an evil nazi during the election


Trump may not be a Nazi but he sure is a Russian puppet

Every frame a painting, who's at least smart enough to leave his ideological views out of his essays.

They all seem to have tumblr pages too.

>sweet summer child.

I am not a fan of trump either, though I am not butt hurt over the election result and have moved on with my life.

He is GOAT.

I've also noticed that many of the channels on youtube that are popular do commentary. Therefore, they are always relying on outside sources:

There's film/art commentary like Nerdwriter and EFAP and so on

Channels making fun of/criticizing videos made by idiots e.g. h3h3 and Idubbbz do that

Or just general ranting on any stuff like I Hate Everything

These people all rely on things to be created so they can comment on it. Notice how h3h3 got a lot less funnier when he ran out of idiot pranksters to make fun of.

I would enjoy seeing more original stuff like Dont Hug Me Im Scared, Salad Fingers and to an extent Filthy Frank(he rants about things occasionally too) even though I know those take more effort

his videos are usually hit or miss and he comes off a bit pretentious but his editing his always incredibly well done for being done on his own in a week. Honestly he and KaptainKristian should team up with Channel Criswell and Every Frame a Painting because they have the opposite problem, great analysis but straightforward editing

Youtube's very own fault. By increasing coverage of the channels that upload more and more, content creators e.g. animators, which need time to develop something good are being held back by the "system" itsself.
Of course it's easier to take a video/film/whatever and just state/film your opinion.

Also I'd say people like preformed opinions, so the likes of Sargon, Memeolous, h3, etc. just became new (internet) opinion leaders.

(Btw I'm a huge h3 fan and when i found out that this qt chick, i met adores them is was blown away)

EFAP is a freelance editor so that would be an insult. Once you mature a bit you'll realize that just because vids are snappy and have many colours, it doesn't mean it's necessarily good. The clips showing parts of a film are a priority as it is exactly what the commentary is analysis. If you find that to be boring then you would probably find the actual film boring too, in which case it makes me question why you would watch the video in the first place.


He's seemingly smart, but when you actually think about the "intellectual" shit he's spouting it becomes very clear that 90% of what he says is nonsense. I don't think that even he believes himself to be smart.


The pretentious version of Chris Stuckmann.

He's a liberal pussy that looks too far into things.

He is pretty fucking based. His opinions smashes Sup Forums's opinions.

it's a total crapshoot

This fucking video ruined any sort of creditability this guy ever had

Where did I say their videos are boring? I said the editing was straightforward, and it's not like Nerdwriter/KaptainKristian make ADHD-fest videos, they just do a lot more creative things with their edits.

If you get that easily triggered by someone saying a video has straightforward editing I can't imagine how unbearable you must be in real lfie