Well I Wikipedia this and you Wikipedia that

>Well I Wikipedia this and you Wikipedia that
>I Wikipedia can and you Wikipedia can't
>I can Wikipedia faster than you
>You couldn't Wikipedia your way out of a zoo
Who watches this crap?

Other urls found in this thread:


>researchers using the most popular research tool triggers Sup Forums

Not to mention these guys actually watch the media pertaining to the figures they feature in their videos

>you tried to fight in world war 1 but couldn't do that
>British army wouldn't let you join because you were too fat
>look it up, it's a true fact
>Wikipedia that

Wayne Gretzky vs...?

>I still watch ERB
>I still watch YouTube

you, obviously

enjoy my sage


I just think it's funny.




What is this, ERPHIDF?

>watch the media

Sounds even lazier.

>i just think its funny

what is this, 2010?

I was referring to the satire, not the show.

>Sounds even lazier
Not when it's someone like Bob Ross or Oprah

Fuck off

I unironically enjoy them but I've noticed they're getting very SJW this season

>Thomas Jefferson apologizing for slavery
>black Wonder Woman
>Sean Connery Bond being accused of being a rapist
>giving Katlyn Jenner a huge chunk of time to go on about some generic self acceptance shit without mentioning that zir literally killed a woman by texting and driving

>forgetting to mention the Abe Lincoln speech in the Trump/Clinton one
praise kek that was cringy

>Who watches this crap?
You, obviously. Stop being such a fucking retard.

This is their most kino episode.


>who watches this crap?
Literally children. Congratulations OP, you discovered that entertainment made for kids isn't very well written. Good job.

It was still Bruce when it killed someone so it doesn't count

I watched until Lenin showed up. This isn't clever or funny.

those were some bars tho

Trump one was good

>>You couldn't Wikipedia your way out of a zoo
Kek that's actually a pretty clever diss

You should write for them OP

Yes, because children know who Bill O'Reilly, Nietzsche, Rasputin, Ivan the Terrible, JRR Tolkien, etc. etc. are.

Every single one of the battles you just mentioned were really good to great

How is it clever?


What meme is this?

Not the point I was making

women do it better tbqh


rap is enjoyed by black people who are often called monkeys which you would find in a zoo

Why do white people feel the need to appropriate black culture? It's just embarrassing.

That's pretty far fetched. It's nonsensical and you're like a woman believing in horoscopes when you're trying to find such deep metaphores.

kys, reddit