Is Disney Star Wars the new Expanded Universe?

Is Disney Star Wars the new Expanded Universe?

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GO watch the film and find out

are you kidding me??

That looks awful even in the thumbnail you can tell it's fake as hell.

Obviously it's fake, you think they went back in time and filmed her or something?

Why not just get a look alike?

kek at the shills in some thread yesterday saying this would look fine

why portray her at all?

Why the fuck is she smiling? Didn't her entire fleet (and a good number of her own crew) just get wiped out?

>could get a cute young girl that doesn't have the exact look but is acceptable
>opt for a million dollar cgi zombie instead

She looks plastic.
Like she was designed for a video game.

>hurr durr just get a lookalike

Sup Forums doesn't understand true kino

Yet they're doing it with the Han Solo bullshit film that nobody asked for.

> everyone missing the point that we can now have fucking relentless Carrie Fisher in-her-prime porn

Christ that's creepy, looks like an Exorcist movie

VR interactive Leia porn is probably less than a decade away.

I'd rather Mon Mothma

Tarkin looked good, although obviously CGI. Though he was in dimmer lighting.

Holy fuck, that's worse than I could have possibly imagined.

That's easily twice as bad as CGI Jeff Bridges from Tron: Legacy.

Here's her body actress:

>Tarkin looked good, although obviously CGI
It didn't hurt that this is his body actor

Is this a perfume commercial?