/v4/ + /friends/


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Marcel, co to gyno?


anime subhumans

the worst thing of being old is looking at the people at their early 20s who are already more successful in their lives than you

I don't know what you're talking about
it sounds so ancient to me that I'd have to look it up via askjeeves
my first OS was this brand new Windows 10 that came on many superfast USB3.5 flashdisks with 1.44TB capacity


boo hoo you old fag
I'm so lucky I don't have any of these absolutely random things
>managerial post
>car in a color that you didn't prefer but your fiance was just sooo happy about that you just couldn't say no to those eyes
>content life
I also just randomly don't wish it to you with all my heart

fuck, this too, saving school stuff in my case tho
where time has gone

>listen to music in casettes and watching movies in VHS

you sound like boring animal, in all honesty

thanks I like when savages think so rewinding your music using a pencil

Add randomly two best kids, change fiance to wife and mortgage to second mortgage and you are not even close like me.

t. not even teenager yet

"Excuse me, what time it is?"



remember when your operating system didn't try to spy on you?


btw, new Łona
how do you like it?

>monday midnight

G'night y'all.

Airport indeed. You're eerily good at V4 lore and whatnot. Have a pleasant evening. I can finally go.

night I'm going too
safe ride

I need to check if threads are dead before posting in them.....

>tfw you realize most people here are younger than 50

>gonna go to sleep early tonight, it's just 00:00
>see super deluxe live video
>"one hour later"
anyways, dobrou noc


>video games

This actually isn't bad


>go practice driving for the first time
>crash into a sign post in an elementary school parking lot

kek, tfw I will start learning it will be probably similar

can't sleep

You didn't learn driving as a kid?

no, I lived in Europe from age 16 to 21 so I was too young to do it, and then after 18 I just didn't need it because of public transport. Now I'm 22 in a place where everybody starts at like 15 so I feel like a massive retard going out and practicing parking in an empty parking lot.

i did it when i was 18 and so did 90% of people i know smth wrong with you

in the US the driving age is a lot lower. In my state it's 15, in some it's as low as 14.


Gtfo with this anime shit

Sage this animu shit and start proper thread

dobré ráno

anbody here read some super old books like from plato or socrates?

Going to pick mushrooms, with me luck guys.

That's because you use automatic transmission, it's way easier to drive with it

that and there's nothing to do if you don't have one when you're a teenager

*if you don't have a car

good luck user

i am awake

i am also awake

this thread became underage central a while back, fuck that


or meeting little kids in the streets and realizing that they're of the age your son/daughter could have been.

what are you on about?

Morning what are your plans for today?
Last day of wageslaving for me and then 3 days off

Good morning v4

Today I'm preparing for job interview I have tomorrow.

well not me
nothing I'm sick eh
good morning and good luck to you as well


That makes sense, do people start drinking later since it's legal from 18? Because pretty much every one I know started drinking at around 14-15
Thanks, I managed to find enough for lunch so it was worth it 2bh

now I want some too

>mechanical engineer salary
40000 czk
>it junior salary
80000 CZK

damn my gf will cuck me so hard
her mom alraedy found her a job
she will start earning around 80k when she graduates

do people start drinking that early?
is it normal?
here it's kinda similar i guess
wew lad that's a lot of sheckles
how move to cz

These are surprisingly good threads. Keep it up, some high caliber feels being shared.

/v4/ is the comfiest general desu
nothing much seems to go on
lots of blog posting
unlike the /balk/an wars

Honestly it was not a good idea to go today, it's too close to the weekend, if I went tommorow I would have find way more. As long as they grow wherever you are you should find plenty tommorow
Yeah I would say it's somewhat normal, most parents are ok with it as long as you don't drink too much and too often. Also the turks post is bullshit, no one will give you 80k straight out of school unless you are some kind of savant

>Yeah I would say it's somewhat normal, most parents are ok with it as long as you don't drink too much and too often.
oh so kinda like here
i remember dad would let me take a sip and kek at me scrunching my face because whoda thunk beer wasn't sweet?

also what would be the starting salary in cz for an it junior?
also, is czechia the easiest eu cunt to immigrate to?
i remember some huy on reddit saying that

>lots of blog posting
eh sorry
t. mr. schiz

hello, how are you?

a friend of mine earns 4000$ in prague working in IT
thats 90k crowns

Not bad.
I wrote down my history in English and I'm holding back myself from posting it.

why, is it too private or embarrassing or something? you know you can post it here, I would read it

post your story

Most posters here are old animals

/polska/ already knows but I will gimme a sec

its cancer, I do not visit that place

My dad was a drunkard, he was sick too I think, he was weird. My mom kicked him out when I was 4 or something like that, I watched him standing next to our commieblock staring at our windows all day. Later I visited him in his flat in Warsaw, he used to sit without moving for hours in darkness, talking to himself, I didn't understand anything. He asked me once, I think I was 10 or something, if I want him to die. No, I didn't want.
At night time I was observing shadows dancing on the walls, I thought it's some people coming after me and I heard some weird noises. I was pretty messed up already, quiet and angst-ridden, my mother thought that I'm autistic. I was bullied in school. When I was 12 I refused to leave my house and spent a few weeks in bed. I was sent to a psychologist and later to a psychiatric hospital for kids, they diagnosed me with social anxiety and depression.
Later, I think I was 13 or 14, I got my first delusion, I thought that I have magical powers and can put a curse on someone or harm them in a similar way. When I was 15 I became very depressed, I had my first suicide attempt, I was rescued. I had another delusion, I was carrying a big knife at night time and wanted to kill somebody so I will become God. (to be continued)

I didn't kill anyone, something else happened. My dad died when I was 16, I stopped feeling anything. At the funeral I felt weird again, I thought I can control wind, I looked at my dads coffin and started laughing, loud. People looked at me, standing there alone laughing like a madman.
I couldn't feel anything except anger, I wanted to feel sad, someone I loved just died, why I didn't feel it? WHY? A friend gave me a rodent pet. I was sitting on the floor, I observed it running around in a cage. I felt weird again. I took a screwdriver in one hand, the gerbil in other, locked myself in the bathroom. I wanted to kill it fast, I didn't want it to suffer. Screwdriver wasn't enough, I started hitting this poor thing on the door. I finally killed it and I felt nothing except adrenaline. That was the one and only time when I killed a living thing (well except flies and such). I used to steal things and sell weed mostly for adrenaline and extra cash. I was at the bottom, couldn't finish school, I tried to kill myself 3 more times. 2 times I failed because I was thinking about my mother and the third time - I really don't know how I survived, maybe it wasn't my time, dunno. My mother told me she's done with tolerating this shit and she told me we're going to psychiatrist, I was 19. (to be continued)

They locked me up in another psychiatric hospital, this time for adults, I remember that there were scratches on the walls and I swear I heard them crying. Place seemed washed out of all coours, like a faded photograph. I woke up one night and saw a face staring at me, someone was standing right next to me bed dunno for how many hours and watched me without blinking an eye. It was dreadful. I didn't tell anyone about delusions I had in the past because I didn't know that what I did back then was delusional, sick. I wanted to get out fast. I saw some guy stealing stuff my mum brought me, I was beating him every time he came close to me. They diagnosed me with ASPD. They didn't know that feelings came back. Few years later I started losing it again, I felt like shit, all the blame for everything I did fell on me, I though about killing myself once again. I went to a psychiatrist and he diagnosed me with (I think it's called) recurrent depression but after I told him that I'm having these intrusive thoughts about killing my mother so I could finally kill myself and that there is a demon following me he prescribed Rispolept (antipsychotic). It was ok for a couple of years, I moved out from a country with someone but a huge stress and drugs (mostly weed) brought back the sickness, since then I live with paranoia, more delusions (mostly of reference) and hallucinations. Over one year ago I was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and BPD, I was locked in a hospital two more times.
That's it for now.

Damn, that's one rough life. Sorry that you have it like that anonku

Do you think it's becoming better now or is it going downhill or is it like carousel, up and down? Is there anything in particular that helps you keep your life and paranoia-free for longer periods of time?

It's a carousel but it's better now than in the past, you see, when I was younger I hated people that's why I wanted to kill. Now I changed, I love people even the ones that hurt me, I forgive them and I'm trying to forgive myself.
> Is there anything in particular that helps you keep your life and paranoia-free for longer periods of time?
I'm forcing myself to leave my house, I go to work and swimming pool and such, not it's a tad better thanks to this.

user I..., sorry to hear that
If you ever feel down remember that you have friends here who you can share with
do you still do weed?

name one famous slovak (note: not a random slavic, non-slovak king) before 1900. Or any slovak at all; you won't be able to find one because the slovakian ethnicity was invented by the west shortly prior to the treaty of versailles as another way to cripple hungry


Thank you.
>do you still do weed?
No, I promised myself, my mother and my brother that I'm done with drugs.
I wished I could drink but I can't due to taking strong meds.

wew lad

I wish*
sorry I'm a little dizzy writing like a retard

Liked and subscribed

Post some of the stuff that you see too some time like that grim reaper but with details etc

where are you from in Poland? by the way, did you draw anything more?

I had a vision, I will paint it, just need to get some painting canvas

A little town 20km east from Warsaw
I will soon, waiting for money for paint and

nice, is paint expensive? the only time I ever painted something was in like elementary school and I sucked at it

good one is, I need like 200zł for everything but now all I got is 100zł on my account (need 2 more days for salary)

wew rip wallet

oh so you are that user that posted the picture of town similar to mine? sometimes I have bad time knowing who is who

i wish I could give you money for it if I had more myself, seems really expensive

you could get regional flags too

>A little town 20km east
Same. Legionowo cutest city

Yeah eh eh eh
Yes tis me, I'm trying to blend in, sometimes I just feel weird and write like a schizo
WWL here

WE invented Slovaks

sorry to break it to you hans jr

This will be beautiful and grim, oh I cannot wait
I'm dancing here in my room, twirling
all alone thinking of the day after tomorrow

Perhaps us Americans are too... inclined to the coming of a new era but, perhaps, have you considered removing the defective people from your country? I'm not saying you have a lot of defective people but would it be nice if certain people were no longer alive? I want the best for my friends, this is why I say that.

Oh what a vision you have there, my question is - am I defective, should I be put down for good?

Of course!

I'm feeling weird.
What an ominous fate awaits me, a damned lunatic. But please, I implore, let me paint this one last thing, then come here and put me to an eternal sleep, I hear my father's callings.