>movie about THE most atrocious an deplorable war in human history and one of its only saving graces
>women are only seeing it because some nu-male faggot from one direction is in it
jesus fucking christ
>movie about THE most atrocious an deplorable war in human history and one of its only saving graces
>women are only seeing it because some nu-male faggot from one direction is in it
jesus fucking christ
Other urls found in this thread:
You probably watched both BvS and the Avengers in theaters in the last 6 months.
You gotta give it to Nolan/Warner Bros, they knew women wouldn't be interested in a war movie so they hired a teenage fuccboi heartthrob to make sure some of them would come.
Same thing with capeshit movies, they know they have the male demographic guaranteed because it's action and superheroes. To make sure women will come see them too, they hire some beefcakes like Cavill and Hemsworth and call it a day.
>movie about brits running away and calling it a victory
Classic anglos
> ww2
> THE most atrocious an deplorable war in human history and one of its only saving graces
That would be ww1
>Harry Styles
How sheltered are you, virgin-kun?
>he fell for the Nolan meme
Its clever marketing strat.
>History is about the good guys winning and then letting Europe burn
Typical Caucasians.
I look forward to Vox, BuzzFeed and theMarySue to complain about the film and how there's not enough female representation in it.
>most atrocious an deplorable war in human history
>1940 France
It was a vanilla war faŠ¼.
yep. Thats how hollywood jews attract the chinese audience lately as well. Hires a few chink actors and voila, box office skyrockets.
>pretty actors gets roles
It's almost as if this was a strategy people figured out 100 years ago and not in 2016.
>Literally crying
By "saving grace" do you mean the fact that in 1940 WW2 was still a very localized european conflagration with only a couple thousand of deaths and not a disastrous world war with Dunkirk being the last overt peace offer toward warmongering britain by Hitler, with (((Churchill))) turning it down leading to tens of millions more casualties in the years that followed?
Because that's quite the strange definition of saving grace imo
Man i honestly thought being being triggered over shit like this was a meme, but fuck OP congrats man you showed me wrong.
Who gives a fuck where he came from and why women want to see it, women like shit movies, and hate good ones. move the fuck on
Americans, user. point and laugh
>>movie about THE most atrocious an deplorable war in human history
That's not WW1 Though
>X does Y while doing Z and the result is awesome
>accept a peace deal when you are at your lowest
you'd be a shit leader
>some teenager posts something about watching a movie because some pretty popstar is in it
>disgusting Sup Forums autist who never had any social interaction gets triggered and start a circlejerk thread to get pats on the back from fellow incel losers
>the same retarded neet thinks it is weird that some girl won't watch some autistic war movie because she cares about military history
>the same virgin goes alone to the local theatre to watch whatever shit movie his waifu is starring in
this so much this
so many banned weaponry for the second go around
>then another faggot make a post like this
>and another one reply to him(me)
t. psuedo normalfag
>Bunch of women go for Harry Styles
>End up being exposed to Nolan's hyper-realistic recreation of WWII, maybe for a brief flickering second understand that by virtue of the hole between their legs they will NEVER, EVER be expected to go through a hellish human meat grinder to preserve the political elite
Back to r/srs you go.
Jokes on you, BvS came out 8 months ago and there was no movie be the title of Avengers in the last year.
>he actually believes that Hitler would keep his promise of leaving Britain alone
Lmao how did that work out for all the neutral countries and Russia?
Imagine getting mad and calling some famous kid a nu-male because he gets positive female attention.
Seriously imagine where you'd have to be in life to think like that.
>and therefore should be grateful to be fucked by a man
fucking cunts m8
kys retard
Russia was the true enemy. Hitler knew the rest of Europe was too timid to fight off commies so he had no choice.
Gas wasn't even banned, it's just that everyone was so horrified by it that nobody ever used it again. Both Britain and Germany produced and kept huge stockpiles of the stuff, too.
IIRC Churchill's plan in the case of the Germans deploying gas anywhere ever was to blanket as much of Germany as possibly with the stuff in a non-stop two week air raid to end it there and then. It's fortunate for everyone nobody had the nerve to deploy it.
>second thread in as many minutes bitching about women get hot over a boybander
kek you neckbeards are on a trigger cycle today.
This will end up as a film women will never understand
>Russia was the true enemy.
and that's why Hitler handed Poland and the Baltics over to them right?
oy vey ruben i know right these goy just dont know when to stop
Hitler never built up a significant naval force to counter the Royal Navy. If he had actually planned on attacking GB he would have spent dramatically more on all of his stupid wonder projects for the Navy like he loved doing for the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe.
I don't even like Hitler but for a guy who loved throwing endless money at all things military he seemed to neglect the naval forces, which rather strongly indicates he didn't want to fight GB.
Is he okay?
Why didn't they fight back? As he said, only Germany could beat them
I kinda feel for him though, he seems like a normal enough dude wanting to try his shot at acting in a serious movie with proven actors instead of some shitty comedy and all he gets is retarded teenage fangirls
t. Cucklet
I'm sorry for your insecurity, user.
>had the nerve to deploy it
>movie about brits escape being blown to bits because Hitler was an incompetent retard
Why wouldn't you celebrate that as a victory
>some nu-male faggot from one direction is in it
You'd think your presence alone would attract more of 'em to Sup Forums. Form a boyband, OP.
we're too edgy and dangerous for that
as long as it's done anonymously and we can't be publicly identified with the views we profess
This film will bomb in America
>where's America dude we were in this war
>you didn't join until 1943, 6 years after it started
It may even be banned there for that reason
you faggots really hate facing accurate descriptions of yourselves
he's a pretentious, up-his-own-arse prick, mate
Who dates the start of WW2 from 1937? Japan's invasion of China was a sideshow. WW2 didn't really start until Sep. 1 1939 with the invasion of Poland
hello satan.
No it was 1941 December 7, never forget you retard cuck! Uncle Sam was already invading Berlin to kick Hitlers ass by Dec. 8th.
>6 years
lmao the war in europe only truly began in 1939
>see weirdly aggressive post
>its a butthurt yuropoor
like clockwork
>Rogue one's Donnie yen...
You have to give it to (((hollywood))). They know how to make money.
My Irish grandad was at Dunkirk and stayed to the last minute to help his fellow soldiers onto the boats he'd be rolling in his grave if he knew that in modern times the only reason women are going to see the film is because of a scrawny singer. Women truly are deplorable creatures.
By that same logic Britain and France were also four years late to the War.
>My Irish grandad was at Dunkirk and stayed to the last minute to help his fellow soldiers onto the boats
Bullshit, niggers can't swim
That's why he stayed till last minute.
Was he the effete, whiny sort like yourself who despite being a grown man actually fretted over such shite?
>hyper-masculine machismo and unwavering submission to patriarchical generals beg the question:do we really need this movie? It's 2017
You're a fucking idiot.
Considering he bravely stayed behind and got shot helping his mates onto the boats. I wouldn't have said he was whiny no.
>so many banned weaponry for the second go around
fuckin pussy ass admins, battlefield1 was right
>hellish human meat grinder
So it's just you then.
>this movie will make no money because Ppl would rather see Disney's latest infantile excuse to sell toys.
It already makes me sad desu.
>implying you pathetic losers don't go to see movies just because your waifu is in it
>Royal Navy
>tfw we will never see Master and Commander type movie set in world war
>Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves...
I've love to see their reactions during the film
>"wait, what war was this again?"
>"omg imagine living in this time, no snapchat or anything!"
it's funny because whichever spineless cockfaggot made the post likes to think he could be drafted to face the HELLISH MEAT GRINDER HELL
Good point, user. Only we understand.
Is there a single Dunkirk thread that doesnt generate a massive uk vs usa butthurt?
Women and faggots:
>"where is the lgbtqapi+ folk?"
Normal guys:
>"this lack of trigger discipline triggers me"
>"damn, tom hardy really is a big guy"
Don't talk to me about "naval tradition". It's nothing but rum, sodomy and the lash.
Well Brits have one hell of an inferiority complex since losing their empire, and Americans can't help that they ooze awesomeness, so it's only natural.
They'd be starting threads like this one.
>movie about the western front
>atrocious and deplorable
lol okay friend.
Most of the Royal Navy's adventures in WWII consisted of shitting all over the Kriegsmarine in virtually every encounter though.
Hell, when they sunk the Bismarck - one of the most famous naval battles of the war - the Bismarck got dunked on so hard that it was effectively disabled within half an hour of the first shot being fired and didn't land a single hit on HMS King George V or HMS Rodney.
>that white boi hairline
kinda looking forward to the porn version "BUMKIRK". at least derek hay won't have to pretend he's into women for that one
Is there any big guys in this new movie?
Bane himself.
What would happen if you shot his plane down?
Eternal Anglo here, it was pretty shitty for us. Germany got us real good, but good ol' Uncle Hitler let us go.
God bless, everyone!
Literally shaking
>I only see a movie if my race/Gender is in it
Is this how most people think?
Lol, gonna see the same headline on buzz/huff/vox/salon/atlantick in a week
At least he will never be a spic.
Well I sure as hell dont watch all Black or chink movies so it must be how I think.
>Oldboy doesn't count
Praise KEK
Try Western society in general, homo. There are more WW2 movies, so it must be the worst, right?
And why do you care user? Why does this anger you? It's beneficial for Harry because he enters the movie business in a blockbuster, for women because they apparently enjoy a movie they wouldn't have enjoyed otherwise and for Nolan and the publishers because they earn more.
The only loser here is you