call me a sexist but Rogue One would've been a better movie if Felicity Jones' character was played by a man. The character is supposed to be this hardened space criminal and at least I didn't buy her for a second. Put a hardass dude in that role and it'd be much better. Imagine if Snake Plissken was played by a soft little women and you get what I mean.
Call me a sexist but Rogue One would've been a better movie if Felicity Jones' character was played by a man...
So you're saying you wanted Ronda Rousey in the lead role?
>Rogue One would've been a better movie if Felicity Jones' character was played by someone who could sell the character
e.g. Emma Blunt would have been fine
It wouldn't have been as good. A mum/dad relationship is more emotional and better for a story like this than a dad/son thing. Makes more sense for a girl to be looking for their dad than a son for their dad
Blunt would've been better since she can actually be a believable as a tough soldier but still think like Dan Stevens or fucking Statham would've been perfect as the lead. It would've fit the men on a mission theme perfectly and make the ending scene even more kino.
I actually like the movie but there was no reason for the lead to be a soft, tiny qt other than muh diversity.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about us, you white, privileged cishet male? We’ll have you know we graduated top of our class in feminist gender studies, and we’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the patriarchy, and we have over 300 confirmed privileges checked. We are trained in otherkin-ology, and we’re the top social justice warrior in the entire US social justice army. You are nothing to us but just another trans-misogynistic oppressor. We will dox you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark our fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that oppressive, triggering shit to us over the Internet? Check your privilege, fucker. As we speak, we are contacting our secret network of allies across the world, and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot (Not that there's anything wrong with anyone who self-identifies as a maggot. Check your privilege. Again). The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your fee-fees. You’re fucking dead, kid (Not that there's anything wrong with anyone who self-identifies as a kid. Check your non-goat-identifying privilege). We can be anywhere, anytime, and we can blog about you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with two of our headmates. If only you could have known what retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. We will shit activism all over you and you will drown in it. Die cis scum.
I rebel!!!
>paying the Disney diversity industry a single cent of your patriarchally owned glass ceiling money
Your statement is logical, yet impossible OP.
Disney would never allow for a man to play the lead role of a Star Wars film, which is why I refuse to watch it.
it's not as bad as TFA and she's not as much a Mary Sue than Rey. Diego ends up saving her in the end.
Saves her twice and even has a moment where he says shes in shock and being emotional/irrational. Felt balanced.
Yup. Way less of a kids cartoon than TFA
Fuck off drumpf
>Make Jyn into a man
>Cast Felicity as Rey
>Make Rey less of an angry Sue and more of a lonely figure slowly discovering her spirituality with Luke's guidance
>Cast Daisy as a background alien
Imo her character was kind of weak from the get go. Cassion Andor as the main character instead would have been a better idea.
Um, can you like, not?
Yes fucking please
>Cassion Andor as the main character instead would have been a better idea.
Get fucked idiot, he was as wooden as the CGI Tarkin. Absolutely no charisma or screen presence. He was worse than Matthew Broderick in Godzilla.
>cast Daisy as half-naked alien slave stripper
this is actually pretty good
Not OP, but I agree. It's not that she's a female, or that females can't be hardened edgy space-ciminlas, it's that she isn't the type to be one. Same problem with ScarJo as Major in GitS.
A more accurate comparison would be casting Michael Cera or Eddy Redmayne as Snake Pliskin in a reboot. No matter what, it'd never feel real because they're not tough.
The character is fine I just have an issue with the performance. We are told she's this hardened criminal and Felicity just looks something out of the Hunger Games.
Cassion should not have been the lead, I liked the relationship between him and Jyn and if Jyn had been a dude it would've been even more interesting.
>A more accurate comparison would be casting Michael Cera or Eddy Redmayne as Snake Pliskin in a reboot. No matter what, it'd never feel real because they're not tough.
yeah this.
Even Kurt Russell had only done comedy before Escape From NY but he's just a good actor so he could pull it off. They wouldn't necessarily have had to cast an action star like Statham in R1, just a good actor who can pull off a believable tough guy.
good example of this going wrong is Chris Pratt in Mag 7 and Jurassic World. He can't do it at all and Hollywood keeps pushing him in those roles, he doesn't have the grit and the intensity.
I like this a lot.
Flip their characters and have her character played by a Snake Plissken-esque dude while Luna's character is a hard military bitch in the same vein as Vasquez from Aliens or Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow.
Now that keeps the feminists happy and could have been fucking incredible to watch.
You been watching too much gay porn son
>Flip their characters and have her character played by a Snake Plissken-esque dude while Luna's character is a hard military bitch in the same vein as Vasquez from Aliens or Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow.
another good idea
just do soldiers dying a manly death, nod and die together. would've been better than them hugging
Anons why arent you charge of these movies
as a woman I completely agree
if it's not about using the force, I just want to see a badass man. A real man.
>another Sup Forums thread
How's that boycott going?
Cool argument
Yo desu, i loved her character because she was a badass as FUARK action hero.
It's this toxic crap that keeps me from coming here desu fampaitchi, yo.
I can discuss CUHRAYZEE star wars vidya on Sup Forums and the movies on Sup Forums without you drumpfkins doin this shizz...