
race mixing is superior edition

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kek i did this

preemptive post as a reminder


umm thats not how the gimmick works sweaty x

these fucking normies talkinga bout tinder and checking online profiles fuck me

>he doesn't own his handset outright with a top notch 1month rolling SIM only contract

positively screeching at the thought of the 24 month contract cucks ITT right this second

mfw an east london boy is having acid thrown in his face at this very moment

I love the idea of paying for sex

I love the idea of having sex

shan't be watching this normie tripe on channel 4

umm....don't care sweaty xx

nobody should be visiting that degenerate hovel anyway

I love the idea of paying for sex robots

not rly sure why showing is trying to act like prefering one race over anotehr for dating is racist lol,

only thing i get from mcdonalds or burger king are mayo-chickens or king-chickens respectively.

been meanign to do an indepth comparison of the two options. the chicken at maccy Ds is more like a malletted breast, whereas the BK one seems to be like a sort of nugget like disk (with a bit of dark chicken meat in it).

the maccy D mayo is sort of sweeter and fresher tasting, whilst the BK one has a bit more of a mustardy taste.

maccy D bun is really good, steamed bun. BK one is toasted and has sesame seeds on it but always comes out a bit doughy.

lettuce is the same between them


but i've got a 12 month contract

loved when the cops would chase you and you'd lead them to the pier and knock them into the sea haha

Is that Littlefinger?

The next 4 posters ITT to put "A" in the name field of their comment are entered into this thread's edition of /brit/ poker (I am player 1/5).

The last 5 digits of each player's post number will be played against those of the other players, like hands of poker. For example OP's number 82603 is 8 high. has two pair (82668: 6s and 8s).

"A" in the name field of your comment to play...

fucking neighbours won't turn their shitty runting normalbox television down

this jordan guy is so fucking deano it's unbeliveable

this show on channel 4 is making me sick i cant believe people are so racist

when i was younger i thought britain was a great country with great history

now i realise that it's a craphole full of retards living in a past they have no actual memories of

NEED a southern yank mulatto gf

When I'm pissed I usually buy 4 double cheeseburgers and between two and 6 mayo chickens

>full house
Fuck you

Sup Forums poker seems autistic a f

consider me in tho


not a fan of how this c4 show is trying to make us be racist for prefering to date whites lmao, get off your fucking high horse might as well say not wanting to date a midget means u are shortist

You have to put "A" in your name field. No tripfags allowed.

giving the poker a go

actually this isnt all that bad, it just makes me feel even more superior for being in a interracial relationship

>in the future black people will be able to rape white women because refusing to consent will be considered racist

whatever then

wait a minute

that's not Misty

whats this poker youre on about kev

>now i realise that it's a craphole full of retards living in a past they have no actual memories of

>When you've just turned 17 and you start to opine on life

I remember too mate

misty died. new girl arrived

she looks underage

ahh yes retard that says 19th century britain had a higher quality of life than today is back

that's not him, that's me and I'm just talking about architecture

who else just passed the test to get in?



Well they had no horses


more like BIGfinger haha


Feeling sorry for myself.
I know people have it much worse off than me
But still



bound 4 da bound bound 4 da reload

where the fuck is everyone


I haven't ever watched a sargon video in my life, but 25 minutes is pretty indulgent for a roundup of things that have happened in a week
shall not be watching


... picture with the oxford gf ... 17 july 2017 ...

Eating honey glazed smoked mackerel with bernaise sauce on toast

Eat more fish lads



just knobbed me cat lol (as a joke)


back of neck's got sunburn

it's almost like asian girls were meant for white cock and asian males arent supposed to reproduce

oh this can't be real
*checks tims twitter*

can you lot keep it down I'm trying to sleep

the gift that keeps on giving

garage manna locked in hol tite


is tim on tour?

it's CIA


the good old days


he's monumentally uninformed too

succumbed to lunch again

tim vs kev

who wins?

Imagine being the guy that first posted tim here and started this madness

just woke up. how do i fix my sleep schedule?


C'mon lads.

see We just need one more player, then I can wrap this up and get my supper.

stay up all night

stay up and go to sleep around 8pm


Get a job

imagine being Tim and starting this madness


love these memes
simple as

the late 19th century was probably the peak of European civilisation

everywhere you look, Continental Europe, the British Empire, the United States, things are looking up


tim has a deep origin story.

>/brit/ finds tim through /r9k/
>/r9k/ finds tim through reviewbrah
>reviewbrah finds tim through joe rogan
>joe rogan discovers tim through a guest on his show who found and tweeted a tim video

would be cool to find the tweet

reminder that i have a masters from a rustler and only make 21k a year


america was a bit shit

man this photo is amazinfg between the atrocious exposure that makes it look photoshopped, to his pose, to the girl clearly scared to shit what this trange poorly dresed man is up to, complete with the fucking camera being on the fucking ground wwith all the dirt



horrendous accent too

nah that globalist shit could only lead to this world we have today

after the civil war was when America started to get rich as fuck though