New star of The Librarians
why can't professional makeup artists fix this face Sup Forums?
New star of The Librarians
what an ugly woman
Is that Grandpa Munster?
They didn't have enough left over in the CGI budget to add a chin.
spoiler that image
Is there any panty in The Librarians?
cosmetics aren't usually tested on camels
Inferior clay
Can't fix what is bust.
fuck no. I love how cheap and cheesy the Librarians is and the team (without Flynn who I can't fucking stand) are perfect. No. Fuck no. Please tell me this is a single episode cameo.
she single handedly ruined 2-3 seasons of supernatural. Not that at that point of the story it was good mind me, but somehow she managed to make it worst
>hurr durr le hacker gurl and le leviathans
There is only so much modern medicine and cgi can do.
I don't know, an air bubble in one vein would fix everything.
Felicia got a new acting gig? Good for her.
Some thing just cannot be fixed.
I love Sarah Jay
wtf I want to bone a camel now
What the fuck? No! Don't let her kill this show too! It's good fun and Noah Wyle needs the money!
as-salam alaykum
Well there goes the comfiness of the show.
>why can't professional makeup artists fix this face Sup Forums?
I find it pretty impressive that they made Joe Camel look like a woman
Good morning. Cloister. What does your imaginary girlfriend think about you jerking off, and shitposting and bullying/jeering at women, from the moment you awaken until bedtime?
I bet your imaginary girlfriend thinks you're a fucking subhuman cunt, too. Kek
Let's not jump to conclusions, here.
Is that one of those picture her mother took when she tried to get her "boyfriend"(pimp her out)