What is the scariest, most fucked up movie you've ever seen?
>pic unrelated
>Mine is probably Cannibal Holocaust
What is the scariest, most fucked up movie you've ever seen?
>pic unrelated
>Mine is probably Cannibal Holocaust
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Looks hot, what's this?
The Grifter
nin - closer video
the grifter
Sick girl
To this day Saló and Irreversible are the only movies that ever took me out of my safe space
I was around 9-10 when the 1999 version of House on Haunted Hill came out.
Movie fucked me up for weeks.
Especially this scene right here.
Is that the scene where they watch the doctor move all jittery on the security camera?
I watched that at a kid's 6th grade sleepover birthday party. Like half the kids went upstairs to hang out with his mom because they were too scared. I fucking loved that movie and haven't seen it since. Still creepy?
at the time i thought it was even horizon
dont recall anything since
Kairo filled me with existentialist dread. It's a slow burning movie but good.
I couldn't perish the thought, for like a week afterward, that all was meaningless and secretly we as human beings long for a quiet extinction. Not because we're sadistic, but actually because we want ourselves and others to arrive at a final peace.
Cannibal Holocaust was fucking shit dude. I watched that when I was like 15 expecting and anticipating some horrible shit.
It was fucking weak shit man. Not even scary, disturbing or otherwise horrifying. Just typical libshits getting what they deserved.
Cannibal Holocaust made me really depressed knowing that all the animals being mutilated was real
Probably also Cannibal Holocaust but thats because I was 9 when I saw it first.
It was also the time I decided gore and splatter movies are trash and I will never bother with it again.
Is that a chink ghost movie?
+1 reddit karma
Does Liveleak count?
Problem Child 2
>Obvious newfag is obvious
The imaginarium chamber was kind of creepy with the doctor playing basketball. The scariest part though was when he finds himself swimming underwater and is trying to breath, but someone wraps a sheet around his head and ties him with wire. That's a primal kind of fear.
>if i spout le grifter meme that is all over the internet it will make me an oldfeg xD
the scariest scene i've ever witnessed was the opening party scene in blue sunshine. i didn't really know much about the movie, just that it was a horror movie. that scene really caught me off guard and is to this day the only scene that really scared me to that extent, but it sort of defused the rest of the movie so the movie as a whole is not that scary.
I would mention the infamous Vietnam war film with the dog by name but I don't want to trigger anyone's PTSD.
i've never dared to check out philosophy of a knife
most fucked up is 150 Days of Sodom
scariest is honestly the first Blair Witch. It was the only one to give me a fright after the age of 20
When I was younger I was spooked by Signs and the first Paranormal Activity
Baby needs his safe space
Halloween remake by Rob Zombie. He is the modern master of the horror genre.
Christ I went to see this with my friends when it first came out, and it scared the piss out of us until the ridiculous black smoke ghost at the end.
Film was great for the first 2 acts.
Watching the american remake of The Grudge at the cinema as a 10 year old. Me and my mum were the only ones there. Scared the shit out of me
I've seen some foreign ones I don't remember the names of.
Some Russian or rather movie that pitched itself as a black comedy:
>Girl and guy partying get captured by corrupt cop, corrupt cop kills guy and uses her as rape slave. Invites other cops over to rape her. At one point uses influence to have her boyfriend who was away at war and just died, shipped home. Dumps his corpse on bed she is tied to and rapes her. Leaves her there with rotting body while they continue to rape her. Ends with wife of other man he fucked over breaking in and shotgunning everyone but that girl to death. Movie ends with girl on bed with death and rotting boyfriend next to her while she sobs.
Another one:
>Family with two children driving across backwoods bumfuck nowhere in foreign country. Dad and mom killed by redneck couple and babies taken. Fast forward, this shit keeps happening. Main protags get it done to them, end up getting captured by family. Find out they have been raising both children though one is not to be seen all movie. The child is a cannibal because they kept feeding him the people they caught. Movie ends with cannibal child eating his surrogate mom cause she's evil and he isnt much better. He opens a cabinet and his amputee brother (just a head and torso) is there, they have been cutting pieces an limbs off him to feed to other brother. Last shot is a spinning camera as brother lifts him out of cabinet and hugs him.
Gonna need some titles please
An American one I think was simply titled Torture Room:
>Is about Americans brainwashing and torturing girl until she become their assassin to get at her terrorist boyfriend. Lock her in room with another guy and a rotting pigs head to eat. She kills him when he flips out on her. She eats rotting maggot infested pig head. Gets her nipples cut off by female government agent, clit too I think. The american government agents love this shit allovie, keep bragging about and using psychological warfare to upset her. At one point put her in the tiniest fucking box ever, in the worst position ever (it's hard to describe but imagine laying flat, like planking, on your back over the 2 foot wide opening of a 2 foot tall metal box; get stomped into it at the waist until you fit like a human V.)
that sounds pretty cool
I tried looking but it was Years ago and for all I know they are only known in their native language which makes finding them all but impossible. The link is a good list though.
Wtf I don't know why it doesn't link to site, it's first result.
The game was good
I watched the start of Return of The Living Dead when I was 6 or 7. Until just after they cut up the first zombie and it was still moving. I haven't really been fucked up by another scary movie since then. That fucking dog, man.
>Cannibal Holocaust
when i was a kid i used to think The Cell was terrifying, not so much now but i still think it's got some cool scenes, psycholgical mind fucks scare me more than gory horror now though
Probably that remake of Last House on the Left, mostly because of that one rape scene.
Now, hear me out, i'm generally fine with rape. Its a normal thing that happens in movies that I accept, but goddamn that rape scene in that movie just kept going on and on and fucking oonnnn.
It was probably the closest thing to porn i've ever seen in a mainstream movie, and i've seen some fucked up shit.
The scenes depicting facial deformity in The Ring still give me goosebumps.
First one is Cargo 200 (Gruz 200). Also not a comedy and the cop did not rape her,he was impotent.
the first saw movie had me pretty spooked tbqh also snowtown but i don't watch a lot of scary movies family
Jap ghost movie.
If you like unsettling, slow building horror that plants itself in your brain with frightening ideas rather than raping you with jump scares, then check out the films of Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Cure is just as good and just as creepy.
cannibal holocaust isn't scary at all its hammy shlock
if you are into b movies you suck b movies suck
That choral soundtrack was creepy as fuck too.
Pfft, fucking normie.
Bet you haven't even jerked off to Caligula.
Managed to persuade my mom to take me to the sequel as well. At that viewing there were only two others there. No idea why
This scene gets me every time, user. Every fucking time it gives me chills.
I think I know what scene you're talking about..
The one that I remember the most was by the ending, when a ghost guy slowly gets closer and closer to the camera.
dat scene where she is video taping the vivisection and when she pulls down the camera there is nothing there. goes back to the camera and can see it again. Then they all slowly raise their heads and turn to look at her.
Vase de Noces
I'm probably the only one here who has seen it
>that fucking scene
>plastic over the face
>wire over the plastic
Mulholland Drive diner scene or when the two go find Diane in the apartment.
Melancholie der Engel
Not really scary, but definitely fucked up
Why are Europeans so degenerate?
Signs or war of the worlds
surprisingly so
that part where death chases you still scares me
Came here for this.
We don't bring up 'nam here, boy
do you eat meat? i know it's different watching a monkey get its head chopped open but i'm still curious
I think this is the one movie poster where Murphy isn't raising an eyebrow
a few come to mind:
Clean, Shaven
Taxidermia (more of a comedy than anything else)
maybe Visitor Q if you don't get the humor
Go home Rob. Or at least stop putting your wife in your movies, she can't act for shit
star wars 7 and rogue one
She needs to be in more
Like many here, i'd imagine, gore doesn't freak me out at all anymore. Watched high quality stuff like Martyr and indie shit like August Underground, but it's just boring.
And since my normie days are done, even the stigma of "oh i watched something really fucked up, dood" is gone.
I found Badabook unsettling until the end, because before that they kinda kept us guessing on is there actually a monster, or is the mother insane.
The end of The Wailing was also pretty unsettling, but more in a thriller kind of a way I guess
The underwater/undergoo scene of Under The Skin is objectively the most unsettling scene of this decade
more like fegotten because its so boring
This is pretty mundane compared to what happened during MK Ultra.
I remember hanging out my my buddy in a hottub, and it was like 4 am in the morning, and we talked about that scene. Needless to say we got quiet and went inside immediately.
This honestly sounds more like a documentary
>pretty mundane compared to covert drugging and trying hypnosis on people
U wot m8?
Game was also spoopy.
The fly (50's) and signs as a kid fucked me up
>signs as a kid fucked me up
This What's scary about flesh It's fucking gross that's about it
If it creeps you out and doesn't make you sick then that's a scary movie
is 150 the sequel to 120?
Still have nightmares
Maybe because you're a dumb, degenerate mobileposter.
I remember when my parents took me to see Interview with a Vampire with them for some reason. It did pretty much nothing to me.
Then I watched Ernest Scared Stupid and it fucked me up for days.
The last horror movie I saw that actually made me uncomfortable was either Good Night Mommy or Funny Games.
>ctrl f
>No mention of Serbian Film
I'm glad none of you have shit hot topic tier edge taste.
Scared Stupid might be the best Ernest.
Funny Games and Interview with the Vampire are not horror movies user.
with THE vampire
The notorious Pig Fucking movie. I read it's super boring tho?