Only things i found wrong with It where;
>Mum is an X-Wing Pilot.
>Black Guy X-Wing Pilot out-flys all White Guy pilots.
>Plastic Leia.
>Not Enough Vader
The fuck was wrong with it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Every character wears at least two pens on their person.
Code Cylinders
Can't remember what the canon was for the smaller pins, probably rations.
The single biggest company in star wars is the one selling pen protectors to every living creature
they were in the y wings. The x wings were red squadron and all blokes.
I wanted more Mendleson (sp?) because I like him. I'm glad all the main hero characters die and I'm in the minority that I liked CGI Tarkin.
Overall I enjoyed it.
More about this pen meme please.
Anyone else feel so bad for Krennic?
In no particular order:
- Entire plot is unnecessary and doesn't add anything to the broader Star Wars story, while also not being enough of a plot to stand on its own, so it's in this awkward limbo of not really succeeding at being anything.
- More family/destiny/legacy bullshit being the center of attention, despite there not being any Force-sensitives of Jedi involved this time around to (at least sort of) excuse the coincidence-driven writing and mythic melodrama.
- All of the core characters are extremely one-dimensional, and can be summed up in their entirety by describing their combat role in the film. The only somewhat human-feeling character, ironically, is a cartoon robot.
- Really, REALLY bad dialogue. While isn't not as poorly-written as the prequels from a broad story perspective, the inter-character banter is certainly on par with Clones and Sith. Star Wars has never had outright good dialogue, but it also shouldn't make me physically cringe when sitting in the cinema. Vader cracking puns is just too far and it feels ridiculous in a non-endearing way.
- Speaking of wisecracks, too much Marvel-esque, Whedon-esque mid-battle quipping. I'm not as "anti-quip" as most of Sup Forums, and banter is perfectly acceptable and even encouraged in action movies like this (it even has a long tradition in Star Wars), but this new flavor of action movie banter seen in the last few years as popularized by the Marvel films feels artificial. It never comes across as genuine or adventurous, but rather as what a 30-something year old corporate desk jockey thinks is adventurous. Again, cheesy in a non-endearing way.
Ultimately, there's very little "there", there.
I remember when it was first announced and a bunch of people were like, "How are they going to turn a throwaway line from A New Hope into an entire movie?". Well it turns out the answer is "poorly".
The movie's visually stunning and there are some great action setpieces, but it's all so paper-thin and inconsequential. It's like a footnote, a lesser film to make some pocket money on the off years between proper, numbered "Episodes". And you just KNOW that it'll make a billion dollars, and before long we'll start seeing two Star Wars flicks every year a la every single Hollywood franchise these days, and they'll all be perfectly mediocre, milquetoast, inoffensive, vaguely decent action romps that you'll forget two hours after watching. It's Movie-By-Committee. All the edges are rounded down, all the plot points are aggressively focus-tested, and the score and visuals are done just so as to make them appropriately Star Wars enough for the audience to enjoy as it enfolds.
There's no art from adversity because adversity doesn't exist within the Disney structure. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Rogue One actually made me miss the schmaltzy, hackish. but at least kind-of-sort-of heart of TFA. At least Abrams TRIED to inject some sort of vague emotional resonance in there, mainly with the Kylo Ren and Han Solo subplot. Rogue One is just an empty void.
i still can't get over how awful that Vader line was. What were they genuinely thinking
>Not enough Vader
Nigger more doesn't equal better
Yeah the Vader/Krenic conversation felt awkward bu the rebel slaying at the end was absolutely incredible
I did, fucker looked like he tried his best
Does the blonde pilot chick survive?
Uh oh. What was the line?
Was it a Marvel tier quip?
Who cast Liberace in this movie as a villain?
>Every character wears at least two pens on their person.
imperial code cylinders, essentially keys with code clearances dependent on the rank of the one carrying it.
mate the robot was the worst character in the film. Literally a robot programmed to make quips for the audience to laugh at. Sure the way he went out was pretty good but that doesn't excuse the rest of his presence in the film.
Is that text true?
It was obviously family-centric, but what was mythic about it? The only thing I can think of is the blind Asian character's shtick and his eventual death. The rest of the film felt very personal and small-scale, characterisation-wise.
>giant octopus makes pilot go mad
>pilot shows no signs of madness throughout the rest of the film, successfully flying several ships and remaining relatively composed in a combat zone
M8 that review is as fake as my mum's tits, and if you can't see that you best get tested
I'm seeing this suggestion more and more on Sup Forums.
The movie genuinely would have been better without the ending Vader scene. The film probably would have been improved from Vader not even being in it, but of course they needed to throw him in, and they needed him to ignite his sabre at least once to draw the lightsabre-loving crowd.
What goal does that scene even serve? To show Vader as a badass? To steal back the plans?
Well, we already know he doesn't, and that he's already a badass. Both of these things have already been shown to us from the original trilogy and don't make contextual sense in this one.
Having him show up for the first time on a destroyer of his own as the Tantive blasts into hyperspace, then having him yell to follow, would have been more than enough.
>accepts alien pilots but triggered by a black guy
go back to Sup Forums
>that one scene with the black rebel fighter who say "i got this" when they go after the master switch and dies instantly.
i kekked
nah fuck you bro.
It was perfect. The movie teased the shit out of me that it was going to do that and go for high brow points but fuck it it unreservedly delivered.
It was exactly what I expected and a complete cliche and right now I can't think of a Star Wars scene I like better.
Vader is a badass and all the Rebel dudes seem twice as badass just to stand and take it. It builds the tension in ANH and actually improves the original movie which is an incredible achievement.
It really highlights how oblivious C3P0 is and what a desperate gamble it was to launch the plans onto Tatooine.
pander to both sides.
Did anyone go see it in 3d??
I found the 3d made the X wings impossible to follow for TFA but I can imagine some of the beautiful capital ship shots might have amazing 3d.
I'll be going to see it again with my Dad and I can't decide which would be better.
He chokes some dude while facing away from him and says "Don't get choked on your aspirations" it then slowly pans to the side so you can see him doing the choke motion
personally i cant stand 3d films. it just feels more gimmicky than anything
It's not like he didn't have it coming but it did comes across a little.. don't worry he does that to everyone that's just his thing.
Especially when Crennic had a pretty defiant self satisfied look at the end of the scene.
Don't CHOKE in your ambitions, Director Krennic.
I have only nit-picks. As of right now for me R1>6
das rite!
we pilots now
So choking is an expression in star wars?
That just feels weird.
>The fuck was wrong with it?
The entire premise. Cynical cash-grab mixed with misguided sjw propaganda made under the assumption of a Hillary presidency.
>slowly pans to the side so you can see him doing the choke motion
That sounds worse than the actual line.
>Really, REALLY bad dialogue
Gotta disagree with you there, champ. There were multiple scenes with some really outstanding writing. Cassian explaining why he comprimises his values was one. Saw getting paranoid was another. Pretty much every Tarken+Krennik scene.
Also, Cassian wasn't one dimensional.
>Mum is an X-Wing Pilot.
>Black Guy X-Wing Pilot
It's weird how such a diverse group of people end up with only white male pilots in the Battle of Yavin.
watch the movie and come back
Swap 3 and 1 and you have yourself a deal.
>Black Guy X-Wing Pilot out-flys all White Guy pilots.
When did Sup Forums get this sensitive?
I could very well see it settling out as:
When Sup Forums was invaded by a swarm of Sup Forums
they're nervous about women, minorities, muslims, etc etc etc
I thought they would chill out after Trump won, but ohhh no
Their anxiety has intensified
It certainly isn't SJW propaganda, Jyn isn't a Mary Sue like Rey, Cassian isn't a pussy and actually rescues her a few times, and there is no character straight out of Rush Hour like Finn. I liked the main team more than anyone from TFA.
Thinking TFA is steaming garbage and that Ep I was an underrated and uneven film that contained some of the absolute best and absolute worst parts of the Lucas films, enough so that it washes out as being equally flawed as VI , suddenly qualifies as a Reddit opinion?
That's the thing with victim complexes, they never go away even when you're not a victim.
Did they have the shitty computers like they did in New Hope? I always thought Lucas fucked up by not having the tech screens look more like that in the prequels.
Also, any 70's hair?
Favorite parts of this movie?
>Incorporating the reason for the DS design flaw into the plot
>Just the mention of Kyber crystals
>Bacta tank Vader on Mustafar
> A-T A-Ts getting rekt
>Donnie Yens 'the force is with me' death scene
>Suicide ramming a disabled star destroyer into an operational one
>Vader mercilessly BTFO of rebel scum
All K2SO humor
I could agree to this. I really, REALLY hate the Padme-Anakin interactions though. Much more than Jar Jar or kid Anakin.
I'm sorry you didn't like 7, user. I wasn't impressed, either, but I can't say it's an objectively worse film than any of the prequels.
The last 30 minutes of 3 are good tho. The opening sequence also isn't bad. 1 also has midichlorians and immaculate conception.
they looked convincingly old enough, and they kept the original look of the DS plans
there's also a grainy binocular view that lasts a couple seconds
This, the characters were much more likable than in TFA.
I cared more for the characters in R1 because although you know they 'win' you also know there is a very good chance some/all will die in the process.
The same thing happened with Obama and the illberals
Don't worry the whole Trump train will run out of momentum by the end of 2017 status quo will be restored on the internet
Does anyone have a clip of the alien Trump cameo?
I wanna see how corny it is.
Watching the prequels was like going to bar and watching a band that was trying to be the next big thing but wasn't quite there, and though it was sometimes grating, you know that with some polishing they could be just as The Arcade Fire or whatever.
Watching TFA was like going to the bar and having a halfway-decent 90's cover band. It's way more fun in the moment, but ultimately you realize that it's just a hollow retread, going through the motions to slap together an inferior reproduction that was still nowhere near as good as the original.
TLDR: I'll take someone trying to innovate and failing spectacularly over someone trying to play it safe and succeeding any day of the week. It's the reason why we still talk about the Lynch Dune today.
Vader fucking everybody up
It's weird, they complain that SJWs are special snowflakes, and to a point, I kinda agree... and then they go and exhibit the exact same (protected status) B.S.
I don't know man
This is different, it's like foreign sources are yanking their chains and they are happy to bark
Jeez, I'm starting to sound like Alex Jones, lol
It's not an alien. While Krennic is giving a racist speech, he takes off his hat and he has a donald-fro underneath. My throat is still soar from having the message crammed down it.
Sounds just as bad as I imagined.
>"Don't get choked on your aspirations"
Please tell me this isn't true
>While Krennic is giving a racist speech, he takes off his hat and he has a donald-fro underneath.
This cannot be true
nope, although the rest of the film was fine but for that one scene and the terrible opening
They made the retro visuals look somewhat in-place, which is quite an accomplishment I think.
Yes, lots of 70's hair and moustaches.
I get what you're saying. 7 is really uninspired. But a lack of innovation doesn't discount a film to me as much as character inconsistencies, toilet humor, horrendously written romances, and just being flatout boring at times.
I don't know that's so bad about this, Vader made awful jokes in the films before.
"apology accepted" wasn't a bad joke.
Dont bother trying to be reasonable user. Sup Forums literally hates everything .
> they'll believe anything on Sup Forums
honestly can't see what's wrong with this. he's said worse in esb
This. The movie is stopgap filler until Episode 8 comes out next year. They could have made this movie a comic or a video game or something. The story doesn't warrant a big blockbuster film.
I was pretty satisfied they were able to easily fix the whole death star can be blown up so easily problem
conflict marketing
one of the most effective ways to maintain attention in the internet era is genrate a lot of conflict around what you're trying to promote
its not even a new concept, but yeah fuck this place, its perpetually some sperg bitching about something nobodty in their mind gives a fuck about
please deposit the .01 in my account for the shilling dudes
>Black Guy X-Wing Pilot out-flys all White Guy pilots.
how autistic do you have to be to actually notice this?
>acter in the f
yeah i mean cassian looks 70's enough
>corporating the reason for the DS design flaw into the plot
What I don't get is why there's still the SAME flaw in the 2nd death star