Is this album soycore? Those vocals give me some real soy vibes, he sounds like a girl!

Is this album soycore? Those vocals give me some real soy vibes, he sounds like a girl!

In Japan they eat a lot of soy, so could this be the definitive soycore?

Other urls found in this thread:

when will the soy meme end?

Asians are naturally soyboys so they get away with it.

When you stop being soy
True, but does this mean this album is more naturally soy than others, making it the ultimate soycore?

I'm hoping at some point it gets filtered like desu and senpai

No wonder Sup Forums likes this shitty album so much, because it's soy incarnate.

>HAHA NEW MEME WORD SOY HAHAHA I LOVE MEMES HAHAHAHAHAHA do i fit in yet guys?? do i fit it now

t. victim of The Soylent Deployment

Last two digits are your T levels

>d-do I fit in now guys?