Will this movie be good?



Probably not

>taco bell
> kek

I'll watch it anyway, just for scarjo

Make a lun for the boldol.

it looks like a remake of Lucy with cyborgs

>will be good?
>pg 13


I wasn't a big fan of the original. Frankly I think it's very mediocre. I've heard the TV series is better though so I need to get around to watching that.

So I really dont care how faithful it is to the original source material. If it's just a heavily stylized action movie with ScarJo looking cool as fuck I'll most likely be satisfied.

I still dont understand the need for it. Its not like its being adapted from a book, there is already a movie for it that is animated so the director can make it exactly how they invisioned it.

You realize that photo is 10 years old and she looks nowhere near that good these days, right?

So far the whole thing looks like an noticeably inferior shot-by-shot remake of the anime, which is pretty pathetic. When you factor in Scarjo's total lack of acting ability, I fear that the film can only disappoint, even if you expect it to be mediocre.

All I'm hoping from it is some good performances from the supporting cast.

>I wasn't a big fan of the original. Frankly I think it's very mediocre.
>If it's just a heavily stylized action movie with ScarJo looking cool as fuck I'll most likely be satisfied.
This is the most pleb post I have seen on here in recent memory.

actually you might not know this but you are actually the pleb

true patricians share opinions on here regardless of what redditors like you with your canned responses will say.

I bet you think liking Mad Men makes you not a pleb too hahaha

just watch the 1995 animated movie

Stand Alone Complex was like cowboy bebop without any charm.

wtf I hate transience now

The original movie was like Blade Runner but without any style.

she does not look too fat

Ghost in the Fridge

Ghosts in the Cookie jar

Better than the mess that was Arise


>first movie was mediocre
>If it has stylized action with Scarjo looking cool, I'll be satisfied

That green screening looks fucking awful, please tell me it's just a rough cut for the trailer.


Like the pointless adaption of the Kite movie.

She is THICC


>Live-action anime adaptation catered to western audience

no fucking way. If Japan can't get a live action adaptation of Shingeki no Kyojin right, then why would America get Ghost in The Shell right?


Aeon Flux-era Charlize Theron would have pulled off the Major perfectly.

Now, I don't think there's any actress in her early 30's who has that mix of enigmatic beauty, dramatic, and a dancer-like figure with the body control to match that you need to pull off the role.

will be better than neu blade runner that's for sure

Which is funny, because minus that Blade Runner wannabe giant hologram BS it would have fit the OG film's universe perfectly.

No, anime is awful. full boycott of this


What did Paramount mean by this?

I have no idea why they decided to make the city scape ridden with giant stupid holograms, and have everyone dressed up in gaudy "sci-fi" clothing, feels nothing like Ghost in the Shell.
I do my best to forget that movie is happening.

I'm calling it in

I love you.

Maybe in terms of the setting, but visually it'll still look mediocre compared to the environments in the original movie.

Those hand-painted drawings from a cartoon 20 years ago look more believable and artful than this modern hollywood cg blockbuster.

It will be as good as Total Recall (2012).

>Aeon Flux-era Charlize Theron would have pulled off the Major perfectly.

>implying Charlize Theron ages


>tfw started giggling before even opening the pic


